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Doctor Who General - /WHO/
Reminder Nardole is Missy in disguise.
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I know senpai thanks. I wanted to link though for a change in scenery.
get /hype/
>only ten days until new who
It's been a long hiatus.
I want to say Class helped but it was mostly shite.
>tfw thinking about all the crisps you stole
>not even a song theme or no type of an Edition
i know its not a big deal but for some reason i find it annoying that you didn't do the regular /who/ repertoire.
am i autistic or just?
I don't know but raccoons are cute.
chronological user here.
It's been a tremendously long road, but I've finally reached survival.
season 26 is fantastic btw. one of the most solid seasons in a long time.
Never got the hate for battlefield desu.
Cool, I was starting to think you quit. Be sure to tell us what you think of the VNAs and EDAs.
What are you listening to /who/?
Wake up, /who/. Sometimes I hate being the only American here.
I was just rewatching Dalek, from 2005, and fuck, i hate how they made Daleks a complete non-threat from there on. In that episode a single Dalek is treated like a huge thing, with even the Doctor afraid of it. Today Daleks appear out of nowhere and are defeated with a two yoyos and a penny! How the fuck did we go from an unstoppable killing mutant in a war armor to the shit we see now?! That episode was great, the writing was awesome, it had a heavy psychological atmosphere and some amazing moments, now they just throw them in each season to say it's still Doctor Who, deus ex machina them and call it a day!
It's the same problem with all recurring villains who have get defeated every time, there's no way you can make them seem that threatening for very long. Dalek works because it's reintroducing the Daleks to the audience and because it's a super time war Dalek better than all Daleks ever seen before. But they can't just give the Daleks upgrades like that all the time because then that loses its meaning too.
So, /who/, is Class worth watching while i wait for Goku to ruin an already bad Steven Moffat episode?
You're not the only burger here.
That would really chap David Walliams' arse.
Happy Birthday Brigadier!
Picture and knowledge of this event stolen from twitter.
Outstanding Schlemihl! Thank you for sharing, like you always do!
You're too kind Cloister
Full issue coming soon (probably 2 days or so) and a Merry Christmas to everyone at home
Bless your heart!
>Captain Chibs
I can't wait to see someone photoshop him into a captain crunch outfit
can you post (or at least say) what the BF news is in this issue?
Russian user here. Can't for a life of me understand russian names and so called accents here.
Any other non-english anons had that issues with DW portrayal of their native pronunciation?
Leela will be in the new War Doctor stories?
I think thats it but they did announce it on the podcast a few days ago
Who is your favorite doctor and why is it the War Doctor?
Holy shit bump
Based as always sclemster
Isn't that news literally months old?
why does doctor who vary so wildly in quality compared to other scifi shows
it kinda is
i wonder though
did they retcon the child thing?
>tfw your waifu Mae Callon will never be cast in an episode
Because the fact that a story could be literally anything in time or space means there's an extremely wide variety of stories that can be told and thus an equally varying levels of quality
Reminder that most of series 10 had already been made when they filmed the christmas special.
Blood Heat: bloody good.
The best thing about it is easily the action: Mortimore writes action scenes really well, and there's a lot of those, with two large battles.
As with most Silurian stories, the Doctor is trying to make peace between them and the humans, but there's a big difference in scale: this isn't just a base under siege, this is an all-out war, taking place all over the Earth. And an Earth taken over by Silurians makes for a very interesting setting, which the book explores in detail, with dinosaurs roaming over England and Silurian cities in Africa.
As with Rise of the Cybermen, it's an alternate universe story, so of course we get to see different versions of characters we know, especially a Brigadier who never became a good friend of the Doctor and is much closer to his season 7 self than the one in Battlefield. Meanwhile, the Doctor himself is at his most doubtful, torn over the right course of action and unable to figure out who manipulated him into this situation.
But this is more than anything else an Ace book, and she gets the lion's share of the action. Unfortunately, this comes to the detriment of Benny, who's absent for half of the story.
While Blood Heat isn't as experimental or as imaginative as some of the author's other work, it remains a very worthwile read for anyone who's in for some good Silurian action. 8/10.
Next up is more alternate universe stuff, I guess...
