What does Sup Forums think of The Crown?

What does Sup Forums think of The Crown?

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too predictable

can't wait for the IRA to blow up Uncle Dicky

Feminist grandma shit

Bretty comfy

Why did Churchill make such a big deal about Phillip having a made-up last name when Windsor is the same deal?

Comfy, very very well produced and acted, but the plot is awful.

>wah, being queen is so hard
>i can't marry who I want, oh boo hoo

Fog episode was breddy gud though

Way too sentimental. Did the african savages really all come together and bow their heads in unity when they found out that the king died? I found that hard to believe. Speeches were very nice though. Like the speech Churchill made about King George's death. And I liked Jared Harris a lot. Too bad they killed his character off. Coughing up blood? At least come up with something believable. Must not have been paying him enough and he wanted out of the show

Needs more doggos.

Had a FEG hi power a few years ago. It had a bad extractor that I swapped out along with the spring. I eventually sold it for its fussiness with hollow points on account ggggggggggggggggg gg gg gggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggggg gg ggggggggg ggggggggg ggggggggg ggggggggggg ggg gg. G guy. Gg ggg guy g gg yggggg. g huh. Gg huh yggg hug ygggg gggg ggg g guy gg ggggggg guy g hug hug. Gg gg ggg ggggg ggg ggggg gg gg ggg g guy. hug yggg g. Yg guy guy g guy g guy. Y g guy gggg gg hug. G hug y guy h ggg gun. G h hug yg hug g guy g gg y. G y guy. G GB v. hug. gg g. g huh huh huh huh. Gg hug y ggg g guy y gun. H ggg hug hug. hug. Ggggg guy g ygg hug hug. guy. g hug. g gggv. g. guy. Yv v guy yggg guy guy gv guy g guy. hug. guy. G. gg guy g. hug. GH gg hug. hug yg g hug. g guy hug y guy gggg gun. G guy. Huh y guy g gg guy. G guy. Yg g gg guy ggg hug y guy. gg hug. GH. Guy. V yyv. G hug. G. G y GB. G guy GB. Hug. hug. H g guy guy. guy. Ggh gg GB. gggg g hug. V. G gg guy h guy h. gg hug yg gg guy. Yyggg guy ggg guy gun gh gg g hug. hug. G yyg gg guy g v. Gg ggg guy. guy g guy g guy y guy g hug. gun. Ggg. G yg hug hug y hug. Gg gg. hug g ygg. Hug yg ggh gg hug hug g g yy guy guy. g GH y guy. g gun yggg hug yggg g guy gggggg ggg hug hug yggg gg gggggg hug. Ggg hug. hug. G hug yggg guy ggggggggg guy gg hug ygg gun. Gg gg gun. Gg guy. Yggg guy gg guy. Yyggg gggggggg ggg g hug hug. guy ggggg guy g guy guy. g yygggggggg gg v

Does she eat them in order to gain immortality?

I thought it was pretty good at putting a human face on the Royal Family that just wouldn't have seen back then.

These days you get William marrying a commoner and Harry banging an actress and doing TV interviews. Different times.

I fucking hate shows where British pricks dress up and talk as if they're in 18th century play. For some reason I can never imagine actual people behaving that way.

dropped at the elephant scene in ep 1 or 2
hammy and boring

Well she looks very good for brit women

Does it have the part where Princess Margaret leaves her illegitimate child, Robert Brown in Kenya?

looks like chick shit.

It doesn't get that far in the story.

It's called received pronunciation (aka The Queen's English) and yes the Queen does talk like this. Years ago all TV news readers and presenters talked like this also.

I thought it was great. It was the perfect mix of politics and court and family intrigue. I am not sure what others were expecting but I thought it humanized the struggle of the queen well.

>the struggle of the queen
>earn 61 million per year for simply existing
>make no important or stressful decisions
>literally exist as a tourist attraction

Are you slightly retarded?

Are you? Her father was never supposed to be King. She was thrust into a situation beyond her control with zero education beyond UK constitutional law. She is expected to hold her own against politicians who are all better educated.

In all of this she has an entire nation looking up to her and she is expected to be an example and always make a correct decision. She is a prisoner to the crown.

How can you not enjoy that story, especially in a way that helps you relate to that struggle?


Because dynasties.

>Her father was never supposed to be King
She knew she was going to be queen since she was ten

extremely boring but the music tries to trick you into thinking it's this big grand super serious show

post queen ass plz

Are they going to have the balls to reveal that Prince Andrew is actually Porchie's bastard son?

best actor and they killed him off 2 eps in

my favorite "the british guy" actor

i liked him in the expanse too

Well, yeah. It's about Liz's reign and it starts with her father dying. They also couldn't make the series too much about George VI because everyone already saw the King's Speech.

