I'm Iranian Shiite. I'm not religious but my family is muslim. I read a lot on Middle Eastern and Islamic history, modern geopolitics, so I can answer questions on that too.
I'm Iranian Shiite. I'm not religious but my family is muslim. I read a lot on Middle Eastern and Islamic history, modern geopolitics, so I can answer questions on that too.
Other urls found in this thread:
why does hezbollah Lie about being devout moslems when they failed to punished some iranian whores who uploaded bikini photos to instagram?
is being devout islamic a social meme in Iran?
Is it true that there's a Zoroastrian revival going on?
Hezbollah is still muslim but they aren't as reactionary as they were in the 80's. They started off as 'Khomeinists' out of the slums of Lebanon but have since morphed into a more legitimate political group and wants to improve standings with Lebanese Christians and Sunnis. They still teach 'Khomeinist' ideas but they preach respect of other Christians and Muslims, largely because Lebanon is a multi-religious nation. They have to accommodate for non-Khomeinists and they never had the intention to impose Sharia in Lebanon like Khomeini did in Iran.
have you ever actually been to Iran
Are you guys mentally able to criticize yourselves?
Or is always someone other fault?
How much is it for one sexy persian waifu?
I would say not really. It's more like an identity for Iranian patriots/nationalists that are sick of the theocracy and Islam, they aren't faithful Zoroastrians. There is a lot of Zoroastrian symbolism like the Faravahar everywhere these days, I see far more of these stickers on cars than Islamic symbols.
The Iranian government also relaxed some restrictions in place from the 80's and they're now opening praying and displaying their faith. They go to sites like Persepolis to pray and openly flaunt their faith, which people in the West might be surprised to hear.
What happened to the Zoroastrians is very tragic, their extinction in Iran was a very slow process, if not for the Islamic Revolution there might still be a few hundred thousand left, but they all dispersed around the world.
My region of Iran was never conquered by the Islamic armies but it slowly converted to Islam over the following hundreds of years anyway. I think the last big genuine Zoroastrian community is in Yazd
Why are persian women so crazy
I want to learn Persian but it's so damn hard for me. I'm really going to put in an effort after work quietens down more.
I think it says a lot that Iran is the only country in the Middle East that has a significant and notable artistic/literary, scientific, and cultural history that's not just Islam.
I grew up there and I go back once every 2-3 years
why do you choose picture of a Turk for your thread?
When are you going to restore Persia?
I knew a Zoroastrian in highschool who's family moved here because of religious persecution. I wish I'd kept in touch with him.
should i anal sex with my gf ?
Didn't mean to quote but whatever.
That can be applied to anyone. You have to understand that Iran is a hotbed of anger. Anger at America/Britain. Anger at Arabs. Anger at the Shah. Anger at the Ayatollahs. Anger at other Iranians. There's a lot of blame to go around for the situation Iran is in today and it will take a long time for things to improve
It was always called Iran. Persia was the Greek name for it.
I for one would like to see Iran get back into the shape it was pre-Khomeini and become a leading force in a moderate modern middle-east, but that's just me.
are the people really as based as they seem in this video or are they more durka durka types youtube.com
This. I want to know what you think he should do
Yes but here is the funny thing. Islamic art and architecture is just early medieval Persian stuff from the Sassanid Era. The first muslims were nomads and didn't know this stuff. When Islam came to Iran the artists and architects that became muslim were inspired to create these things, but they inherited what was done during Zoroastrian/Sassanid times. If you see ancient Zoroastrian temples from this period you'll assume they are mosques.
A lot of Iranian diaspora denounce Islam as foreign to Iran, but it was Iranians that built the faith. Not only artistically and architecturally, but a lot of the traditions were inherited off the Zoroastrians and the early scholars were almost all Iranian.
