Sup Forums will defend this shit
Sup Forums will defend this shit
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What's to defend?
They both know each other's style's are looking for an opening in the force.
I don't prequel bashers.
fug it's too early
*I don't get
>I'll try spinning it's a good trick
kill yourself
Two guys having good fun in a children's movie. What's not to like.
the point was they knew each others' style so well and there styles were so similar they each did their dumb movieesque sword twirl at the same time and neither of them got hurt despite both being open for a kill
it comes off as being fucking stupid but that was the point I believe
they're building up momentum
>it comes off as being fucking stupid
not at all
>picking the most innocuous thing in the prequels to slam them
>people STILL don't understand the value of spinning
Fuck off.
There are much worse things to pick out of these movies.
Fuck this whole board and prequel apologists. They are bad movies. TFA is uninspired trash but that doesn't mke the prequels better.
They are creative and spawned a cool EU but that's it.
>They are bad movies.
Most definitely not.
Yes they are. Before you accuse me of being a reddit letter media drone, there are significant problems with the films. I've always hated Anakins acting, the fakeness of everything because of CGI, and the God awful romance of 2. I'll give you that 3 is entertaining.
I almost forgot though that the score is some of the best in the series. So they do have that going for them.
the romance is great
>muh practicals
>he doesn't know about the anti-epileptic lightsaber jutsu technique skill method
Fuck my sides hurt
I love that scene where the shuttle lands.
Holy shit I hope you are trolling or else you must be a kiss less beta faggot that never experienced an actual relationship. It's cringe dialogue.
And cool nice cherry picking. Now compare those 1980s effects with the geneosis battle. The Genosis scene looks like a video game.
You can't even say this doesn't look like shit compared to the OT, given each time period
I want to see a version of this with "Disco Inferno" blaring in the background.
Here is proof of how awesome the song can be.
I know at least one of you retards actually believe what you're writing.
They're pulling a feint, basically.
If they let the other guy's blade stop theirs, they're in a bad position because they're open for a second and their momentum is gone, so they're basically playing chicken with the other guy.
Because they know eachother so well, the chicken lasts awhile. It's not uncommon for duelists irl who know eachother well to go in circles with eachother when they try to feint