>turning one of the most iconic movie villains of all time into le funny pun machine
>turning one of the most iconic movie villains of all time into le funny pun machine
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The Emperor's bodyguards are in the movie? Do they show off their fighting skills finally or do they just stand there?
Fuck Vader Fuck white people and Fuck you
Yes, no and yes.
except that didn't happen, kys
I remember the time, when Lucas turned Vader into unintentional comic character with his "NOOOOOOO!". In Rogue One Vader was actually Vader.
I dont fucking care, seeing Vader in a bacta tank on Mustafar made up for any cringe puns.
And yeah I am a manchild fanboy
I realize that you're shitposting because Vader is barely in the movie but
Edwards had the movie taken away from him. Disney absolutely fucked him over with it which is why he decided he'd had enough of working on Blockbusters.
OP is just butthurt because Vader made a joke while he was killing a guy.
You telling me Vader (who just spent some time on Mustafar) wouldn't have any dark humor inside of him? He fucking lashes out with Rebels a moment later and you think that is badly written?
Is there hope for a director's cut?
Knowing Disney I doubt it but if Edwards keeps his mouth shut like Ayer did for Suicide Squad hopefully good things will come
it's a Disney movie, they don't do director's cuts.
We'll actually it's because a writer tried to be cool and edgey by writing a shitty quip for a voice actor to read and there's no more reason than that.
You can try to justify it with head canon though since that's all that star wars fans seems to do with these new movies.
except it did.
The Jyn Erso slave girl outfit was pretty tame compared to Leia's but the Storm Trooper gangbang was too lewd even for me
What pun did he make?
*force choke* Be careful not to "choke" on your ambition
Cue: Badum Tisss
Did Bioware write this crap? This reads like an edgy videogame choice.
This cant be real
Clear this up for me:
Do we get to see a Darth Vader that lives up to his reputation of being the "Best Jedi", "greatest fighter" "best pilot", "Jedi hunter"? Because up to this point, all we've seen him do is kill a group of kids and throw an old man down a well.
It is, not as cringy as it sounds on paper.
He actually quips a little in the recent Marvel Comics, but he also has his badass moments like this
> Storm Trooper gangbang
You know this is going to be a thing in the eventual porn parody
Anyone here has her ass shot?
Geez what a mouthful. Why not
>when daddy stops in to check on u and the familams
When have they ever done more than just be props?
SW is after all for hippster faggots now.
Yes it is but don't get memed into thinking it was cringy
That's why I asked. Instead of showing stormtroopers act pathetic maybe there could be a scene of these guys actually doing something.
Why the fuck does he choke like 20 people in this movie, too?
The most we see is him killing a bunch of a rebel ship's crew members who are running away from him. It's a badass scene but hardly proves anything about his power since they're not jedi
But does his power really need to be proven literally anyway we are not fucking autists are we
He also made a joke in ROTJ remember, the one about the emperor being less forgiving than him
>we are not fucking autists are we
you feel good about yourself? hurting me make you feel good?
How is Vader saying the Emperor is less forgiving than him a joke?
because vader himself is not forgiving. kills his own underlings for the slightest mistakes
what else do you need spoonfed about, my child
Why do you think Edwards had the final say in it?
Just got back from seeing the movie.
I thought it was totally generic forgettable crap until literally the last 60 seconds, where Vader murders everyone in a fucking badass scene that could come out of a horror slasher movie, and the good guys get Hiroshima'd
happens and it's cringe.
I rate it above Ep. 7 but below the other 6.
Even if they don't do that in the porn parody Shabby Blue will eventually do it, even if it takes 10 fucking years.
read the thread then re ask that.
I literally don't know how to explain it to you in a level you will understand. Vader is not forgiving at all, just look at how many admirals he goes through.
V > VI = IV > R1 > III = VII > II > I
He chokes admirals in the OT for either directly making a mockery of him or because they've failed at their jobs. Saying "the emperor is less forgiving than me" isn't a joke. It means the Emperor is even scarier.
