"Daddy, why don't Americans have free health care like every other civilized nation?"

"Daddy, why don't Americans have free health care like every other civilized nation?"

Because they're ruled by Jews.

"Because they're not a civilized nation, sweetie."

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.jpg

Can't be any good if they're giving it out for free, honey

Far cheaper for almost the same quality as yours anyway.

>EVERY american has the SAME argument regarding to healthcare

do ***they*** teach you in school how to react?


By this logic America has a free military.

it violates the Constitution and you're using the word "free" in reference to a service or good that people exchange money for. Now shut the fuck up sweetie.

because the lazy niggers would take advantage of it, as they take advantage of welfare.

That's the answer sweetie, we can't have nice things because of niggers and kikes.

American chose money instead of healthcare. That's why it's land of the free. You are free to choose

It's just such an obvious argument to make. It's not free. Why are you calling it free? If you want to argue about publicly funded healthcare, then fine, but don't pretend it's free. Is that how they got you guys to vote for it to begin with?

>"Hey everyone, we're passing free healthcare!"
>"Wait, who will pay for the doctors and medicine?"
>"Don't worry, it's free!"

Because Americans are content with getting fucked in the ass by corporations, under the tense of supporting Americanism

He's right though. The proper term is "publicly funded". It triggers the ameribum in the same way while not being factually wrong.


I hate these kikes so fucking much.

Free as in you're not charged for the individual service, you're charged as an equal share of the public funding.

>go to the supermarket
>they're giving "free" samples of some food
>rage like an autist at how they aren't really free
>refuse any handouts
>get kicked out

>free as in it's not free
okay thank you for clarifying

Publicly funded healthcare is a good idea, but unless you don't pay taxes then it isn't free and it's disingenuous to present it that way.

>blonde kid

You are obviously not mine. It's time to kill your mother

Are 'murricans really this stupid? The healthcare service is provided free of charge. Thus "free healthcare". Of course it will have to be funded with tax payer money. Anyone above single digit IQ will realize that, so stop telling yourself that you're being clever and insightful for pointing that out.

Nobody presents it that way unless they're trying to bait Americans on the internet. The official German term is statutory health insurance, and it's been a thing here since 1884.

>you're charged as an equal share


>it's free but you have to pay for it reee stupid Americans why can't they understand this simple concept
consider suicide

Exactly this, thanks neighbor

How would they take advantage of healthcare?

Black people have very high rates of heart disease and getting shot.

>it isn't free and it's disingenuous to present it that way
That's like complaining that a "MacBook Air" is not actually made out of air and isn't even a book. Hell, it's not even made by an actual apple.

We do. It's called Medicare and Medicaid.

They prefer choice over quality of life.
Now lets go back to playing cave explorer

Ever heard about free-riding?

Except MacBook Air is the name of a product, and the meaning of "Air" is very simple to understand.

Calling something "Free" when it is infact not is just stupidity.

But it's not abusing. Every race have health predispositions.
Never. Even tho it's free here too

Oh it's free? Your doctors and midwives work for free?

Government pays them. I don't

You are not forced to pay taxes?

>someone pays them
>it's free

A paradox.

If there's free wifi on a train, do you throw an autistic tantrum about it not being free because you had to pay for a train ticket to gain access to it?

We had this thread yesterday, dumbasses
Same posters, same charts again wtf

>have to pay for it

I don't pay taxes because I don't have legal income so it's absolutely free for me

>the meaning of "Air" is very simple to understand.
As is the meaning of "free".

no, because I chose to buy a ticket to ride that train and wasn't forced to with the threat of going to jail for tax evasion. Do you have any other stupid analogies you would like to share that prove that the definition of the word free is not actually "something which you don't have to pay for" or are you done?

Do you, or do you not throw an autistic tantrum on the train because they say they have free wifi?

Then you are what I said earlier, a free-rider, also known as a leech.

Except the meaning of free in this case is not the name of the product. MacBook Air is the name of a gadget, calling it "MacBook Free" and then having a price for it would be the same thing.

>wah! someone forced me to pay taxes!
No, you chose to pay taxes by engaging in a taxed activity in the country you chose to live in. If you don't like it, you can always leave.

Completely depends.

Is it free as in I don't have to pay anything extra for it? Or is it "free" as in add 30kr extra to your ticket for wifi. Can I choose to opt out or am I forced to pay a higher price?

But I am not free rider. Someone has paid for my raid

You mean like this?

maybe you should get some lead-free tap water

>you chose

No, I am threatened to pay taxes through violence. If I don't pay taxes I am considered a criminal and will be thrown in jail.

but I'm not doing any of those things, you sperg

You are indeed a free-rider.

In this case, Fanta Free is free from sugar, explicitly marketed as such, not as Fanta Free, not having to pay for it.

But it's not free because someone is paid for it

Does single payer healthcare system sustain tho?

I heard the UK has to import Eastern Euro doctors to fulfill their needs and Scandis and Germany have to import Middle Eastern doctors to cover for doctor shortage or so due to doctors not getting paid as good as their efforts to become doctors and so.

The wifi is free to all passengers. The cost of supplying all passengers with free wifi is covered by the company that runs the trains. They of course ultimately got that money from their paying customers.

Indeed, it is not free. You however, are a free-rider.

>let's create a legally enforced monopoly

Who thought this was a good idea for Europe?

