ITT: We discuss the Rogue One.
Opinions, best/worst characters, epic things, mistakes. Go.
The first part is a snoozefest
The finale is great
>Terrible writing
>terrible leads
>un-used Big name actors
Boring up until the end segments
plot holes at every angle
>pretty set designs
>good use of CG
>interesting take on some of the external influences to the rebellion
>Good comedy(robot was probably the best actor)
>good fight scenes but were in short supply and length(im looking at you Donnie Yen and Vader)
Personally I think it's way better than Ep7, and one of the best in general.
Best Character was K-2S0, who basically was 3PO combined with Sheldon, with a hint of Terminator. Loved him.
Felicity Jones provided a huge positive disappointment, as I hated her for what she had done in the Inferno, but here she was good.
The three minor guys (the blind monk, the cargo pilot and the machine-gunner) had very little roles, yet their characters were well built and I specifically liked that they all had one task in the end, then they died.
The only thing I didn't like was that fucking deus-ex-9/11, when that little shit pushed a muthafacking star destroyer into the other. Come on!
Oh, and Vader. I was afraid he would get very little screen time with no action, but this was badass and satisfactory.
What plot holes?
i like the death star blowing up both cities,
I liked the last 20 min
ip man
The rest was boring and sucked.
Spic here, how bad did this guy do?
How would you rate him? How bad was his character?
he did well, wasn't too much in your face
>plot holes
t. havent seen the movie
R1 actually cleared up plot hole from other movies. Cant think of any it created though
Basically the most unlikeable character in the whole flick, but he was intended to be like this, and they even explained why.
/ourguy/ like Poe
Why didn't Obi Wan feel two planets being blown up? The whole movie creates issues all over.
Only two cities
>R1 actually cleared up plot hole from other movies.
Loved this too, and AT-ATs showed as terror weapons.
Character 8/10
Actor 7/10
And? Plot hole.
You guys totally belong here and aren't obvious shills at all.
last 30 mins: 8/10
before: 4/10
I'd give total 6/10, shitty dialogue, stormtroopers with not hitting anything 99% of time... final battles, especially in space were awesome.
Vader was magnificent.
Looks like my filter works well :3
Never said I like Sheldon or TBBT, it's crap. But K-2 wasn't
Thousands killed versus billions
Big difference
Hmm, everybody seems to be bored by the first part. Looks like I only liked it because I was super high.
Because they didn't blow up two planets.
Super boring beginning. Jin Erso(sp) is an unlikeable bitch for the first two thirds, barely tolerable in the third. Otherwise decent enough movie. I thought Force Awakens was a million times better and felt way more like a Star Wars movie than this did(inb4 "thats the point" or "TFA was a copy of ANH").
The first 20 minutes are weak and oddly paced, but it really gets going after that.
The start felt jarring and strange with no crawl and the location names popping up in the corner of the screen. I'm so used to that big fanfare introduction and the classic Star Wars screenwipes to each scene. That threw me a little but fuck it, it's one of the spin off movies and I want them to try new shit, so I rolled with it.
From there, the movie just kept getting better and better in a slow burn to the point where the final few scenes where jaw to the floor. Some of the best Star Wars shit ever. The scene with Vader at the end was incredible. Up there with the best scenes in Empire.
I loved it and I thought those particular two effects bits were stunningly good. Didn't feel "off" to me at all. Felt revolutionary.
This is the best sequel to star wars. Yes, I know that this is a spin off, and the background of the 4 episodes - but this film is insanely good. Gorgeous references, great ground battles, tough battles in space, drama, excellent acting and a bit of humor. This was to be the seventh episode. But alas. the seventh episode is a piece of shit.
I was delighted with the massacre performed by Vader, many different soldiers-the stormtroopers, recognizable fighters and call sign, cameo Tarkin and Leia, Senator organa, to a number of different techniques.
I recall there being a big debate about whether they should do the opening crawl or not with this film.
The main concern against doing so, was that this was not a numbered, proper Star Wars film, and they felt it would be confusing. So they settled on something familiar, but different.
why didn't they just blow up the satellite disk sending the important data to the rebel ships. they didn't mind accurately destroying that bridge with the satellite correction panel on it.
>Gorgeous references
Stopped reading right there.
>satellite dish*
google translate man.
