It's a celebrity gets political episode

>It's a celebrity gets political episode

>white cock dethroned a bbc

This hurts her

Kek, and I thought prostitutes and pornstars were redpilled.

Nice ass. Shit opinions.

she makes it sound like she's moving to a farm on the planet Neptune.

this bitch knows she fucks on camera for money right?

So? You gonna shout degenerates now and then run back to your safe space?

Keep these shit threads on Sup Forums



wtf I love Trump now

Why should anyone care about anything a literal whore has to say?

>it's a twitter screencap thread

you're the only one crying for a safe space here kiddo

Who is Zack?


can someone tell me who the fuck this shaun king dude is already

all i see posted about him are caps like this and then people saying hes a white guy pretending to be black

everyone involved in the public sphere is a literal whore
at least porn stars have the decency to not pretend otherwise

fukken dropped


>a literal Blacked actress
This is Sup Forums. Go to Sup Forums with this cuck shit. Also she isn't even White. She is Fillipino.

>H-hhello? MEW? pls be my gf :'(

He's a white guy who claims he is part Black but in actuality is White. He is probably either crazy or pretending because he is a loser with no friends.



He's a journalist and activist. He's black.

We just elected one.

He's the leader of BLM I think.

I'm a dirty leftist/socialist, but performative wokeness like this is nauseating.

>Trump hires the most corrupt people on earth for his cabinet
>yeah but liberals get angry about him so hes cool lol


kill urself my man

>People STILL listen to Shaun King
Why? He was in blackface the entire time. Why would you look up to him as a political figure?

Google Rachel Dolezal. Shaun King is the male version of that, but since he's more prominent and it's a lot more embarassing to the MSM that routinely called him to appear for Jesse Jackson style panels that story got relatively buried and you have to go to places like Breitbart to read about it in any depth.

14/88 my white brothers.

You guys know what virtue signaling is right? These """celebrities""" (especially the real ones, not yet seen in this thread) absolutely HAVE to make posts like this. It's a competition to remain at the top of the moral mountain and not playing isn't an option. Silence is perceived as complacency and, at worst, endorsement of right wing values.

Half of these people don't even believe this shit. It's about maintaining appearances in a carefully constructed cultural climate.

>libtards demand safespaces
>get mad as fuck if others want the same
Hope you die in a fire like those degenerates in San Franhomo, you trash.

lol how naive can you get? the majority of people are not nice people they are distrustful and would be considered racist. they just don't show it in public.

this goes for everyone not only white people. the majority stays with their own, it has been this way since forever.

>mass replying

Well yeah. Do you really think Hildawg would have appointed less corrupt people?

Shaun King, more popularly known as Talcum X, is the media front of the US-based but now global terrorist group Black Lives Matter.

She's so worthless it's hilarious anyone in here is upset

Not only that. She fucks black cocks for a living

>admits he really does want a safe space
oh jesus

Excellent. Thank you


>Doing everything you are told like a fucking sheep.

Jesus. Women can be bigger cucks than males.


Does anyone have a screenshot of the tweet of some pornstar getting ass blasted after people on twitter gave her shit for doing an interracial scene


>haha i sure showed them with my fedora pic

u mad?

loving every laff

The fuck does that even mean?

>ywn see MEW smile her precious smile after seeing Hilary Clintons victory

Most of these replies aren't even agreeing with one another.


>tfw you get a (You)

Do you guys remember when moot did that thing where the guys that posted in the furry board got trapped there? I wonder if you could do something like that with Sup Forums.

>Whores herself for a living and thinks anyone cares about her opinion.

She would've been burned or stoned to death in the street by the people she so tolerant of.

I recognize that meme! :D

>6 (You)s


This thread should be deleted though, Sup Forums isn't supposed to be Sup Forums and this fucking guaranteed 200 replies bullshit is the cancer killing it.

This. Fact of the matter is, everybody knows Jews rule the world and retarded shitskins will be the death of white people. But God forbid you say it on a packed city bus. People just can't handle the truth bombs!

user probably did it without reading a single one, thinking we're all of the same mindset and opinions... y'know, like a triggered sjw would do.

yeah, let's go back to capeshit and got threads

>pornstar loses faith in humanity

Oh god how awful


When will liberals grow up and actually debate politics, instead of resorting to name calling?

>porn stars

>putin inteferes in american politics by spamming online message boards with boring leaks and race baiting
>putin literally lives by aleksandr dugin's "Foundation of Geopolitics"
>in it it says that russia could become the greatest world power by dividing america with racebait bullshit and playing on internal tensions
>here comes trump running for pres again, perfect opportunity
>putin hates trump and thinks he's dumb, which is why he's happy he got the presidency
>putin hates hillary and is happy he revealed her DNC meddling
>putin sets his sights on Japan next, drudging up an old disagreement between US and Japan over territory, trying to ferment anti-US sentiment
>again, the exact strategy laid out in this fucking book that any Sup Forumsfag can read

But hey, at least we can post pepe memes and constantly troll over SJW bullshit though.

I wish Japguy would do the same but if you had a cookie from Reddit on your computer, you'd get IP banned from posting here.

He's like 1/4th black

Hey, dumbshit, that's the fucking point. We don't want any part of your retarded shitfight, take it to your fucking containment board.
This is the film and television board.


>if you dont like eating dogshit you must like eating horseshit

I would also be telling liberals its not funny that trump lost if hillary won and they'd also accuse me of being a trump supporter as she runs the country into the ground

I'll just have to wait a few months until people forget the election and it sinks in whos in charge

fuck off, faggot

>profile pic is naked ass
>thinks her political opinion matters

take off the tinfoil hat hillary

He claims to be but he's probably White.

someone check the archive for this picture and post the results

Really makes you think.

How are any of these anything other than paranoid liberal rhetoric? Kill yourself.

Is your argument that it's better for voters to be kept in the dark about the unethical things a candidate does?

WE Sup Forums NOW


>Cuck spammer mad as fuck
I love it

nah his parents are both white, caused a scandal but everyone forgot about it and he went back to larping

>Talcum X thinking he's relevant still

In the end I don't suppose it matters. Even if he could somehow undermine America enough to topple it from the position of global leader, the position would simply be instantly usurped by China, who Russia is deep in hoc to thanks to an energy agreement they signed with them when everybody was sanctioning their ass over Crimea. Russia is never going to be the world leader, there's nothing they can do about that.

Yep that's right, everyone who thinks an ex KGB meglomaniac leaking info of one party is okay is a hillary shill. Because Putin would never ever leak RNC shit, right? Putin has always loved America and is just doing all this in your best interest.

You fuck off, faggot. Turned your own board to so much shit you had to escape from it so you come here but you end up bringing all your shitty habits with you. Fucking kill yourself.

>boring leaks

>You fuck off, faggot. Turned your own board to so much shit you had to escape from it so you come here but you end up bringing all your shitty habits with you. Fucking kill yourself.

>a right winger calling someone else paranoid

Sup Forums is going to make this board great again

But that requires actually paying attention to politics instead of just shit talking on the internet.

The ones that spew this arent that political. Theyre ignorant.


This is a Sup Forums website, fuck off to r/movies

Not like I'm pushing her to leave planet Earth. That's her choice.

Like Mexicans are going to make America great again? Fuck off. If your board didn't suck ass you wouldn't come here.

can you get rid of all the fucking plebs watching kids flicks and dr who?

again, for the first time. Just semantics at this point.

>politically aware
>left wing

Pick one.
