I know a guy that made $15/hour in 1976 as an electrician. That is the equivalent of $62 now

I know a guy that made $15/hour in 1976 as an electrician. That is the equivalent of $62 now.

What the fuck happened to our economy?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mass immigration

This and Jewish manipulation of currency.

NATO, NAFTA, Immigration, War on Poverty



p.s. girl on the right has a better ass

I'm going to be honest. My ultimate fantasy is to bury my face in asses like that and lick their assholes.

it was a lot more dangerous to be an electrician in 1976

Everyone became obsessed with big butts

The median wage in 1976 is $11,379.

I agree with your assumptions but there's better ways to prove your point.

Yes she does user..Yes she does..

>What the fuck happened to our economy?
Boomers crashed it with no survivors

Paco is willing to do it at 1/4th the price. These illegals are driving down are wages, causing mass amounts of crime, and use welfare at very high rates.

Oh, but they pick fruits which no one else would want to do so we need them.

Inflation ofc.

Who are these semen demons?

My grandfather is a plumber and charges around $90 an hour.

We started using debt as currency


Electricians can still make pretty fucking good money.

Jews did 9/11.

US went off the gold standard three years prior

A lot of things OP, the economy as a whole shifted, the government turned to class warfare on everyone who wasn't college educated in order to justify policies that would devalue their work (and thus make things cheaper for rich people labor wise). Wealthy corporations took control of everything slowly, corporations took over agriculture in the 80s and trade policies by the early 90's, immigration policies were put in place to cut labor costs in the mid 90's (because fuck anyone who works below CEO level), the media got bought out in the early 2000's, the government took over the internet post 2008 to watch everyone, I mean it's shit dude.

The corporations have convinced everyone that "college" is the solution to all of their financial problems (instead of people actually focusing on fixing their financial issues by getting creative about production and selling, which is essentially how economies work). The government has convinced America they need to spend 100k on college, 100k on a house- that doesn't leave much spending for investments like building a business and whatever else.

Yeah now Electrican gets $25/hr + 25/hr of benefits.

>being this utterly moronic

Simple. Wages were not adjusted for cost of living and inflation.

Furthermore, syndicates and unions were crushed. Production was moved overseas, due to companies getting greedy.

Lastly, overpopulation.

All about profits now, all the wealth is being siphoned to the top, and while the average persons quality of life is declining by the year, the rich are living more and more extravagant lifestyles

mass immigration, flood of cheap labor
outsourcing, sending all demand for jobs overseas
cheap credit flooding the US with consumer debt and making everything more expensive

mass immigration pushes down wages, retard

You can make more than that as an electrician now, if you aren't shit.

The answer to your question is in your post. Do you know enough about economics to figure it out? If not you should probably never ever discuss economics.

I made $54 an hour stacking shelves last Saturday and Sunday, total of 16 hours so $864 AUD before tax.

30 million illegal immigrants, of course they depress wages, that's basic economics.

And you forgot to mention that women entered the workforce

I love Australia.

>Not knowing a shit about economy

Do you even know what social dumping mean ?

I don't care if she is a boy, I'd date her.

Just checked my payslip got $1,500 last week, gotta go back to work tomorrow, I only work 4 days a week.

Isn't shit in Australia ridiculously expensive?

>What the fuck happened to our economy?

We exported our working class to the Third World. Look at what average wages have increased by over the past 40 years in all the shitty countries compared to the West.

As a consequence, we don't really have jobs for unskilled labour here anymore, meaning the working class here has degenerated to meth addiction and gibs.



oy vey

capitalism happened
i.e. the transfer of wealth
everyone answering anything else is wrong

Not that much, he's still earning a lot.

After WWII, the US was the only industrialized country left untouched by war. By the late 20th century, the rest of the world was catching up. This put all sorts of pressure on American wages.

So go ahead and blame Jews, the boogeyman, or whatever. But the reality is that you have to bring something to the table to make yourself competitive.

-Not limiting immigration
-Immigration act following JFK's assassination

Yeah but if you're smart you can live really well. The biggest thing that is shit is housing, you can get cheap houses outside of the major cities, no job there though.
Hur dur

Inflation, and cuckservatives stupid enough to believe inflation is caused my raising minimum wage.

Do you watch True Capitalist Radio?

And still lying.

>enable free movement of labor
>labor moves to where there is an abundance of capital
>surplus labor results in suppressed wages

This is like econ 101

petrodollar, immigration, nafta, etc

I wish the USD would inflate some more.

It made it extremely cheap for me to import stuff from your guys back 3 years ago.

