>mfw Sup Forums is slowly dying

We had fun.

Blame the fucking Canadians

canadians are less shitposters than americans

You and I both know this isn't true

>being this dumb and fat
probably trump adds something in your water

>being this alcoholic and dead in your 30s

Somebody must have put some water in your alcohol

great banter faggot, how does it feel to be 14yo?

Poor banter

all of this board is slowly dying because we are invaded by liberal shills.

4 (IV) great military powers in one thread
We must conquer this board

We're only missing the brits


lol cmon

We have almost more nuclear warheads than Russia

Blame the generals

I am a Greek

what makes you think Sup Forums is dying?

Being able to build nukes doesn't mean shit

The state of Florida would beat you in a war

you are the cancer


Sup Forums is actually more alive than ever. I can pretty much say Sup Forums is at its peak right now compared to 2011 when Sup Forums had no flag, everybody was pretending to be fat american or mock USA in general, and it was very /trv/-tier slow during Asian hours.

Too many generals
Even if I like my general

t. liberal shill

Italians confirmed to be the worst posters

Fuck off back to /mena/



I think flags on Sup Forums and Sup Forums made Sup Forums irrelevant years ago.
its just a hiding spot for a few groups who hang out in there little /generals/ shitposting day in day out.

ints been dead since 2013

the fuck is the point of an american general when we're all speaking english?

it was always shit

>csq le fil francais est mort

He's right though

Only paki posters can save this board

cancerjerk generals and faggots. Way too many faggots and r e d d i t.
Sup Forums fell after the election. Sup Forums is dead.

This board is on life support.

i noticed this too, traffic is getting slower compare to like 3 years ago.
maybe the coming 2018 world cup may bring more users to int.

or are they just hiding in generals? since i just ignored generals.

Delete /bant/

Is it?

Swedes post almost exclusively in their general.

>implying france or england are in the top 4

>Didn't move out to other better board like /bant/

But bant is reddit tho


he means /cum/

there is still no point

How do we bring in the Swedish demographic to other threads?