Good album

good album

>good album

user pls

It's just a mediocre set of sounds if you compare it to any classics from Wu Tang, The Roots or Lil B

I know you're meming but everything Wu-Tang did after 36 Chambers is unmemorable and completely nondescript.

nice bait lmao

what is Wu Tang Forever

Yeah sure let's just go ahead and compare DAMN. to one of the most influential and important hip-hop albums of all time and pretend that it's not an unfair comparison why don't we.

Why don't we compare QOTA's Villains to Beach Boys' Pet Sounds while we're at it?



black people

GKMC and S80 are his only good albums.

imagine being this wrong

You're right, maybe I'm being too generous. GKMC is his only good album.

TPAB (9) > GKMC > (7) > UU (6.5) > .80 (6) > DAMN. (4)

I really love TPAB, but I don't see him ever topping it or even matching it sadly

TPAB is his best album because it has for free in it.
This. Dick. Ain't. Free.


Damn's ok, it has a few bad songs and doesn't match TPAB or GKMC but is still good. I feel like people either overpraise it or underpraise it pretty extremely on both sides.

fuck off tripfag

Hot take but this album is better than anything the roots ever made


>Liquid Swords


I'd bump DAMN and GKMC's scores up a bit but otherwise yeah this

Considering #FFFFFFF plebs on here widely call Kendrick GOAT in hip hop it's not exactly an unfair comparison. He should be making albums on that level

Maybe you can't compare DAMN to something like 36 Chambers but GKMC and TPAB are both on that level

>GKMC and TPAB are both on that level

>Wu Tang Forever
>The W