>stormtroopers with not hitting anything 99% of time
That reminds me, I was pleasantly surprised when the Death Troopers showed up, because of how accurate they were.
People started dropping like flies, and they near instantly shot the black guy who tried to go out of cover to flip the master switch.
Then of course they started missing because of Donnie Yen and the force, but it was nice while it lasted.
Really really liked it. Good use of CGI with Cushing.
Each supporting character had very well presented personalities, even more so than the lead actors I think.
Only real pet peeves were the lack of scrolling text at the start and Darth Vader's movement and dialogue was very unlike his character.
Probably nobody but Krennic and the guy who told him about the breach in the records knew they were planning on doing anything with the Dish.
The pilot that shot at her probably just got lucky and spotted her, there were a bunch of soldiers chasing toward her position to stop her, just Krennic.
So why blow up the big main important thing of your base, especially when the shield that is blocking all transmissions out is still up?
Someone post the Vader hallway scene webm
excuse the normiebook link
I thought this scene was great. I didn't really like Vader's dialogue with Krennic, though. Especially that dumb as shit joke that he made.
>when fired by the enemy able to hide on earth
>unable to get a shot at the enemy from afar
>tfw really want to go see the movie
>want to wait at least a week like I usually do so that the theater isn't packed
What should I do bois
Watch during matinee hours.
>why blow up the main important thing of your base
they did that anyway with the deathstar after the message was sent, infact they destroyed fucking everything. Do you really think the empire cares about structural damage and repair costs.
Also how did Diego get climb back up and through that random automated shutter at the top of the databank, when it was a difficult task for someone who wasn't injured like the girl?
this one is a little longer
>rebels unload all their ammo on vader that they just try and throw the guns at him at a last ditch effort to survive
You think 1200–1600 are the best hours? I've always gone to movies in the morning.
Fuck me that scene was so good. Vader felt genuinely shit yourself terrifying.
overall nice movie, especially because they didn't focus onto the jedi.
the uncanny valley hit like though (tarkin and leia)
*like a truck
Best Star Wars film outside of original 3 (for what thats worth)
Climax saved the movie
What was the point of C-3P0? Did they really have to cram him and R2 in?
Tarkin was fine.
Leia was laugh-out-loud bad.
Blowing up the base was Tarkin's decision, that's not a decision anyone else could make and not get executed for.
Blowing up that base also killed all the Imperial soldiers/officers that were present. So again, before Tarkin showed up, why would the officers/soldiers blow up their own base, at the place their stationed? If anything, they probably would assume the rebels were trying to blow up their databanks, and were fighting to stop them.
And Diego probably just took an elevator up, like Krennic. Diego landed on an actual platform with hand rails, one would assume there was a door that lead to said platform.
To many pros/cons to list
Looking at it objectively, just as a movie, I would give it a 6/10. But as a Star Wars fan I would have to give it a 9/10. Honestly I absolutely loved it
If the first half hour was a little slicker and it had a better score, I'd put it second to Empire desu. As it stands I'd say it's still argubaly better than Jedi.
Alderaan had billions of people on it. That moon had one city and the other planet had one base.
Just watched it.
Never watched any trailers, all I knew was Mads Mikkelsen, female lead and asian roles.
I didn't like it, the ending was the best but fuck me, Jyn is written like Rey as in "I don't need help I'm strong and independant and got daddy issues".
K-2SO is written like a joke character and for no reason.
Baze was cool, so was the AT-AT's being used as defensive plattforms.
They are just becoming Stan Lee now, everybody expects them in the movie at a point so they just get crammed in wherever even if its just a cameo
>The first part is a snoozefest
Are you JJ Abrams?
I fucking hate how force awakens was directed. So fast paced.
All Star Wars movies deserve to have a slow pace like Phantom Menace because we need to get lots of politics and information about the characters and each sides.
Just because Disney owns the rights doesn't mean you need to have a Marvel tier fast pace.
Presumably to connect the dots as to why they were present on the ship Leia was on in IV. It showed they were present on Yavin IV, and were then likely assigned to her ship, just a small fluff detail.
How was Riz Ahmed? Did he get good screen time?
>plot holes at every angle
does this have any infos about the knights of ren?
Anyone else thought the dialogue with Krennick and Vader was cringe-worthy?
