Just finished watching this masterpiece, and I'm hungry for some more. Recommend me some WWII kino.
Just finished watching this masterpiece, and I'm hungry for some more. Recommend me some WWII kino
I hope this is bait
It's a genuinely good movie
it's only good because it's not a bad movie. Nothign really special about it though.
is there gay sex in it?
Everyone involved seemed to take great pleasure in how inaccurate they made it.
>it's only good because it's not a bad movie
It was very inaccurate and skipper over the actual interesting aspects of the story and development of enigma and turned it into
>muh gay struggle
This is one of the most bland, cookie-cutter Hollywood biopics I've ever seen. It checks all the boxes on Oscar bait (and I actually like most Oscar bait):
A brilliant, misunderstood man overcomes his personal struggles to achieve greatness thanks to the help of a beautiful, supportive woman. Also, it pertains to WW2.
I thought he laid on the tism a little thick. Can someone not just be smart?
this movie was shit. riddled with cliches, benedict cumberbatch can only play "le tortured genius", keira knightley jaw-acting at full force. it was excruciating.
>it's only good because it's not a bad movie
watch the enigma code, its much better and more historically accurate
>WW2 British kino
The Railway Man
>boring espionage kino
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (early cold war, but similar style)
>boring espionage kino
all versions of TTSS are goat and comfy af you pleb
your a grill right?
Why does Pumpkinpatch act so autistic in every role he's in?
cause autism, this seems obvious
I loved the movie, but the biggest normie complaint was that it was too dry and nothing happened
>the biggest normie complaint
ah, never mind don't care
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is definitely not a boring espionage kino
it's just a very fine film utterly torpedoed by gayness
try charlie wilson's war instead
its necessary to the story and apart from cumberpatch it wasn't in your face at all just implied
well then:
bait, said i.
So basically everything is Kino now? I mean congrats on learning a new word but seriously enough is enough.
I'm right, cucumbers shit was unnecessary, Mark Strongs is important