>gets stabbed in the stomach
>instantly dies
Gets stabbed in the stomach
>gets shoot anywhere in the body that isn't the head
>instantly dies
>gets stabbed in the stomach
>your guts suddenly spill all over
>gets fucked in the ass
>loves it
>hit in the head hard enough to lose consciousness
>wakes up 30 mins later with no side effects
That can happen though
nice bait
>gets beaten to the point they cough up blood
>just spits and wipes their mouth and gets back up
>cum accidentally spills into mouth
>"that taste good"
That can happen though
That can happen though
>implying the cavitative shockwave of higher calibre bullets doesn't rupture the heart and render the victim immediately unconscious due to a sudden loss of blood pressure to the brain
>gets stabbed in the stomach multiple times
>be doing parkour the next day
>gets memed on
>dosen't teleport behind me
Unless you're big ol fatty and the knife is long enough. Intestines are so tightly packed they can bust out of any deep enough incision.
>gets dubs
>check 'em
Hydrostatic shock is bullshit. I bet you think "MUH FIDDY BEE EM GEE WILL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF IF IT EVEN PASSES TOO CLOSE!"
I had video where this guy gets stabbed like 20 times in a Brazilian Jail and he just agonizes while the other inmates keep stabbing him, I guess it took like 5-10 minutes for him to die
Really makes you think
>and Sup Forums dies
Even if you get shot in the heart you don't instantly die.
Please show me proof with video of someone dying instantly after getting shot, that isn't in the head, and I mean a normal gun, not a m60.
No, user. Shockwaves propagate much faster through liquids than air, and they cause more damage
No, but you'd lose consciousness in a matter of seconds and die within a couple of minutes. Especially with a direct hit to the heart
a few seconds yeah, but that never happens in the movies :^)
It's a good thing that I'm not a liquid blob, and that muscle, tissues, bones, and organs don't randomly explode because a high velocity piece of jacketed lead entered my body some place else.
>t. 60% water
>muscle tissue is 75% water
>brain and heart tissue are 73% water
>lungs are 83% water
t. never been shot before
i was shot in my foot and my head exploded
i died instantly
Glad you made a quick recovery.
It can happen. But usually don't.
Pick one
I think this is generally supposed to be that their mouth is bleeding, not that they're coughing up blood
when have you ever seen someone dead but also conscious?
>character gets stabbed in the stomach
>swims through dirty city water
>character is just fine 10 minutes later and beats the pursuer
>Here, hold these pig guts in your hand while we hold the camera at an angle where we can't see the cut
No i'm referring to a lot of kungfu/action movies where they get punched/kicked in the stomach and bend over and blood comes flying out of their fucking mouths
The first IP Man was the only movie I remember seeing where after the character coughed up blood the other characters were like "HEY STOP THE FIGHT!"
i've heard stories
When have you ever seen someone who was unconscious and dead?
Ackchually they had him wear a blood and guts bag which JDM then sliced open with a prop knife tipped with an actual razor.
Movies don't give a fuck about reality.
Here's shocking truth: most bullets are faster than sound. So you get hit then you hear the gunfire. Not the other way around like in every movie.
How can you be sure you won't get stabbed if that happens?
>Gets shoot in the head
>Doesn't instantly dies
The Matrix at least had an explanation for why the Characters could dodge bullets, every other movie has normal humans moving inhumanly Fast.
The delay is negligible at close range though
That can happen though
There was a man in my hometown who was psychologically-prone to suicide attempts and one time he took a .22 pistol and shot himself right in the forehead and the bullet went through the trench between the brain hemispheres and didn't kill him and he called the ambulance and they removed the bullet from the back of his skull.
Spencer's actor just had to believe in based JDM.
>slips and falls off a truck
>instantly dies
>gets beaten to the point the spit up blood
>smiles creepily showing bloody teeth