Shit that scared you as a kid

Shit that scared you as a kid

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WTF I hate birds now

Tbh, since when I was like 8 when watched a girl nude be4

cartoons never really scared me but Freddy did.. not so much Jason and co.


Is this what happens to Negan in the end?

This hock nosed cunt

I think the ride in Disney World gave me PTSD after I rode it for the first time.

God dammit

All scenes with that

When captain amazing gets killed in Mystery Men. That shit fucked me up

Holy shit, I 'member this show, used to scare me shitless

They still creep me the fuck out, but I can sleep at night now though

what the fuck is that


>this causes the britbong to break down in a spastic fit of fear

Also, pretty much this whole movie is freaky.


This was truely terrrifying.

You watched End of Eva at 8 years old? You must have been one patrician 8 year old.

It's that bird from Planet Earth 2

I don't understand how anyone could see this shit and find it scary even as children

I remember my family rented it from the local blockbuster the weekend lady Diana died because we wanted to watch something as a family other than fucking idiot royalists crying over a dead princess they never knew.

It was fun and silly even when I was 8. Dunno how you could see it any other way.

Yes. Yes it was.

this shit

It only creeped me out when they started killing everyone in sight with lazer guns that turn people into skeletons.

That's a big blast of nostalgia right there.

Ghost Writer was cool.

And this was before I read the book, where the horse can talk and describe how he is too depressed to live.

A butcher-bird, ya.

i remember watching it for the first time as a sheltered little baby, i screamed when they started shooting people and turning them into burning skeletons and hid my head in the sofa, my dad just sat and giggled at me and tried to pull me out to keep watching

Was gonna post this fucker. I remember feeling genuine terror for the first time when I saw him. He's so silly looking back now, but man he scared the shit out of me.

its a bit jarring as a kid to see them disintegrating people + the sound the ray gun makes

as a kid that had already seen less sweary tv edits of stuff like Aliens it just looked like cartoons.

If anything I wanted to run around the white house lazer gunning martians myself.
Someone could/should have made a comfy ps2 light gun game of Mars Attacks.

Whoa what's this from?

Is that from Teletubbies?



One day I went to the library


that fuckin Bat from The Great Mouse Detective. i always had to skip over him or close my eyes. i was sucha scared little shit when i was younger. my grandparents took me to Deep Blue Sea when i was like 10. i was hiding in the seat the whole movie.

What sort of parents lets their kids watch EoE at 8 years old?

me being born

This scene from Young Sherlock Holmes:


my dad let me rent all kinds of degenerate anime when I was a child.

he thought it was cartoons, i had a tv/vcr combo in my room so they never noticed what I was up to.

I remember this bit scaring me so much I felt like an electric shock ran through my body.

I don't even know why I watched it, I was deathly afraid of aliens until I was around 14, which was 2 years after the film came out.


he's absolutely right though

And I have absolutely no idea why. Parts of it are still low key frightening to me, especially live action adaptations

nightmares for years after seeing this episode while i had a fever.

final form hexxus


>cries for help and blood curdling screams intensifies

FUCK the Animatrix I was not prepared for that at 13

The Mummy from The Mummy (1999) scared the shit out of me as a kid.

The Animals of Farthing Wood (1992-1995)

Really comfy series, apart from this fucking scene. Doesn't help that the dead mice were characters the audience had become attached to, and right after this scene we see their parents wringing their tiny paws and screaming in terror.




I traumatized a few friends on a sleepover with this.

i had so many of those books and videos, i didn't even like it. the constant threat of the animals losing their home gave me anxiety.


I think Teletubbies in general is pretty creepy in how surreal it gets.
Nothing in that show has any explanation really.

Sometimes I wonder if those creatures are the last five living creatures in a post-apocalyptic world.
(They murdered everything else, the children are just simulations to keep their murderous intent at bay. Literally reprogramming them every day to stop them from murdering each other)



I was about 6 years old when my mom decided to rent this movie. I started crying from fear when I went downstairs and saw him on screen.

God that is great

And then like the retard I am I forget my image.

You sound like a retard or 14 year old

Fucking triggered. That movie scared the living shit out of me as a kid and gave me nightmares.

For me the worst were the sequels. I recall there was one where a fox cub leaves home and the entire story is about him being abused by humans and other animals while slowly starving to death. It ends with him coming home only to collapse and die in front of his family.

Fuck this fucking lion.

i saw new episode recently with my nephew and honestly it's much creepier now.

it's all done with blue screen instead of an actual outdoor set which gives it a weird hollow feeling and they have weird cgi baby now.

rotoscoping is a surefire way to make some nightmare fuel

the uncanny valley effect it causes is legitimately disturbing

Honestly, I've been reading a lot of classic science fiction lately.





Does profoundly disturbing count? First time I ever saw a kid get killed, and it's in the most brutal way possible.


Imagine these things just following you everywhere in your day to day life.
Just sitting around. Watching. With those creepy lifeless same-face doll eyes.

I ran out of the theater screaming.

I think its just the screaming BRs that made it spoopy

So 14 year old

My cousin is triggered by this thing to this day. He's 20 years old and he refuses to watch anything Thomas The Tank Engine related.

This and that one episode of powerpuff girls with Him and the iron maiden

Taarna brings up the Heavy Metal movie, is that the source of that pic?

google image search says otherwise.

He is probably autistic and the faces freak him out.
Please send him this on whatsapp

whats wrong with evangelion. its a kids cartoon lol like poketmon and tom and jerry. enjoy your toons son.

Yes, Heavy Metal is an anthology movie and Taarna is the final short.

Yeah, exactly this: My parents thought I was just watching stuff like Avatar: The Last Airbender since I loved that show as kid too


How fucking young are you jesus christ


Who thought it was good for a kid to watch this movie? I saw it in the theater when I was 8.

>tfw over a decade older than user
Well it's not like there's just a bunch of teenagers and a handful of man children autists running around Sup Forums right?

enjoy your hammer underageb&

pretty neat

Ran to my dad when Optimus died (he was in the garage) and he was geniunely surprised the movie is as violent af

>dat asuka bulge
Always knew she was the right choice.

You were born in 1962? I'm impressed honestly, I've watched that movie every year with my dad since like 92' or 93 when I was 5 or 6 years old. Christmas classic, but some spooky as fuck parts, especially given the fact Scrooge actually fucking goes to hell.

>Be me 4-5 years old
>On holiday with grandma
>She lets me watch cartoons as long as I want to
>11 pm cartoon network (my country doesn't have adult swim), Johny Quest marathon
>the villain turns into a shitty cgi snakehead cunt and chases everyone without moving his legs
>"always right behind you" trope
>every time he catches up with the heroes they used the same shot with his face filling the entire screen and eyes glowing red
>the only thing I remember afterwards is covering my eyes and still having the image burned into the retina