DONT CHOKE ON YOUR AMBITIONS HEH *force chokes* is full on snarky bullshit straight from a Bioware videogame.
holy shit that really happens? i really want some mainstream movie to dare kill everyone and let the bad guys win for a change
The bad thing isn't him making "jokes". It's just that the line in Rogue One was so badly written. His quips in the OT had at least some subtlety, but "Don't CHOKE on your ambition" is pretty on the nose.
It's also not the only bad line in the new movie. The script in RO is Marvel movie tier.
Wasn't he quipping in anh when he was killing the guy in the conference room before Tarkin told him to lay off?
I still can't understand how anyone can think TFA (and now R1) can in any shape or form be worse than the PT.
Hell, for something to be worse than episode 2 it would have to be some kind of a non-movie.
> What's an iconic thing Vader does?
> Chokes people!
> Brilliant Edward. Let's shoehorn it in every chance we can.
I don't even understand why he makes the quip. Director Kranik (sp?) didn't even do anything wrong, he asked a perfectly legitimate question and then Vader's all "LOL TIEM 2 PUN"
Are we living in the age of quipkino?
He was annoyed about Krennic only being worried about his rank when Vader really would have wanted to kill the guy.
If only we had a real Vader to teach some of these keyboard warrior Internet bullies a lesson!
Because they clearly had a checklist when they made this movie and "Vader choking someone" was obviously on that list.
It was fanservice, just like every other scene in this movie.
you mean, Gilroy, right? Edwards turned in a star WARS film. Disney rejected it and brought in Tony Gilroy to make it more kid-friendly.
Director Kranik was just a victim of circumstance during the movie and not really incompetent. Grand Moff Tarkin was really just being a cunt to him.
What? It was cringey as fuck. You can imagine him chuckling like a schoolkid under his helmet.
> Vader lives in a Fortress of Solitude on Mustafar
This was the weirdest thing about R1 Vader to me, desu.
I thought he'd be in the thick of the action those 20 years between III and IV, either on Coruscant to glower at Senators on Palpatine's orders, or on his Super Star Destroyer shelling recalcitrant planets.
The idea that instead he basically lives as a hermit in a pickle jar brooding over the world that cost him his limbs is... well it's kinda gay.
yeah, this was leaked ages ago, when an irate studio hand revealed Disney execs were going to reshoot a lot of it. quite surprised this scene made it. i bet it was twice as horrific in Edwards original cut.
>Vader murders everyone in a fucking badass scene that could come out of a horror slasher movie
You sound like a total faggot.
Have you seen the scene?
That's a basically accurate description.
why do the wear burkas?
Yes and that comparison sounds like it came out of a 12 year olds faggot mouth.
No that's setting up the Emperor as a more ruthless character than a guy who chokes his henchmen to death.
>Grand Moff Tarkin was really just being a cunt to him.
Speaking of, whatever special effects they did to bring Peter Cushing back from the dead was effective. Tarkin looked and sounded like Tarkin. I was impressed.
I don't see the problem.
Did people forget the "Apology accepted" or the other things he said after chocking people.
>Vader naked in the bacta tank
I don't know why but that really disturbed me
And your posts seems like they came from an edgy teen who wants to tell everyone on the internet to fuck off and go suck a dick because they just hate everyone man, but doesn't quite know how to do that without seeming try hard.
Bane is Not an argument
This. I know people are shitting on it and saying it looked crap, but if I didn't know Cushing was dead I probably wouldn't have thought to question it too much. I mean you can tell, but it's only really noticeable because you know to notice. Voice actor was spot on though.
Leia didn't look THAT bad either.
People are just saying that they do because they know they're CGI and need to let everyone know that they're so smart not only because they noticed it, but that it was so fucking terrible that they couldn't help but do so. Because they're so smart.
