Why is she so dark-skinned? She's supposedly 3/4 Swedish, 1/4 Finnish.
Why is she so dark-skinned? She's supposedly 3/4 Swedish, 1/4 Finnish
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obviously she's trying to annihilate the white race, goy
her real dad is ahkmad.
Checks out desu.
>3/4 Swedish, 1/4 Finnish.
So she's seventy five percent black twenty five percent steppe asian?
>Sup Forums thread
inb4 300 replies
Recessive Finnish Mongol genes.
Oh so he's "Finnish". I see.
so dark skinned? she's white as fuag. not ALL nordics have blond hair and blue eyes.
This is her mother and supposed father. Looks like mom cucked the guy with some tropical dick.
You must be a some variety of nigger to think she's white as fuck.
A greater resistance to the sun!
having a moderate tan makes someone a mulatto now?
>race is only skin color
She looks Hispanic.
>sex is only having cum anywhere inside your body
If you mean real hispanic (from Spain) then maybe, but if you mean the mongrels in the Americas then no, she doesn't have those features.
What? lol
>it's a Sup Forums tries to analyse racial genetics episode
>1/4 Finnish
You mean "Swedish"? We have like 0,5% immigrants where as Sweden is like 20%
Yes there are swarthy northern Europeans, you'd know this if you weren't a basement dwelling nerd.
Her mother looks like the darkie tbqh.
She's just tanned
here's a racial classification thread for her
Thanks for the free parking
Not really, she really could pass for a swarthy Latina.
Fassbender has lots of sex with her, so that pretty much makes her a black
Looks 1/8 black or 1/4 med.
tropical? you must be american to think there's only one skin tone in europe, especially when the nordics and meds tan so much
Proof that you never should date brown eyes
Cockroach brown eyes; thats a fucking Arab mate.
>here's a racial classification thread for her
Behold the future of Sup Forums
>She's just tanned
>1/4 Finnish
Does nobody realize the answer is in the op?
Could be some gypsy in her.
She cannot pass for someone with American Indian blood. She doesn't have the facial structure (high cheek bones, slanted eyes, certain type of eyelids/lashes and hair/hairline) and that's what American "Hispanics" are.
Swede here; Alicia Vikander and Joel Kinnaman are both jewish. That's why they made it to Hollywood in the first place.
Kinnaman did a movie based on a popular swedish book "Snabba Cash", Vikander a danish film with Mads "A royal Affair" which was also well-received.
Her mom looks the same, just less fake tan.
I think you're thinking of American Indians or chinese people. She could definitely pass for a swarthy Latina.
>that nose
>those cheekbones
She most definitely does.
Her father seems to be a Fenno-swede and her mother probably has the gypsy blood in her.
Asians aren't known for being dark unless they're Southeast asians.
I'm just saying she clearly doesn't have any American Indian blood in her, which is what most "Hispanics" in the Americas have.
>asians arent dark except for asians who are dark
Chinks do have weird dark areas though. They ussually have brown nipples and pussy. Most Asians have a yellow/brownish tint.
>They ussually have brown nipples and pussy.
>tfw this guy has the correct answer and no one cares.
nice trips btw
Also yeah, there are darker native northern-Yuros, just means some ancestor might have been part of a very small minority that lives in the north or whatever. And I don't mean a Somali or Muhhamed. The gene might have just kicked in generations later. Know a guy who had a darkie (compared to the usual northeners here) grandfather and who is the only one in the family to be darker than the average native.
True, I'm just saying if I saw speaking Spanish somewhere in the US, I would immediately think she's a Latina not European. Heck, If a just saw her walking in California, I would think she's Latina.
Her Swedish accent is sexy asf tho
Yeah but that means you're 99.5% mongolian.
Do you want to get horse archered? Since that's what will happen if you keep talking shit.
I think her mother is 3/4 Jewish and the family kept their ancestry a secret.
My father has fairly dark skin where as me, my mother and all my siblings are very fair skinned. I think his skin got darker as he aged and we do carry a gene where the male's are usually blond or even white haired when young and our hair turns brown to dark gray to even black as we grow older.
It might be a Sami gene, or remnants of some other tribe that once lived in the area but having darker skin isn't that abnormal up here. It's still not to the point of sand niggers but something more like pic related.
And proud of that.
Yeah, the hair thing is common here too. Was a blonde as a kid, but it turned into what we call potato brown when I got older.
But we also have a ton of russians around here and they tend to be darker, so if you have that blood then you can pop out a bit darker as well. Nothing extreme, ofc, just you might get dark hair and eyes, tho tan skin isn't very common.