Is ~40min the perfect length for an album?
Is ~40min the perfect length for an album?
40-50, less chance of having bad tracks ruin the flow of an overall good album.
>tfw 35
Think again
What is perfect is a tracklist of no more than 9 songs, preferably 6-8, length anywhere from 35 to 50 minutes.
pleb tier, 40 isn’t bad, but this is just brainlet attention span. there is a reason why mac debargo is only a guilty pleasure of mine
There's no such thing as a perfect length for an album. It varies from opinions, various factors about the music itself, how fun to listen is the music, etc.
do you like belzebong?
The objective answer is that it's subjective
Yes, I've always felt like Low has the perfect length
the exact amount is 42 minutes, which is the max length of a vinyl record without it starting to sound shitty.
Since when do we not check these trips?
>stuffs just like whatever man its all relative there’s no truth like just chill stop being such a nazi about stuff
Go back to your containtment board, please.
I'd say it's got a lot to do with the aesthetic. Milo Goes To College works well with only 22 minutes, but that's because everything else makes it so those 22 minutes fit the LP's aesthetic.
t. Modernist twat
i'm a postmodern neomarxist and i'm coming to subjectively rape your white sisters and daughters
what you gonna do about it, you cucked little white man?
>postmodernist neomarxist
Marxism is inherently modernist, you dolt.
I'd say depending on the genre/style. Some are perfect at a half hour (Prince's Dirty Mind I think is a near perfect album for what it is and it's I think 30 or 31 minutes, in and out). Punk music is better that way also, an EP (20 minutes) to 30 minutes. For most things though I'd say 35-45 minutes is golden. if you have an hour of music it better be good with no filler (maybe 1 song). But it's unforgivable what some of these rappers are doing with 70 minute albums that are only about (at most and being nice) 15 minutes worth of anything. Soundcloud rappers, if they need to exist, shouldn't release anything that exceeds and EP. That includes Migos, that album was so trash cut 90% of it and leave the singles and it'd be acceptable.
Nah, 35 is just short and sweet.
An inherent part of modernism is the belief that there is a sole directing narrative towards which humanity will progress to whenever we "go forwards". In Marxism, this is the belief that communism is inevitable once we reach the end stage of capitalism, also known as the dialetical and historical materialism.
Comparatively, post-modernism claims there are thousands of narratives all competing against one another all at once. Thus, by definition, unless you're using some bizarre version of Marxism, you cannot be a Marxist if you are a post-modernist.
I... I'm just shitposting with the picture of Jordan Peterson
he's a Canadian professor that talks about "postmodern neo-marxism" as a legit threat to destroy western society, gets like $70,000 on Patreon and has a retarded fanbase on here, Sup Forums, reddit etc
The best is ~5 minute noisecore albums with ~30 tracks
Yeah, I do realize that, but hey, if anyone here steps by there's always a bit of new stuff they can read. Also, yeah, he's an absolute moron.
>having a "guilty pleasure"
>not just openly enjoying something you enjoy
i'm sorry
based robert smith poster
an hour. six mintues
Single LP so ~35 minutes.
lel why so mad? i dont even go there, its peak autism. its just such a ridiculous cop out/truism that kills conversation to say everything is subjective. remain upset, freakbags.
i wouldnt get too caught up in nomenclature here bud. its all just a big nebulous, vicarious debate between the objective and subjective. postmodernism, modernism, marxism, etc. have all been so distorted and twisted past their original definitions to slander one side or support the other. its just pointless to get in one of these shit flinging fests at this point.
It's definitely 42.
~12 3:30 songs Mwah!
The Wizard reference
9 10 11 songs sucks So Much !! !
As long as it feels it needs to be without overstaying its welcome.
Blessed thread.
>no mention of 39 minutes
>15-30 min for hardcore/grindcore
>30-45 for most genres
>60-90 for prog, ambient, everything else inbetween
fuck me big get for longer albums
Well hello satan
33 minutes
How did a thread about album lengths turn into a discussion on marxism?
idk but I got double dubs so I feel gud
I see one dub
As long as it takes. Some albums don't feel at all too long despite nearing the maximum CD capacity.
But for conrete minute amounts, around 45 minutes, the ordinary LP length.
When double LPs couldn't be just made on a whim, the single LP's maximum running time ensured less filler material made it on the album. When CD's popularity blew up, albums started to get more and more bloated, almost as if the maximum running time was felt necessary to be used up completely.
>Perfect song 4:00 - 6:30
>Perfect EP: 18:00 - 25:00
>Perfect album: 37:00 - 50:00
>Perfect Double Album: 1:25:00 - 1:45:00
Good God