More than that familia

Women and third worlders are crowding the workforce and suppressing wages and technological unemployment.



Fuck you, man.

Electricians make that much now.

Sick meme

And the median hourly wage for an electrician today is $24.94 according to bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm

In Norway that is 208kr an hour, lets say we work an average of 40 hours a week then that is 33k a month. That is 399360kr yearly. That is living very comfortably with a nice house, a car, vacation, possibly cabin in the woods and small boat. And you probably have a wife that works as well with a salary around the 300k yearly.

What the fuck is the complaint about?

Well, we actually don't have to work as much as in 1976 to Buy ourselves something like a car, TV or house. I think it shifted to the positive


this skilled tradesmen often make 40-60/hr

globalization/asia is the core problem.
i read a arctile adidas has now a speedfactory( robots do shoes) and made in germany is comming back

>be poorfag eating dinner with well-to-do yuppie lawyer uncle and his spoiled wife
>they're talking about some person that used to work at a paper selling ads in the 80's
>one of them mentions this person made 30k a year
>immediately the other chimes in with "that was a lot of money back then!"
>im trying not to die inside
thats a lot of money now!

Mass immigration keeping wages low.

I'm in my mid 40s, so not as old, but:

I made 10 an hour doing general grunt level construction roofing in HS back in the late 80s. At 16 or 17 years old. Most of the mid 20s and up guys who did the actual roofing made like 18 or 22 or so an hour, and supported families.

I am now in my mid 40s and middle management for a corporation. Entry level employees here at age 21 make 9.50 an hour to start and it barely goes up 25 or 30 cents a year.

Illegal immigration has destroyed wages in the usa.

If you're are white move over here and I'll get you a job. Fucking sick of all the Indians and Muslims that they hire.

US allowed the corporations too much influence on policy.

>illegal immigrant electricians

I would love to eat those assholes

c'mon, Jamal, toss dat salad, nigger.

You realize we have legal immigration on a massive scale intentionally designed to keep wages low right?

My gpa made ~24/hr in 1983 working at john deere

Women's labor force.


You want capitalism, this is what you get.

You can blame immigration all you want, but that is merely a symptom. Trying to fix it gets you called a socialist and people ignore everything else you try and say.


It's okay. Stay away from the cities and you can live comfy as fuck but at the same time we have a lot of stupid laws and run the border of becoming a complete and utter nanny state, even though we're practically one already

Sparkies get about $1,200-1,300 a week take home plus bennies.

We doubled our work force by allowing women to work and then devalued low wage jobs further by allowing immigration to replace investing in communities and opened up trade making it free rather then fair.

will gladly take the left

I call BS on that.

I'm an electrical engineer, and I don't make that much.
You're talking about a base salary of 120k+ for a tradesman.
I know union electricians that make much more than that, but that's with a shit ton of overtime.

It doesn't have to be just electricians you dumbfuck. Put them anywhere and they displace American workers who then saturate other fields of labor.

Pic related, basic economics for your pea sized brain

>posts photo of like $800 USD in silver

ok guy, good luck buying 2 weeks worth of food when the economy collapses.

True teamwork would be one of you taking the ass while the other takes the pussy and another takes the mouth and another takes an ear and another takes a nostril

What are those? Pesos?

No no no. You are way off on your math.
$35K in US is slightly below middle class.
I know, because I make it. $75 Annually is middle class. You make $125-75k a year. You shouldnt have to many complaints. Except school debt.

$40/h is 120k salary now?

>that fat ass on the left

i want to shove my nose as far up her shit hole as i can and take long, deep, lung filling inhales until i experience a mind blowing orgasm, pass out, enter a lucid dream and repeat the whole process again.

No, my coworker makes that. He told me he makes 89k a year. Taxes kill you


its a shame the internet in Australia is shit

I'm a 24 y/o electrician and make exactly that much plus overtime and bonuses

What the fuck happened to you?

He must work a fair bit of overtime

>overpopulation is a problem but mass immigration isn't


I'm a 24 y/o electrician and make exactly that much plus OT and bonuses

What the fuck happened to you?

maybe union electricians in commercial/industrial construction, or electricians that own their own buisness.

Trump isn't joking about how shit the economy is bros. He wants to bring back those wages and knows how. We've been getting cucked for so long we think it is normal.

Women and migrants in the workforce

this, electricians make $100 dollar an hour now dip shit

underrated post

>I'm a 24 y/o electrician and make exactly that much plus OT and bonuses

I'm a person with a brain
No you dont