That's my wife
That's my wife
something in the way starts playing
We call this friendly fire, friendly fucking, or getting friendly fucked.
I honestly don't understand what would possess someone to do something like this to someone.
But, the way she said "who's playing around now?" or whatever kind of implies that he had been unfaithful as well, which sort off justified the action, but not the cruel way in which she showed him.
have you ever had a gf
Have you ever met a woman?
Women that cheat project their lack of fidelity on their partner.
post the movie name you fucking morons
Jarhead dummy
stop insulting me and just let me know please
coughing sand bro
>military wife
same thing that always happens, one person cheats, the other person cheats back
made me giggle
>*muffled grunge music plays in the distance*
Women, bro.
Generation Kill
This. What y'all don't realize is that 90% of military bases are in the middle of nowhere, so all you've got are women who have lived their whole lives seeing marriage into the military as their golden ticket out. Once that happens, the marriage is nothing more than a means to an end. Then you have these 17 and 18 year old kids who are so fucking naive to the world and fall for them- hook, line, and sinker.
It's sad, really.
squishy face retard may be the funniest insult I've ever heard in a movie
Insult hit the nail on the head.
Every time I try to bring this guy up but can't remember his name, I just say "That one actor with a squishy face."