Anyone else dropping BCS thanks to this dumbass?

Anyone else dropping BCS thanks to this dumbass?

Why do actors think they're some sort of authority on fucking politics?

What self-righteous, egotistical pricks.

Other urls found in this thread:

if i was offered a million of dollars to merely speak against Trump, I would do it in a heartbeat. I'm sure trump would understand cause he's a business man.

Him too? The entire Breaking Bad cast consists of cucks, absolutely fucking disgusting. Dropped, not even kidding.



The resemblance is uncanny, damn.

They still don't understand 30 out of 50 states voted against their Commiefornia degeneracy. They think its all a Russian conspiracy they can solve.

Never seen BCS and don't care too much for BB but Odenkirk is one of my favorite comedic writers, actors, whatever else. Seeing him do this shameless pandering is sad. I would expect this from David Cross, who despite being funny is still a bleeding heart faggot, but for Bob to do this seems off.

if you stop watching a show/movie every time a person involved in the show has a different opinion than you, you probably have no reason to be on Sup Forums right now

I don't watch it for bob
What's whatshername's opinion?

Theyre probably forced to do it by their agencies

Calm down, Boris.

But I already dropped that snooze fest

>I will boycott everyone who has shitty political beliefs
Grow up

>90 percent dislike so they disable it

>someone took the time to make this

I couldn't care less about his opinions. I care that these assclowns are so assblasted that an overgrown oompa loompa beat their treasonous murderer that they're WASTING MILLIONS OF FUCKING DOLLARS THAT COULD FUCKING GO TO ANY ONE OF NUMEROUS IMPORTANT CAUSES ON TRYING TO OVERTURN AN ALREADY DECIDED FUCKING ELECTION

I care that this fucking retard and his hollywood liberal retard pals think ANYONE with an ounce of intelligence gives a shit what their vastly overpaid asses think regarding politics. Or anything else that matters more than movies and television.

They get 50 or so electors to go against their voters. Next president gets decided by Senate?

This would be such a huge fucking cluster fuck. A slap in the face to every voter. It would be 10 times worse than anything Trump could do in his 4 years and would be amazing to watch.

I'd love for it to happen though, since it would basically force electoral reform to be on the table for discussion and that is the number 1 issue for me.

a video about the elite telling the chosen electors that they alone should decide who is the president rather than the people who voted. with the ability to show an opinion on the video disabled just to make sure everyone knows they don't care what the masses think and never did.

After watching 10 minutes of w/ Bob and David I might though

>electoral reform is needed

Ah, yes, I would totally love an America where the only people who can vote are the citizens of New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Brilliant idea, my melanoid friend.

well you elected a fucking reality tv show host, I guess any random actor or comedian has as much experience/knowledge in politics as him so why complain when they express their opinion

It's just a bunch of B-listers and Martin Sheen this time.

The comments below this video.. ..are hilarious.

>m-muh russians

you're current system is shit, 50% of all votes are essentially disregarded and any third party has absolutely no chance of ever winning. Blows my mind how anybody can defend this voting system

Trump is gonna grab them by hi boipussi

>Russian boogeymen

Not him, but a system where two cities decide the election for a country of 300m people is bad as well.

You can say investigation into gerrymandering corruption is needed, but anything else is bullshit. The Electoral College exists so the situation I described cannot exist -- individual votes are irrelevant, the vote of each community is what counts. That is how you truly reach an understanding of what all groups want, not a tyranny of the majority. The third parties are doing better in local elections and will grow in time, the UK party alliance (I forgot the proper term) system is fucked, it's cheap politicking by the letter of the law and allows insignificant minorities to bully everyone else by pushing a group to a one-percent domination.

Cool now make the Saudi Isreali one.

>literary call the video "Important"


>The left hates wikileaks now that it's outing their side



really gets the old noggin a joggin

Oh no, we wouldn't want cities that have promised to shield illegal aliens from federal law enforcement to decide the fate of the country simply based on how many illegals they can import to skew the vote!

How will democracy ever recover after California, which gives illegal immigrants drivers licenses and special schools where their kids don't have to learn english, has the same power as every other state?

Breaking bad is shit anyway, a total meme show. Says nothing and goes nowhere.

I never said something about illigal immigrants being allowed to voted

No one liked wikileaks. You just want to pretend the left did so you can try to make a point.

"The Left" loved Wikileaks, Democrats did not. Every tattooed antifa would suck that near-albino dick all day.