*Blocks your path*

*Blocks your path*

I told you yesterday I don't have any change

JUST what do you think you're doing?

Where do you think we are?

Uhm, e-excuse me....

*unsheathes alimony bill*

*teleports behind him*



>so you're the famous JUST guy huh

"Oh hey! I loved you in The Mummy. Jesus... what happened, man?"

>I used to be a big hollwood actor you know!?
>haha yeah right.. you smell like shit do you know that? get the fuck out of my way

>be one of the most popular actors of late 90s/early 00s
>marry unattractive goldigger who takes everything from you

Why? Why did he do it?

he was one those guys who are dumb and easily manipulated when it comes to love.

but not anymore

Holy fucking kek

He should have just worshipped the ground she walked on and pretended to need her desperately or he'd kill himself. No seriously. If he came off as a desperate mad in love weirdo she probably would have divorced him and settled for less money. Just tell her every day over and over that he'd die without her and on days when she's being a cunt, cry and say he doesn't want to fight and then beg her to stop, and fall to his knees proclaiming his love for her and then tell her if He didn't have her he wouldn't know what he would do. Let her find cum on all her clothes and in her shoes and on her underwear and tell her he wants to collect her soiled underwear to keep to remind himself of her. She'd probably settle for less, get a restraining order, and move to Thailand all in the same day. I would unironically do that to any woman who'd let me have them though. I'd cum in their shoes and on their clothes and sniff their soiled underwear and collect their maxi pads and everything that belongs to them that has any hint of their smell be out gnarly, sour or filthy. I'd demand to eat her out even while she's taking a piss or shit. Yeah.

don't trust brunettes who want to be blonde

Is this pasta? I can't tell, if it isn't that's some crazy OC.

holy kek

Saved for future JUST threads

hug him and offer to smoke him out.

And I thought I needed to get laid.

When Sup Forums first told me how bad Brendan Fraser was doing I had one thing to say: "The guy from those God-awful comedy movies?" Yeah, nice career move, Brendan. But it caught Sup Forums's attention. And then I started to pay attention to Brendan and all that awful things he had endured. And you know what? I believe in Brendan Fraser. I believe that on his watch, Sup Forums can feel a little happier, a little more optimistic. Look at this face. This is the face of Sup Forums's bright future.


Don't push your degenerate fetishes onto Brendan.