A good, comfy and bald Doctor is just what we need.
Capaldi is plenty comfy.
Remember that unproduced Doctor Who cinematic movie that never got off the grounds in the 90s? Well, apparently you can buy a copy of the script.
I'm really tempted to go for it.
Salve Tredecim
imagine if you bought it and it turned out you were actually buying the legal rights to produce it and then /who/ made a movie
What's stopping /who/ from just making a fan audio of it?
Sounds like a sitcom plot. /who/ sitcom when?
The villain would be Clara's sweaty feet.
the huge amount of effort involved
the fact that nobody is going to voice the female companion
This is where we usually fall down.
Would the Doctor support third wave feminism, and Social Justice warriors?
Looks like a bad sitcom.
Wow. Never heard that song before! Thanks for bringing our attention to this hidden little gem.
>is Class worth watching
do you mean actual feminism or the tumblr strawman that people talk about here?
Doctor Who Christmas special ratings gonna be shit.
The Beeb, in their great wisdom, have scheduled it against ITV1's Emmerdale (a top soap here). The exact same time, in fact.
Fuckin' Foreman all over again
The ones who hate white men.
The Doctor believes in equality and social justice, yes. Pay attention.
/who/'s greatest dilemma: finding literally one female
No he'd think they were whiny cunts. Because they are.
The Doctor canonically hates Donald Trump, so I'm guessing he's #WithHer
>A top soap
He wouldn't support ''feminists'' who call rape at men for saying hello to them, or bumping in to them. He wouldn't support social justice ''activists'' who spew hate against white people, and who even call white babies ''racist'' get real. He'd support equality, but he wouldn't support what feminism and social justice has turned into.
But the Doctor never chooses the lesser of two evils. Well, very rarely.
Is Christopher Eccleston back?!?! I loved season 1 but Tenant kind of ruined it for me. I loved the campy small budget feel of the first season
No /who/res with higher pitched voices here?
Don't think he'd like Hillary either. Hillary is a horrible person, with numerous scandals attached to her. That anti-trump shit is Moffats own agenda talking.
>while i wait for Goku to ruin an already bad Steven Moffat episode
It's gonna be goat. GOAT. I hope.
yfw the 13th Black Doctor joins black lives matters and uses his tardis to block a road, so people can't get to work.
reminder that the whoniverse will canonically go down in flames now that Trump is president
Yeah Moffat was so confident Trump would never get elected.
Depends on which Doctor, 10 probably would have loved her before deciding to get her impeached based on a single action. 3 would have been distrustful before finding her all right. 7 would have despised her. 9 would have seen another ape in a long line of apes. 12 would dislike her, but would hate Trump more so he'd see her an uncomfortable lesser evil.
So now that the scores have been settled, what would /who/ suffer from more? A marathon of Class or a marathon of Fourth Doctor Adventures by Briggs?
'by Gareth Roberts'
He's not coming back user, like ever. Sorry mate. If you like the low budget feel then you can always watch some classic Who.
You know those people don't actually exist, right?
We're all manly men here with deep booming voices.
Yeah, spose could be worse. Could've been same time as Corrie.
I don't think anyone expected Trump to get elected. Not even his supporters.
Dimmeh has, now.
Yes they do. Leave your bedroom user.
Wrong, go to any university's LGBT, socialist or Marxist society and see for yourself.
Remember this happened
Clala has weird nails
A friendly reminder that Bill is cute. CUTE!
Video evidence?
Poor Pearl. Most men don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. Meaning she's probably got shit and piss on her costume.
Well that's rubbish. The hell kind of thought is that. Why you thinking of shit and piss just looking at a random picture
You appear to be really bored, user. Are you OK?
>Most men don't wash their hands after going to the toilet.
That's nothing, I hear some men wipe from back to front. Fucking savages
I'm never okay.
Just who the hell are you anyway? What's your endgame?
Hey, Jenna came from it. Can't be all bad.
>tfw one time i replaced "you" with /who/ while feeling a bit maudlin one night and posted it and got the piss taken from me for it
What's a Dimmeh?
>wiping at all
>not using a bidet
You seem really angry, cats. Are you feeling OK?