Daily reminder that this scene is canon within the LOTR trilogy
Daily reminder that this scene is canon within the LOTR trilogy
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what a shitty movie
Hobbit movies aren't canon mate, no matter what
Jackson lost his mong aye, cunts munted
>Hobbit movies aren't canon mate, no matter what
They are part of the middle earth collection as canon as you can be
they are an interpretation and reimagining of the events told in the hobbit but they are not canon. they exist in a bubble connected to the middle earth collection of stories and histories but they do not dictate what is or is not official
no it's not, fuck that shitty movie
Is that in the deleted scene?
I'm glad I never watched those I'd have an even worse opinion of the Hobbit
And good fucking god how could they mess up the CGI so bad, it looks like shit
They're not canon because they were made by those retarded hacks over at WB, not Wingnut Films/New Line Cinema
I love that LoTr fags now have the same lameness as Star wars fags. ayy lmao baby.
I saw this in 3D 60fps in the cinema. Absolutely horrible experience.
Seriously Suicide Squad is nowhere near as bad and unwatcheable as the 3rd Hobbit which is a fucking disgrace to cinema
>those vidya tier dodges
>those money bags
fucking christ
I liked this scene
I think it lost anything related to canon when Azog the Dark Lord used probability magic to survive Azanulbizar, opened a space-time rift to bring Dune worms to Middle earth and call them Were-worms, have Trolls march in broad daylight when it took Sauron centuries to engineer the Olog-hai and command giant Vampire Bats that could rival the ones Morgoth used in the First age.
I "liked" it better than 2 for the few good battle scenes which were better than anything in DoS
Still, 2 and 3 were pure shit. And I loved the first one, it was a tough reality check
>"Gimli, did I ever tell you about the time your father showed me a picture of you and I called you a horrid creature/goblin mutant? I was a good friend."
>The Hobbit was a mistake
Can someone honestly fucking explain to me what went so right with LOTR, and so wrong with Hobbit? How can one man be responsible for both?
It's like the planets aligned when LOTR was made.
The Hobbit is the most rushed film to ever be made in Hollywood history no joke. Watch the Blu Ray behind the scenes of all the making of. There was no time to plan anything when it came to the 3rd film.
>tfw Jackson is doing Mortal Engines next
>tfw he's literally shooting my childhood book by book
Yeah but it went to shit long before the 3rd film.
Lol, what the actual fuck.
But who cares about canon of the movies?
Nothing like this was in the version of the Hobbit I watched. Is OP posting stuff from a shitty Chinese knockoff or something?
In a decade we'll get Lord of the Rings: The Bombadil Awakens
>It's the One Ring!
>No, Frodo, this was the One Ring *holds up a vellum diagram*. This is the Second Ring, even mightier than the first
good god, this was god-tier comfy. The songs, man.
I'll just pretend PJ's hobbit doesn't exist and this is the true canon.
And an actual spooky Gollum. Nothing against Andy Serkis, but the cutesy multiple personality thing doesn't work in the Hobbit. He's supposed to be threatening.
>It cannot be seen
>Cannot be felt
>Cannot be heard
>Cannot be smell'd
>It lies behind stars
>And under hills
>And empty holes, it fills
>It comes first and follows after
>Ends life, kills laughter
I'm sure it's really hard to understand with your underdeveloped retard brain, so I'll make it simple: Is it in the books? Was it written by Tolkien? At least adapted by his son? No? Then it's not canon.
I wish I could erase these 3 movies from my memory.
The Silmarillion was unfinished so technically also not canon.
Only good part of the entire thing
Of course, I forgot that Peter Jackson wrote The Silmarillion.
Why does it seem none of the people posting in LotR threads have read Tolkien's books?
>tom bombadil is played by the rock
>goldberry is played by amy schumer
Because this isn't /lit/
>dat Smaug scene
One brief, 90 second better than much of the horrific second two movies. A reminder to KISS:
Name one thing wrong with the hobbit
One legitimate complaint
I had this speech memorized as a kid. Why does Jackson overdue the good simple parts and underdo the good flowery parts? He butchered the Witch King's speech on Pelenor too.
That cartoon was my childhood
>this god tier voice work on Gollum
I remember when this scene came on in the theatre and everyone around me was cracking up, all i could do was cringe and cover my face
The first two movies were pretty good though the last one just fucked it up.
That being said I was hoping the hobbit would be better than LOTR after reading the book I was hyped as fuck for these movies they were way more adventurous than LOTR.
LOTR sucks cock only fellowship was any good, Jackson is a terrible director
The worst part is that Gandalf is a blundering helpless oaf against a fucking troll and he seemingly forgets how to magic
the films have bad things but there is literally nothing wrong with this sequence.
That girl is qt but I'm worried she's underage and it makes me feel awkward. pls delet
Just like in my video games !!
If you've watched the films and years later still have yet to read the books, you should fuck off from these threads.
That's a terrible Gollum. He's supposed to be a wretched degenerate not a frog monster.
Is the answer darkness?
It's in the acting and animation not the art design.
>Is the answer darkness?
I miss american psycho/lotr posting. Now we have underages pretend there's any difference between jackson's six turds
Force me.