Persian is an easy language to learn. It's an indo-European language so the structure of it is easily adaptable to if you know English or German. About a third of the lexicon has Arabic origins due to the language shift that happened following the first 200 years of Islamic rule. Ferdowsi wrote an epic about 1200 years ago and revived much of the Persian language, and the language has remained pretty much unchanged as of the last 1000 years thanks to this man
People are very polarized about Islam, taking sides that proximate to:
1) misunderstood religion of peace, real muslims don't do X because Dearborn, MI
2) incompatible with western liberal ideals, would force Sharia law around the world if they could
There is rarely a middle ground discussed, and that is surely where the truth lies.
My question is three parts:
- Do you think the lack of distinction between shia and sunni muslims is one worth noting when talking about the above left-right spectrum?
- On the whole, around the world, using an unsharpened axe to etch out a generalization that encompasses all muslims, where do you think Islam leans between?
- How do shiites feel about ISIS?
Only rich Iranians lived in luxury. The Shah meant patronage and a noble class.
Yes this is what Iran is like it is part of Iranian etiquette called Taroff. Hospitality is a very important thing for Iranians.
It will happen in time. The current leader of Iran (Khamenei) actually isn't that crazy as Khomeini, he isn't even a hardliner. He spends most of his time keeping other political factions fighting each other. The Hardliners (we literally call them extremists in Iran but they call themselves the principlists) are the ones stopping progress from happening. The moderates and the reformists want to change things and know the current model isn't sustainable or Iran will collapse. It will take time and I think the conversion into a moderate nation can be done peacefully. If Iran goes to civil war it will be a blood bath
Shiites hate ISIS worse than anything, it is unanimous.
The distinction between Shia and Sunni is noteworthy, they're effectively two different ideologies. Iranians are Twelvers and see the world in a good vs evil narrative, a repeat of the battle between Hussein (grandson of muhammad) and Yazid. In every age there is a Hussein and Yazid and a fight between good over evil. Then there is similar narrative between Christians and Twelvers like Hussein had died so we could live the life we have today etc.
Islam is a leftist ideology. It preaches supporting the poor and it preaches egalitarian classless society. Obviously the Caliphates treated muslims better than non-muslims, but they removed the idea of classes and usually taught against tribalism/nationalism. "We are all muslims and all equal". Islam is supposed to be the all encompassing identity for muslims
The Caliphates generally divided people by religious community so obviously it wasn't totally egalitarian. Not like the Western governments of today where every human is equal. But it does preach egalitarian ideals and to look after the poor.
This "good versus evil" narrative sounds a lot like Zoroastrianism revisited, from what little I know of the religion.
yes dualism spread to Islam through Zoroastrianism a long with some other things.
Let me shake your hand kind sir, Shia Islam should be embraced by the west over it's evil counterpart sunni Islam, your people are much more peaceful.
Sunni's this is what you should aspire to be. I'm neither, I'ma Christian but I love Shia Muslims over Sunni Muslims. Sunni's are scum.
I am an Iranian. Here are the thoughts I have gathered over my time here and in Canada. First, on diaspora.
You must pledge your allegiance to the nation that you immigrated to, there is to be no hyphen Canadian, or hyphen American. You are now Canadian. However, you will also never be fully Canadian because you lack the blood/ethnic ties with the native population. You can put a dog in a shed but that does not make it a horse. We do not belong here, once Iran is solved of the Islamic question, you should move back. Right now, any dissenters are tortured and I value my life enough to differentiate between honour and foolishness (with respect to battling a tyrannical government that has the support of the people; i.e. futility). If you are to stay here, you respect the laws, assimilate fully, SHALL NOT VOTE, hold office, or do any other thing that a native citizen has earned the right to do (rights are earned, not given. We have not done anything to earn them, just moved on a plane). It is a sad sight that these are no longer requirements for immigrants, but gloating rights. In general, immigrants are NOT worth the risk and do NOT pay themselves off, considering what happens when you let immigrants in (not just from Iran, Eastern Asia, but from Africa and other objectively worse shitholes). Immigrants come in with these rules: assimilate as I have stated above (respect for culture of natives), one-child policy, limited number of immigrants, etc. All this is to say that the culture and people must be respected and honoured; we owe them a debt of gratitude.
