Are all "alt-right" people attention whores?

Are all "alt-right" people attention whores?

>Know this girl from college
>conservative supporting Rand
>Trump enters race
>She gets pissed I support him and oppose BLM
>Gets mad when I insult Muslims
>stops talking to me for a while when I mention nationalism as a good thing
>Check her Twitter a few months later
>It's all pro-Trump, anti-BLM, anti-Muslim stuff
>huge following from beta orbiters and Milo supporters
>uses terms like Aryan (she's non-white) even though she used to get mad at me for things like that

I just don't get these "alt-right" people.

What makes alt-right different from right wingers? It's like they're the people that try to be edgy but don't back up their words with action.


After years of repression and increasingly anti-white sentiment, people finally gathering the courage to shout "I'm WHITE AND PROUD you fucking lesser races!" is like a dam bursting. We're going to see the movement grow and grow.

Whites CREATED WESTERN CIVILIZATION, for fuck's sake. The single greatest human achievement is something to be PROUD of, not ashamed of, and certainly nothing to "apologize" for.

And let's face it, the lesser races haven't accomplished shit; whites and far-east asians are the master races, and all the others were literally pulled out of the stone-age BY US to come along for the ride. They should be THANKING US.

They will learn their place, soon enough...

There's that word again

It's not alt-right people, it's stupid women. They're natural followers and really flip-flop on ideals.

She's just not into you dude. Go back to luring your mom into the basement and fucking her silly.

Fuck off

I understand Alt in Alt Right mean alternative lifestyles.
And funny how it sounds, being conservative traditionalist Christian is now considered alternative considering how many cuckservatives are there with no moral values who pander to degeneracy of our societies.

But I am non-white and WE created civilization.

learn more history.


no it was WE

Get out troll

Actually MY people did. I'm brown, we created Sumeria which was the first civilization ever. We also had the Roman Empire.

I mean, they use it. I don't see the difference

It's not about her liking me. I turned her down because I don't want non-white children.

How are Sumeria and Roman Empire connected? Unless you're offspring of Arabian and Italian and you want to claim both of those ancestries.

I'm Sicilian which is Roman + Arab + Berber. That includes almost the first 7 civilizations.

Damn son, you are the true kang.


Stop taking credit for things you had nothing to do with personally. Take pride in your own personal achievements.

What personal achievements?

>Are all "alt-right" people attention whores?

No, but women are,

I am honestly worried if you even had to pose this question.


Just another "we wuz kangz".

I was depressed before I became racist. Now hating on niggers makes me feel proud and lucky to not be one. I will continue feeling pride in Rome and all that because I don't want to go back to having no self esteem.

At least you LARP as a Roman legionnaire.

Yes, continue stealing credit from people thousands of years ago.

A literal "kangz" tactic

Ok it may be pathetic but I'd rather that than going back to how I was before I was racist. I had suicidal thoughts for being a 28 year old virgin and being unable to find a job but finding out I descend from Tuscan royalty and that I descend from Romans made me feel so much better about myself.

> are women attention whores?

You story reads exactly like those "we waz kangz" afrocentrics.

This is Sup Forums btw. Not /r9k/. I don't care about your "depression" and "virginity"

The idea of an alternative right is supposed to represent people who have seen the problems with the status quo and are thinking about a new way forward with a right-wing set of morals, distinct from all the tired and toned-down arguments of the old right. What the 'alt-right' has become is a load of idiots spouting arguments about race and politics without a moment's thought, just spewing memes and feeling pleased with themselves for being edgy. I think the central problem is a lack of leadership- most people just want to feel accepted and that's fine, but to run a movement you need people who will get those people on the same page and pointed toward an actual goal. And in current year everyone thinks they're special and so clever and doesn't want to be lead, so the whole thing is boiling down to a load of memes and stupidity while the status quo carries on regardless

and i dont care about your "muh stop taking credit" meme, pls go.

Oh look, same thread again

Well, stop taking credit then. You are not a "kang"

>pls go

It's you who needs to go.

I don't care about a bogan/niggers opinion.

sure bud

You must care because you keep replying

> We also had the Roman Empire.

Latin master reporting !


Not you Jamal.

I am Latin.

Sicilians are the niggers of Itlay.



i think i know who this is, is it michelle (@6666913 on twitter)?




>Biggest dicks
>Get the women
>Don't have to work like wagecucks
>Nice healthy olive tanned skin instead of pasty ass cracka skin.

That's about right.

No it's not. And it's not just a women question I was posing. A lot of these "alt-righters" like Milo seem to be in it for attention



Females are attention whores


im not black tho.

The Alt Right is a loose association of third-rate e-celebs who circlejerk topics in mainstream media that are often talked about here for brownie points from you guys since 99% of you are fucking losers who will do nothing with their pathetic lives other than shitpost and post meme that no one outside your little hug box will understand. Read a fucking book ffs instead of allowing yourself to be duped by shitty infographs.

No, attention whores become alt-right because they're attention whores


Yes, you are. You're Sicilian.



Ok well then clearly blacks are a lot smarter because if you've seen Godfather you'd know they cucked the whole city into funneling money to them.

>inb4 its just a movie
It's based on real Mafias and Al-Capone had complete control of Detroit and Chicago.

It often feels like we lay the groundwork for what thes e-celebs post about

No you dont get women

>The the facts change my opinion changes, and you sir?
Grow up.

Yeah, you niggers are super smart.


>IQ tied with Japan

>can't refute the statement
>"lol go back to S4P"

Exactly my point. You can't argue other than calling people cucks and using shitty comics to articulate your non-existant opinions because you are too damn retarded to articulate them.