Legolas defying gravity and surfing up falling debris was pure kino
The first three let me look at Liv Tyler's DSL's. The chick from LOST was a step down.
>can't be sensed
>behind stars
>under hills
Come on, that's a piece of piss riddle.
Fuck Liv Tyler
this is Sup Forums music tier
Would if I could
I'd love to, yes.
In comparison to the lord of the rings it is a huge disappointment, a mediocre movie that could have been epic.
The hobbit is quintessential comfycore yet he shoehorned random fight scenes with orcs everywhere, even in laketown. Consider the first movie when the dwarves are cleaning up the dishes and singing "this is what bilbo baggins hates", he took the plot from the book and transformed it into something worthwhile for the screen, that is how you do action, it has some sort of meaning to the plot. Did you really want to see shitty CGI orcs over and over? Why didn't you just wait for the WOW movie? Unlike the LOTR the hobbit is a short children's book so the "no one reads books lmao" excuse is kind of poor.
For some reason instead of making good use of stephen fry he created alfrid and killed off stephen fry early, butchering the plot point that the mayor of laketown would take some gold and run off into the wilderness without much forethought out of pure greed and other shenanigans, he could have used that, it would have been le reddit humor people like you enjoy, instead he created the worst character since jar jar binks.
What a waste.
>tfw no qt 90s liv tyler gf
She's aged well.
The Hobbit didn't retroactively ruin the LOTR trilogy by revealing the ring get its power from microscopic organisms at least.
And they call it a meme, A MEME!
lol fuck off she's starting to look like her deteriorating dad
u gay
WB got ahold of the films, that's really all what happened. They're a terrible fucking studio, simple as that
not my fault her wrinkles are as deep as her pussy and the corners of her mouth line up with her pupils
Pretty based sequence desu. However, that webm is lacking the epic double-spin at the end.
She's got a pretty nice pussy
I can't. No one can help the pleb masses in bettering themselves.
You joke, but you know they are going to rape the silmarrilion and all of tolkein's other works into cancerous, diversity/sjw fueled quadrilogies for years to come
true, she needs a better haircut though
>tfwywn boat her wrinklepussies
She is goddess tier with long hair.
I'm going to fuck Liv Tyler's laugh lines!
Peter Jackson needs to do some gruesome dark comedies again.
The guy clearly needs a break from LOTR shit, looks depressed as fuck.
>Can someone honestly fucking explain to me what went so right with LOTR, and so wrong with Hobbit?
Hobbit was rushed to begin with and Peter Jackson got handed the movie half way through pre-production when Del Toro dropped out, leaving him with zero prep time and making him have to make shit up as he went because the studio had a rock solid schdule they had to follow.
LOTR on the other hand had years of preproduction for Jackson.
Here's the behind the scenes from the bluray, they admit their failures constantly and don't try to hide it. It makes for a really jarring watch to see a special feature shit on the movie so much.
Maybe he shouldn't have thrown out everything Del Toro had prepped then. Say what you will about the guy, but he excels at production design.
Neither LOTR or The Hobbit are canon though? When they both represent vastly different messages from the source, how can they be canon?
I mean sure, LOTR 'movie' is canon for LOTR Movie, but wtf is LOTR movie canon? Literally nothing.
With above being said, The Hobbit is much, much closer to source than LOTR.
>With above being said, The Hobbit is much, much closer to source than LOTR.
>every time.
How about you provide some points, and I will counter each and every single one, because you know, The Hobbit is actually pretty close to source, whereas LOTR is a fucking shadow of the source.
>How about you provide some points, and I will counter each and every single one, because you know, The Hobbit is actually pretty close to source, whereas LOTR is a fucking shadow of the source.
Have fun.
LOTR changes are literal novels. The Hobbit, not so much. Simply because condensing 6 books into 3 movies always, always means cutting out important narrative and changing everything to suit.
Making one book into 3 movies means you are fleshing out existing narrative, and cutting junk.
Great argument.
Wrong link.
what happened to the goddamn colors, it looks like someone smeared the lens with vaseline
That's how it was in the novel though, Gollum's multiple personality thing didn't come up until Two Towers, why would they make the scene cute and funny when it doesn't make sense in a continuity level is beyond me since we already had comedic scenes with the Goblin King, of which I had no problem with because the original scene in the novel had no tone so it was acceptable
I approve of this.
That's what the new trilogy should have been, silly fun adventure thing
It's half there in the first film then dropped entirely forever.
I love the concept art simply because of how gritty and ugly it looks, as in, what were they hoping to achieve with this look?
I like the tune they sing when cut from Bilbo talking to Gollum back to the Goblins better
top fucking kek I completely forgot about that guy
best part of the new series to be honest
I actually think they shouldn't have cut that out simply because that fucking movie is a joyless ride from begining till end
how he dies by getting stuffed down a goblin's throat is beyond me though
I think I remember someone at WB imply they're literally waiting for Christopher to die and buy the estate
>not also shopping him into the dragon's face
You had one job, user.
>best part of the new series to be honest
I hope you are fucking joking.. he is the worst part of the Hobbit and I prefer Jar Jar Binks so much over this piece of shit character.