Cast him.
I unironically think idris elba would be perfect for the role.
Correct age, correct ethnicity, has the commanding presence that the worlds greatest general needs
Cast him.
I unironically think idris elba would be perfect for the role.
Correct age, correct ethnicity, has the commanding presence that the worlds greatest general needs
>correct ethnicity
nice bait, have a (you)
Is that Othello?
I'm not memeing here, he would be a great choice for the role
Hannibal Barca
hannibal was a north african you dumb shit
Hannibal was Carthaginian, Carthage is around Botswana, guess who lives in Botswana? BLACK PEOPLE stupid. Hannibal was black.
yea, he's african, thats what i siad
>Carthage was around Botswana
this is bait right
nobody can be this dumb unintentionally
>Correct ethnicity
He's actually way darker than the average north african. I agree he could make it work.
You made me google where in africa botswanana is 10/10
these blacked bait threads are getting elaborate
>nobody can be this dumb unintentionally
Do you forget most of the board is amerifats?
>hannibal was a north african you dumb shit
Hannibal was a Phoenician semite. He just happened to live in North Africa like the other colonists. He wasn't a berber.
>africas greatest general wasn't african
sure thing Sup Forums, whats next, napoleon wasn't french? rofl
because phoenicians are as black as idris elba right
No, by today's standards probably everyone in the west but Sup Forums would call them white.
Only a dumb nigger would think crossing the Alps on elephants losing 50% of the army in process is a wonderful idea
A fairly moorish looking spaniard like Javier Bardem or even the dude from Love, Actually who played Xerxes would be a perfect and fairly ethnically accurate depiction of Hannibal.
Now, Othello with Idris Elba is something I'd pay hard cash to watch.
It was an incredible logistical feat. Problem is despite the great shock value, Romans just don't fucking quit when other, saner people would.
Phoenicians were basically polytheistic Jews. Practically the same language, a merchant people, and Yahweh was ultimately from the Semitic pantheon.
>napoleon wasn't french
>named Scipio AFRICANUS
>not a black man
Sup Forums pls
>Carthaginians were niggers meme
Napoleon was Italian you fucking moron.
>Americans in charge of history
you'd have to cast a black manlet honestly
>not recognizing the joke
>Euros in charge of not being autistic
Hannibal was a tan dune nigger, he was not a blue gum. I thought this was common knowledge?
>The Roman historian Diodorus and other ancient historians gave graphic accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice: "There was in their city a bronze image of Cronus, extending its hands, palms up and sloping towards the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire."
Sounds like a civilization of black people alright
>Julius Ceasar
>not jewish
Fuck off with your ignorant stereotypes yurotrash
I'm American and i made that comment, I know where Botswana is and i know where the Carthaginian empire is, you're not smarter than everyone else just because you were born in Europe.
You're right, no European leaders or generals have ever made such blunders. I can't think of anything similarly stupid done by Napoleon and Hitler, particularly regarding invasions of Russia.
>you're not smarter than everyone else just because you were born in Europe.
>hurr he eats kids so he must be Kronus
>blaspheming BL HMMN
I seriously hope you latins don't do this
Wagner was black
Hahahahahaa! Those fucking ameritards, spying on everybody's arses... Fuck 'em!
>i know where the Carthaginian empire is
>where the Carthaginian empire is
>Carthaginian empire is
>empire is
you know it doesnt really exist anymore right? lol, you burgers always crack me up
Wasn't that fucko the dude who loved elephants and fucked his empire because of them?
>haha I almost got btfo by you for a second there but i see you made a error in your post tough luck
The elephants were a small part of his campaign. Hannibal did nothing wrong, problem is he was the only competent person in Carthage. All the other commanders were trainwrecks and the Carthaginian senate was worthless. Major props to the Romans for not giving up even after atrocious losses though.
Anthony Hopkins