We have to import doctors from India as well because white medical students only want to work in places like Los Angeles where they think they'll treat celebrities. Nobody wants to set up a medical practice in the middle of Kansas.

So if it's covered by the company (no price hike on tickets) I don't see a problem.

Only if you engage in taxable activities in the country you chose to live in. If you don't like it, you can always leave.

Stop lying. Your government doesn't pay them shit. The patients pay them. In bribes. YOu have to bribe every fucking nurse in a "free" hospital otherwise they will ignore you and they don't give a shit if you die.

t. knower

Commies need to leave

Not an argument.

Yeah because your system is definitely keeping the prices down with all that competition.

What would be the difference between that and free healthcare?

We still have lots of white med students at Caribbean that are willing to work at any place in the US. (They have it hard almost as much as Indians to match into a US hospital) Not sure if this is the case in many European countries.

they are a higher % of indian doctors on the coasts than in any flyover state.

You don't have to explicitly state that you don't have an argument. It's fairly evident.

Because the healthcare isn't free and shouldn't be called or marketed as such. Comparing it to wifi on a train is ridiculous and you know it, "free" wifi on a train is not free either but it's not even close to being on the same scale.

>Eastern Euro doctors
I wouldn't be surprised. NHS is a fucking nightmare

You don't have one indeed.

"le if you don't like it just leave xDD"

That very retarded mentality is the reason our country looks like it does today, a proper shit hole.

Americans took the worst out of muh ancap healthcare and sprinkled it with shitty government programs/subsidies to create the fucking abomination they have.

Americans have to pay for their healthcare AND every employee at Goldbergstein & Sons Insurance Inc.
Single payer is definitely a better system because it cuts out the middleman.

Don't be stupid, sweetie, there is no such thing as free lunch.

>Americans can afford to spend more on higher quality healthcare providers
>other counties must accept cheap low quality service

Damn, making the government the soul provider of healthcare looks like a real good idea now.

Next let's have the government monopolize insurance, banking, and food production. What could possibly go wrong?

>Middle Eastern doctors
I don't think that's even a thing.

>doctor shortage or so due to doctors not getting paid as good as their efforts to become doctors
You pretty much have to have perfect grades to study as a doctor here because the competition is so fierce. Believe me, we do not have a lack of people wanting to become doctors.

No we have a problem of doctors having to work triple shifts for super low pay (unless they go private as everyone with half a brain does in Sweden).

>Because the healthcare isn't free and shouldn't be called or marketed as such.
It's exactly as free as the wifi is. You didn't have a problem with that being called free.

Except you could always use a different airline that doesn't force you to pay for wifi.

Doctors do not have low pay, nor do they have to work triple shifts. Stop pulling shit out of your ass when you don't have anything intelligent to say.

Exactly the same as with free healthcare, then. You could always move somewhere where you don't have to pay taxes.

Oh, like, I don't know...


How does your private care work? Premiums? Deductibles? How much?

Where exactly in America would you not have to pay taxes?

>these non arguments

Healthcare isn't free, wifi isn't free. What a company calls their wifi I really don't care as long as I am not forced to pay for said "free" shit.

You really should look up Swedish hospitals today and see what their situation looks like.

>exactly the same as with free healthcare

Except I am forced to give up more than half of my income to pay for it.

Furthermore, choose a different airline hardly equates to moving your entire family across the planet earth which is not only drastically inconvenient but also factually impossible for the vast majority of people.

Your whole argument has been based on false equivalency and strawman the entire time perhaps you should re-work it and come back in the inevitable next iteration of this thread.

For universal healthcare, the discussion we are having? Try everywhere buckaroo.

Pic related, your argument strategy.

>tfw no daughter to give lectures on English superiority to.
Why live?

Premiums and deductibles depending if you have insurance or not. Most people don't as they enjoy such "good free healthcare" :^)

Obviously private is incredibly expensive here since very few people are using it, not to mention the terrible conditions of running a company in this socialist shit hole.

>84 replies in less than an hour

If I earn 50k in the states, what are the lowest and highest tax rate states? What am I going to net?

It is not the service provider's fault that you can't find another service provider that is convenient to you.

I saw this Swede being retarded and realized others might think along similar lines so I wanted to educate them

Colorado is great. Go there.

I'm not going to argue this non-argument as you've clearly chosen to ignore all previous points made and simply make a general and marginally irrelevant claim.

Good for skiing not sure what is it like to live there
Probably Alaska. If don't like cold mb Florida
Eternal Commiefornia

Can you give me a % though for comparison

>low taxes
>good for skiing

Sign me up.

because , traitors little one , traitors.
but don't you worry , there day of the rope is swiftly approaching.
JFK is on the move.
he can smell there fear.

hmm i am not sure state tax would make that big of a difference to be the main criteria. the cost of living (such as housing prices) is much more important.

>Healthcare isn't free, wifi isn't free. What a company calls their wifi I really don't care as long as I am not forced to pay for said "free" shit.
Believe me, if you board their train, you will be forced to pay for their "free" shit.

>You really should look up Swedish hospitals today and see what their situation looks like.
I have immediate family members working as or studying to become doctors. I am fairly well acquainted with their situation.

>Except I am forced to give up more than half of my income to pay for it.
Membership in Sweden is a package deal. You can't single out which membership fees you want to pay or which rules you want to follow. Take it or leave it.