Any films like this?
Any films like this?
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Europe deserves to burn, they brought this on themselves.
Can't wait for the US President to be blamed for all this.
>The Daily Star
yep, sounds like the exact reading material Sup Forums would respond to...
I can't wait for Putin to take over whatever's left
You been to Sweden m8? Because I go there every year (relatives), and it's vastly different every year I visit. The Swedes are like 90% depressed, the sandniggers literally laugh at them, and public transportation and commie blocks are literally Chicago/Detroit-tier.
yeah im sure all the riots will be in the middle of december when its like -10 outside
give me a fucking break
keep memeing, stormfront.
I actually live in the real world so I don't need to resort to fearmongering and fake news.
The Dark Knight Rises when Bane takes over Gotham
Children of Men
oh no Sweden, UK, France, and Germany will be fucked, how terrible
There are only like 3 countries worth giving damn about in Europe
t. tumblr
Basement and university is not real world, m8.
That sounds like the best time for riots, desu. The fires will warm everyone up. The whole continent will be comfy.
this is some top tier populism
>using stormfront as a pejorative term
>(((fake news)))
has this place gone full reddit already?
>TFW you realize merkel is a new version of hitler that will destroy Germany and countless other countries
Feels good man
>populism: the political doctrine that supports the rights and powers of the common people in their struggle with the privileged elite
Nothing wrong with populism, it's just that (((you))) are trying to subvert it into something bad and edgy.
I live in france you fucktar liberal and I know what this article is referng to. When you'll know a fucking muslim slaughter every two months, you'll maybe think again about your shitty liberal smug sarcasm.
>You been to Sweden m8? Because I go there every year (relatives)
No you don't based on your description. Sweden is nothing like that.
>transportation and commie blocks are literally Chicago/Detroit-tier.
Children of Men
Enlighten on what 3 countries that matter in Europe
Why are European whites such cowards
Surprised none of the gangs in these countries are taking them out.
If this shit happened in chiraq gd and bd would wipe them out.
I'm glad that I'm a redpilled Slavfag
They were raised in a bubble of safety, and lied to about the barbarians being human.
I was looking for something to watch. This looks like it could be entertaining enough. Worth a watch?
>it's a 'vague excuse for Sup Forums thread on non-Sup Forums board' thread