Rape and murder are purportedly among the allowable elements of an upcoming Russian reality TV show, Game2: Winter...

>Rape and murder are purportedly among the allowable elements of an upcoming Russian reality TV show, Game2: Winter. The ultimate nine-month Siberian survival test will strand 30 male and female contestants in -40° Celsius weather in a remote forest, along with bears and wolves, as they vie for a $1.6M prize.

>Envisioned as an online series to begin on July 1 next year and run through April 1, 2018 it will be screened 24/7 around the world. It’s the brainchild of entrepreneur Yevgeny Pyatkovsky who created and is financing the show. Per reports, he is investing 1B rubles ($16.2M) in the series which will air in English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.

>The official ad for the show says “Each contestant gives consent that they could be maimed, even killed. 2000 cameras, 900 hectares and 30 lives.”

>The rules say “Everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything.”

Is this /ourshow/?

Other urls found in this thread:


>In an interview last month, Pyatkovsky said all potential contestants sign waivers, acknowledging that they could be raped or killed. As of November 18, he said there were already 32 people who had signed up, including one American. A few days later, the list of applicants had reached 60.

>According to local reports, participants are nevertheless warned that the police will come and take them away should they commit crimes. “We are on the territory of Russia, and obey the laws of the Russian Federation.”

>Sputnik News reports contestants will receive survival training from Russia’s elite former GRU Spetznaz operatives. Contestants will be permitted knives, but no guns. Pyatkovsky says candidates have to be mentally sane and at least 18 years old.

>“Imagine: a forest. The contestants arrive there on July 1 after a short training period. Each will have three-four months before first cold snaps of winter to construct a shelter,” he told Sputnik. “They can live separately or join up and form teams. You should also keep in mind that this will be a real forest, with dangerous wildlife and harmful insects.”

>There will not be a crew filming, rather the area will be dotted with 2,000 cameras and each participant will carry a portable camera.


How is this allowed?

>>The rules say “Everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything.”
Even raping the camera operator?

People will say how shocked and disgusted they are, but everyone has been waiting for this kind of show.

This seems like it could be fun

>You should also keep in mind that this will be a real forest, with dangerous wildlife and harmful insects.”

It's a boreal forest.

90% of the footage will be people annoyed with mosquitos.

But of course they'll pace it so the 10 second clip of a bear running away and a paw print and some animal shit is building tension.

t. /out/

I'm not joking, is there a website, i am willing to sign up for this. i would love it.



i like how they say that stuff is allowed but if you do it we're gonna arrest your ass later

Well yeah but they need to consider the possibility of a contestant flipping out and going full colonel Kurtz

Lol pure Genius marketing.

Like "allowed" in that they will film it and air it but is illegal so nobody will do shit.

I give it 3 episodes until ppl realize nobody does anything is just regular reality tv.

>contestants sign waivers, acknowledging that they could be raped or killed.

this just means the show runners won't be responsible. if a contestant murders or rapes someone they'll still get arrested so none of them will do that.

So, if you kill everyone else, you win $1.6M?

>Russian TV
>The rules say “Everything is allowed”
>call Putin a manlet live on air
>show gets permacancelled

Ever since I first watched Battle Royale.

>participants are nevertheless warned that the police will come and take them away should they commit crimes
So whats the point?

They said the same shit about Survivor when it first came out, and all it came to be was highschool-tier drama. No one died, no one was seriously debilitated, no one was even slightly dehydrated.

>Russian TV
>The rules say "Everything is allowed"
>Tell people i'm gay and jew
>show gets permacancelled

>Everything is allowed. Fighting, alcohol, murder, rape, smoking, anything
>We are on the territory of Russia, and obey the laws of the Russian Federation
>Everything is allowed, except things that are against the law

So basically it's the same as every other similar reality show, you acknowledge that this and that can happen to you out there, but those who do it to you will be punished by law. Whatever they do in the forest is whatever other similar contestants could do to each other on an island or wherever these survivor reality shows are set usually.

>is not actually allowed but can happen since no police or security is around

Media bait by making it sound outrageous but it's nothing unusual.

>the law still applies but so if you do try to do the rape and murder you'll go to jail

wow it's literally fucking nothing

Why don't they just do this shit in Afghanistan?

pretty poor,
what if they all went polish and killed eachother within the first days?

ok so one will win 1 milllion dollars
but will become an infamous murder probably.

will thye pick new contestants the week after?

americas icebreaker the year after



One of these things...

That film had fucked subtitles. At the start of the film, there is a scene where one guy is killed and the killer comes and 'teabags' him. The character even goes "look, I teabagged him!". Yet the subtitles had no fucking clue that this was a thing and subtitled "I put the CD in" instead.

>standard marketing spiel
>but omg russians are so ebil it must be true

Fuck off shill.


everything is permitted everywhere basically, if you don't get caught.

Not ebil but they are degenerate in the true sense of the word. It wouldn't really be out of line.

Some of those naked and afraid episodes have actually gotten kind of real, so this could be kind of cool. I remember one episode where a dude woke up after having nightmares, and the chick he was with was like comforting him and rubbing his back as he says, "Yea, it was really scary stuff. Like, I was imagining hurting myself.... and even hurting you, just doing terrible things." They took him off the show right that moment on grounds of mental instability / safety of self and others.

The chick's face as he said that shit was goddamn hilarious.

Just destroy all the mounted cameras, then you really can do anything.