Great acting and great production, but the story gets too predictable near the end.

Also, I can't really take whether Philip can take flying lessons or not as serious drama. The stakes are just so low sometimes even though the present it like matters of War and Peace.

Most interesting characters: King George, King Edward, Churchill.

the kings speech made me hate anything related to the british royals

what a joke. his grand achievement in the movie is reading a fucking speech sending his people off to go die in a war and he didn't even write the speech.

fuck that entire movie

It made me an American who doesn't know shit about the royal family really interested

Pretty good

>you will never a see a scene in which this happens
woman told me to stand on a tree-trunk and repeat: “I’m the king of the
castle, you’re the dirty rascal,” again and again. It was meant to be
fun, but it wasn’t. There was a poignant subtext to it.

Just imagine how fucking kino this scene would be. Who would be best suited to direct it though?

I thought it was interesting to see how even the most trivial of things relating to the Royal Family can put politicians at odds with each other. Mountains really can be made out of molehills when the Royal Family is concerned. It just shows what a bizarre fucking world they live in.

Boring, predictable, fictionalised crap. Plebs love this stuff tho, so will be hugely popular.

wtf spoiler that shit

>Coughing up blood? At least come up with something believable. Must not have been paying him enough and he wanted out of the show
I came here to make a joke like this but you still gave me a good kek.

It's doing very poorly in the ratings actually. No one is watching.


Fair enough, I was just hoping that the politics of the royal house would revolve around issues that weren't so insular. Perhaps that's just not realistic.

>Most interesting characters: King George, King Edward, Churchill.
Of course they are, they deal with far bigger stuff than Liz, Philip and princess slag do.

George is a dying man, Edward is an asshole hated by his entire family and Churchill is an 80 year old beloved hero that thinks that he is still fit to rule a country.

>What does Sup Forums think of The Crown?

It's ok, I'll watch a S02 if they make one.

"Victoria" on the other hand, was absolute shit.

This and for Based Nasser to cuck the Jews and Brits.

>This and for Based Nasser to cuck the Jews and Brits.

Don't forget the French.

But of course, Nasser fucks all 3 of the imperialist fuckers.

How pissed was she when she saw ol' Charlie marry that two-bit wench Diana?

>Based Naser

>based narcissist faggot eats shit and dies young due to stress as a result of his lame actions
Wow, consider me inspired...

diana was of noble birth, the only problem is that she was both a media whore and a literal whore.

Well, have you SEEN Camilla?

>as a result of his lame actions
I'm guessing the suez crisis had less influence on his health than a family history of heart disease and smoking like a chimney.

>I can never imagine actual people behaving that way

Have you never heard the Queen speak?


They are doing 5 seasons bringing it right up to the present day. Can't wait for the 90s stuff with Diana.

I kinda liked it but its nowhere as good as Downtown Abbey

Yeah but I don't buy for a second they put up that same show when the cameras are off.

Charles was a whore too.

Being a British monarch must be one of the most miserable forms of existence to ever be thrust on a person. Imagine being raised with a set of core values whose very fabric hinges on upholding the prosperity of your country and its peoples, only to have those fucking corporatist lackeys in parliament tear away at them bit by bit, raping your very image as a monarch into the mud until you yield, being left as nothing more than a dried husk and forced to watch from the sidelines, in silence, as they pawn off the very essence of your nation for personal gain.

That episode will be funded by the monarch themselves. They will give Netflix $10 million to ensure that they make it clear that Ds death was an accident and that the Queen and everyone else was terrible devastated with her untimely demise

That's a big crown.

Princess Margaret is my waifu. She's literal perfection.

>Can't wait for the 90s stuff with Diana.
Didn't they do that already in The Queen?

she was a hottie in real life, well they both were

She is a slag

She is, but I want a girl to giggle about me the way she giggles when talking about Townsend.

I just don't buy any of it. There's stuff that is historically accurate, but the interpersonal relationships, how they talk etc are falsified for drama's sake. There's obviously some stuff they are not going to talk about because private life, but the mix of history and filler just rubs me the wrong way.

The British royals haven't done anything important since they were made into a constitutional monarchy, they're a glorified tourist attraction, so I just don't care about their 'plight' and can't relate to them and their situation. They are presented as being important but everyone knows they don't get to make decisions anymore and haven't for a long time, particularly Liz. So we're watching a show where the behind the scenes decisions are still not shown in full light (the micromanagers of the royals).

The production values are great though. The plot, story and scenario are just shit.

Give more power to the royals!!!!! They'll make Britain great again.

You're a fucking idiot

It was quite good, and also comfy at times. Was very refreshing for once to not have yet another edgy show that tries to push its leftist post-modern shit down the past's throat.

Kate was no regular commoner though.