Sure, the ending scene was kickass, but WHY DID THEY THINK THAT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?
Really? I thought they both looked great and was absolutely gobsmacked by it. Especially loved when they baited you in with a tease of Tarkin's reflection as though they weren't confident enough to fully show him but then went full close up.
I saw it in IMAX 3D and the 3D may have covered up a bit of funk. Did it look worse in 2D?
>It showed they were present on Yavin IV, and were then likely assigned to her ship
So why were they on the ship at the end of Episode 3? Are we made to believe they were on that ship for 20 years straight?
>mfw Disney does a spin off movie showing R2 D2 and C3PO on going on an adventure on Yavin IV between Ep 3 and Rogue One
>"I don't need help I'm strong and independant and got daddy issues
Jyn constantly needs help, throughout the whole movie. The one time she doesn't, when she knocks out some stormtroopers, was in the beginning of the film.
What's with all these curry shills in this thread that are clearly posting via google translate? Does the mouse really think it's going to extract any appreciable quantity of admissions from this NEET-infested shithole?
>The one time she doesn't, when she knocks out some stormtroopers, was in the beginning of the film.
Is that the clip they showed on youtube?
That scene turned me off tho I still wanna see this hoping the other rogue members get kills instead of Jyn doing most of the work.
>Sup Forums doesn't like it so everyone must not go watch it
Watch the movie already
r2, as the best character in the franchise needs to be in every movie user
Always a few weeks after opening. I like having the theater to myself.
nah, you're just too edgy
I'm not a Sup Forumsack and I'm planning to go see the movie soon. I can still call out all the obvious shilling in this thread.
I thought it was fine desu. The dialog was no problem for me. Vader's costume felt a little weird at first but desu, without the nostalgia glasses, it looks really fucking goofy in the OT with Prowse waiving his hand round like a mongoloid. That's just the nature of the big plastic 70s costume. As soon as it gets back into full swing at the end and you're used to it, all is good again. In fact, that end bit might be the best Darth Vader scene to date.
It's been a while since I've seen III, but weren't C3PO and R2-D2 given to Bail Organa?
They have likely been under the Organa's care for those years, and on their ships. And since Bail was on Yavin IV, so were they.
Dark Knight Rises
>Stay here, I'm in charge
Rogue One
>Does that mean I'm in charge?
The side characters get the majority of the action in the film, Jyn doesn't have many major action scenes besides that one. She shoots a blaster a couple times towards the end, but that's about it.
Donnie Yen gets far more action segments than she does, as does the droid.
I don't get it are they over Tatooine or what? this shit is a mess.
When do you lads think the first VIII teaser/trailer will drop?
When's the best time to go? During the day? I hate watching with other people tbqh.
Same actor. Speaking to masked men.
how do you know you did not feel them?
Meets Luke Oh btw Luke I felt some people die you know I do that here is yours fathers light saber. "Han shoots Greedo" Obi wan is like oh I feel that too you know I feel everyone die..
GTFO Autismo there is not fucking plot hole
oh didn't even realise it was him
When did Episode 7's trailer drop? Was it mid 2014?
>2014 was 3 years ago
What was Leia trying to achieve lying to Vader in ANH, since he literally just saw her ship leave the dock 5 minutes before that?
Also, why was she even at the war zone, if she was supposed to contact Obi-Wan Kenobi?
>Haven't watched the movie
>Watch a small segment of the very end of the film
>I don't get it, what's going on, where's the rest of the movie?
He managed to be liked despite being an asshole 10/10 acting I'd say.
Movie was fine.
Dunno why Marvin from Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy was in it though.
>doesn't watch the film
>doesn't understand what's going on
>gets angry
How can one man be so retarded
All imperial characters and Admiral Raddus were far better and more interesting than any of the main characters. Fuck they were boring.
Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus were the best out of that gang though.
This is my friend when he rented a movie years ago and he only watched the end cos he didn't wanna watch the whole thing (huh) and then was asking me questions.
The ship obviously jumps away to hypersace at the end of Rogue One to escape and Vader tracks them and jumps after them in the Star Destroyer, they drop out in a backwater system (Tatooine), the Star Destroyer reals them back in, Vader comes through the door and there begins IV. They couldn't have made the ending flow into IV any better.
>no>when you try so hard to be a contrarian