Neither is pointing out someones obviously unrelated choice of image in lieu of what they actually said :^)
I didn't even know Cushing was that tall.
Two things come to mind
It's the facility where palpy built and gave him the armor suit and still has the best equipment for maintaining the suit.
And maybe he clings to a hope that Obi-wan would return to Mustafar someday to finish their duel.
yes, in the form of a witty ex dee ex dee line
>It's the facility where palpy built and gave him the armor suit and still has the best equipment for maintaining the suit.
That was on Coruscant.
Point #2 I might give you, although I'm more inclined to turn it around to a "Siths get their power from pain and anger CRAAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIN and what's gonna give you more pain and anger than living on a shrine to your own fifth-degree burns"
I laughed not because it was funny but because it was completely absurd that he was really saying that
Maybe it's because Vader is Frankenstein's Monster, ya goofball.
Maybe he stays there in order to kindle his resentment.
Vader was always pretty funny
>Apology accepted Captain Needa :^)
This thread is filled with samefags and memers who have never seen a star wars film before.
idk but in any case it somehow just makes sense because it's vader
I mean of course he would fucking live on the same volcano planet where he became a cripple.
I didn't think the line was out of place at all. I feel like people talking shit in this thread didn't even watch the movie yet
With the Imperial march coming in after the pun it feels right out of the OT. I dunno what you people are complaining about. Vader was always making sarcastic quips like this. Hes a king shittalker.
didn't like the smile Krennic made after Vader choked him and I didn't like the smile Man Moth made before going to battle
generally I just don't like smiling
>stormcucks crying about muh source material
lmao, just fucking admit that you're pissed that the cast was actually representative of America and that's why you're pissed
>I...I'm totally annoyed at Vader! I...it's nothing to do with having to look at a BLACK MAN on screen!
Fucking trumptards, I swear to God
>chokes a guy
>I find your lack of faith disturbing.
>torture robot with 9'inch dildo comes into room
>Now we will discuss the location of the rebel location
>chokes a guy
>Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
>blocks blaster bolts with his hand and takes the gun out of Han Solo's hands
>We would be honored if you could join us
>It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here.
>Cast representative of America
That's what they'd like you to think, sheeple, that's why they cast those people in the first place.
>I'm annoyed at Vader cause he a black man
Wtf? Who said this?
But you know as well as I do that this line is going to be brought up forevermore by shitposters on Sup Forums
>Trump gets elected
>1 month later
They're slowly becoming the new SJWs, you couldn't make this shit up
>America known as the great melting pot
If one of you fucks has an Irish great grandmother you start banging on about how you're "Irish American" and getting all cringy on St. Patricks day because your incredibly tenuous connection to a culture you don't fucking know or understand outside of shite stereotypes and memes makes you somehow more interesting than your average run of the mill Amerifat.
Don't start denying other cultures being a part of the fabric of American identity now.
Does Vader even talk in the film? Does JEJ still voice him like he did in Rebels?
>chokes an asshole
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
>chokes a dude to death
Apology accepted, Captain Needa.
>threatening an officer
The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.
>choking a dude to threaten him
Try not to choke on your ambition.
suddenly the last one is not ok
The fuck happened to this board? It use to be ironic shitposting but someone didnt get the memo it's a fucking joke and we have legit idiots running around spouting falsehoods as facts unironically.
If you can't see the difference between those lines and
>*chokes a guy*
>"don't CHOKE on your ambition :^)"
You should be worried
>America known as the great melting pot
Ironically the meaning behind the American Melting analogy Pot is that it starts diverse and ends up melting into a homogenous unified society, not a diverse one with loads of different cultures.
No, they fixed his synthesizer, he sounds like classic Vader.
He does speak.
IDK if it's Earl. It mostly sounds *like* Vader but on occasions it just veers off into something different.
Dunno whether that's because they used a different VA, or because JEJ has aged 40 years since last time.