We don't lay the groundwork consciously, we, as a collective, just have generally quite similar beliefs about X topics that they pick up on, for example, immigration from shitholes. Most of us here agree that they should be fighting to change their countries, not fleeing to ours to get gibs. Any e-celeb can come by, take this, parrot it, and be rolling in cash now because of our collective retardation. It's no better than Anita ripping her talking points from Tumblr blogs or SRS.

1 O N E P O S T

Sure buddy, want me to start naming off inventions?

This so much.
It's just women being women

it means you hold alternative views to other right-wingers, it has nothing to do with lifestyle

>conservative supporting Rand

one of these things does not go with the other

I'm an uneducated pleb, there's no point pretending otherwise. I'm trying to read up on things but I'll never catch up to people who've been properly educated. I see the people you call 'third-rate e-celebs' as other people like me who want to find a role in making things better. I want to get involved precisely because I'm sick of the Sup Forums hugbox. If I try then I'm an idiot getting above his station, if I don't then I'm an idiot wallowing in shitty memes and idiocy. How am I supposed to get anywhere?

Of course, like most of Sup Forums. It's purely edgy bandwagoners that seek to show they're 'anti-establishment.' They're the same cunts that supported Nader, Kucinich and Ron Paul. They have no convictions. Only blind rage.

Its not an alt right thing its a woman thing, how long have you been locked in your moms basement, its like you never met a woman before

LOL edgy bandwagon idiot. You have no principles.

Good for you. I applaud your desire to better yourself. However there is a way of doing it without coming across as a fucking sperg like 99% of the "Alt-Right" (read: loose group of people with a mishmash of beliefs but unified in support of Trump) does.

There's nothing to argue. Breaking down your post is a waste of effort, I'll do the first phrase to illustrate.

>loose association of third-rate e-celebs
Alexander Dugin is not an e-celeb. But you don't know who he is. Instead, you'll google him really quick and then construct a strawman out of the little information you can glean in ~10 minutes about his work.

I don't give a shit though. You don't know the origin of the ideas spread here and think they originated from this board.

t. This guy

Naming shit you didn't make? I don't give a fuck, nigger. Al Capone died from syphillis because he was a stupid nigger who had his entire life's work dismantled when people began paying attention.

He asked about the alt right, not the left.

I don't give a fuck about your dumbass posts no one is going to read. I laugh at you snowchimps.

Dugin is not Alt-Right. He is a traditionalist conservative and Russian Imperialist. The "Alt-Right" again is a collection of kiddies with various beliefs ranging across the spectrum but are unified in support of Trump.

Being a Trump supporter != Alt Right
Being a Traditionalist != Alt Right

Well again, should I accept that most of the people I'm trying to join up with are 'spergs' (which they are, I'm not arguing) and make the best of it, or go back to feeling hopeless and alone and accomplishing nothing? The old neonat crowd wouldn't accept me and I wouldn't have anything to offer them, so I have to choose between the 'alt-right' or do nothing

You ain't Latin, you're a dumb Injun with a Latin last name.


How would i have a latin last name if i wasn't latin?

Well you shouldn't wholly subscribe to a singular ideology. Hardliners are always the biggest dupes because they believe everything about X ideology. You should, like I applauded you for, educate yourself on a variety of topics and don't try and fit some shitty mold, be your own man. The whole redpill thing isn't about going Heil Hitler with your Natsoc buddies online, it's about improving yourself intellectually and physically daily where you become independent and self sufficient (or near it), or as (I think Aristotle said), either a beast or a God amongst men.

>I-I d-don't care
Stop replying anytime, nigger. You never accomplished anything in your sad life.

>Dugin is a traditionalist conservative
Alexander Dugin advocates for the creation of an ALTERNATIVE RIGHT-WING method of governance as a solution to modern international conflicts and globalization.

>I don't know what alt-right is
>I don't know where Alexander Dugin has given conferences or who he has spoken in front of
>I don't know any of Alexander Dugin's literature

Keep wikipedia'ing, you fucking moron.

alt-rights are just faggot contrarians that longer ago dismissed the need for intellectual consistency



where is this from

Is this girl Asian? I know someone how fits the bill.

> (You)
>>Dugin is a traditionalist conservative
>Alexander Dugin advocates for the creation of an ALTERNATIVE RIGHT-WING method of governance as a solution to modern international conflicts and globalization.
>>I don't know what alt-right is
>>I don't know where Alexander Dugin has given conferences or who he has spoken in front of
>>I don't know any of Alexander Dugin's literature
>Keep wikipedia'ing, you fucking moron.

So they are Jews

No, black.

Retard had a stroke.

Seems like this is more about women being attention whores than anything else.

I happen to like Dugin, the Eurasianist. Perhaps you are new here.
My definition is consistent with what we've been hearing from shills trying to tell us what we think.

This- a bunch of edgy 15 year olds

> (You)
>Dugin is a traditionalist conservative

He practically is domestically and through his foreign policy, are you denying this?

>Alexander Dugin advocates for the creation of an ALTERNATIVE RIGHT-WING method of governance as a solution to modern international conflicts and globalization.

His method is nowhere close in ideology compared to what the Alt-Right is supposed to be.

>I don't know what alt-right is

I do. It's a loose conglomeration of dupes like yourself who would rather sell their nations superiority to a foreign power given your huge boner for Dugin.

>I don't know where Alexander Dugin has given conferences or who he has spoken in front of

He's a writer and has worked with Putin and has formulated "Atlanticism."

> don't know any of Alexander Dugin's literature

How dare I not read every book by everyone that has ever lived

>Keep wikipedia'ing, you fucking moron.

How dare I use the Internet to further my knowledge and get a grasp of who you are masturbating to.