our no. 1 teen tv crush is back :)
>no. 1
i want millenials to fucking LEAVE
Gen z user you're a millennial
Can't they tell them to lose weight
no. 1.
i'm born in 1977 asshole
I'm sorry
>what's a good date so I can seem old like the cool kids
>Hmm, 1977, yeah, perfect!
>tfw drinking balsamic vinegar straight from the bottle while watching that gif
comfy af.
I bet her husband fucked her brains out wearing those fake tits.
>he thinks he's ever leaving
you're all going to be here forever user, the ride never ends.
So, uh, it's not-Mythbusters with the not-build team doing not-Mythbusters stuff?
I'm ok with that
I'd bust her myths if you know what I mean ;)
inb4 adam and jamie guest appearances
wait is that actually Kari? WHen the hell did she get implants? Somebody tell me!
>guest appearance
>they make something explode
That's from an episode of MythBusters when they were testing something about boobs.
xd le boobs study how novel
fucking normies
Get out, grampa.
Get off muh lawn you brat
The show kind of sucks desu.
The format of the show is really fucking weird. I don't like it.
>39 years old
>40 in only two weeks
Holy shit get off of Sup Forums you ancient fuck.
You think the white guy ever got to fuck her? He always seemed like he wanted to but she was never interested in him
He got to watch jamie and adam do it.