On Iranians, there was a great thread on 4+4 pol about the genetics (actual arguments for and against) and how Iranians play a part in this all. The Arab invasion is over-exaggerated because Iranian culture has been preserved for millennia, even after being conquered much more severely by the Mongols and Greeks. Race-mixing inevitably occurred, but not to the extent that one might think (cont).
This is evident when comparing the "genetic distances" between various ethnicities. I have the information saved (took a screenshot of the link for an archive where it was all dropped). I might post it later, so be on the lookout for that.
Now, when I say Iranian, I mean Iranian people, not some immigrant who moves over and is now magically Iranian. We have lived in Iran for thousands of years, and all I have to say on our phenotypical characteristics is that we evolved relative to the equator. Some are more white than others, some are much more tanned and Mediterranean-esque. Here is a picture of my skin for reference. I do not classify myself as white because this is reserved for Europeans who evolved in Europe. Iranians are Indo-European, distant cousins who evolved in different places. Related, but not the same. Some people would go easier with the description of white, some not so much. I am Iranian above all else (blood-wise), I am proud of my heritage to the point of not intruding on another's. That is first and foremost. I have a tanned face, white-appearing body. It wouldn't be wrong to call me "white", but not white in the sense of a Northern European because they evolved in a different part of the world. Just reserve the term for their description because that's who they are, just as they should reserve the term Aryan for us, because that is who we are.
On Iranian religious affairs, (cont.)
Holy shit, this."b-but what about...."
Muslims will not take responsibility.
but that's a human being
What about Turkey, Georgia, and Armenia tbqh
In addition to Yazd, Kerman is a big center but a lot of the more prominent Zoroastrian families have moved to Tehran and have a fairly large tight-knit community there.
What is the exact location of MRBM and ICBM force launch sites.
>Islam is a leftist ideology.
Oh fuck
Iran has its own sect of Islam called Shi'ite Islam. Personally, I have left the barbaric cult of Islam because I have come to realize that its values are fundamentally incapable of co-operating with civilized society (great religion for conquest, though). When prodded as to why he has plunged Iran 100 years in the past with his theocratic rule, Khomeini responded that he'd like to plunge Iran back 1400 years during the times when the Islamic Caliphate was at its peak. It is true that Shi'ite Islam is not as barbaric as Sunni Islam, but that is not saying that much when what you are comparing yourself to is a literal Saudi or a Turkroach.
Iran used to be Zoroastrian, Islam was spread by the sword (or traitors who liked what it stood for and flipped sides). The people of Iran (especially the youth) are tired of Islamic rule. Islam would not be what it is (established itself as much as it has, rather) without the work of Iranian poets and playwrights who took to verse in order to convey their religious beliefs. All the Saudis did was expand the religion into Europe. The Crusades were a defensive war, Christianity relied on text as opposed to the sword (or at least not as much as the Arabs).
>My region of Iran was never conquered by the Islamic armies
what are you talking about?
of course you were
and ismail were of pure iranian stock, now answer this question
how many iran people look like him?
a few, iran people are arab and mixed with others
ancient iranians are all dead
island nigger got a vested interest in iran apparently
go back to iran camelfucker
He shows up in every thread about Persians.
iran people are all mixed and arabs
you arent related to ancient iranians
>white because this is reserved for Europeans who evolved in Europe.
european doeant mean white
germanics means white
arab in denial
>He shows up in every thread about Iran*.
persians were an iranian ethnic just like medians, gandarian, etc
Do you or others sometimes feel jealous or less than when you see almost all the progress and human accomplishments in science and art are done by western civilization.
Pic attached to thread is Azeri Turk
How good is this book at describing the Sunni Shia split and why it happened?
he wasnt
he was pure of iranian stock
art is irrelevant
everyone have their own taste on art
>human accomplishments
well, you germanics were savages idiots with not civilization and got it thanks to romans and greeks
anyone can get civilization, if you look for water, you are going to get water
Also question, if Muhammad was a prophet why did he not forsee the need to appoint a successor so that the Sunni-Shia split would not occur, thus preemptively ending the endless violence that has occurred from the split?
Dude just look it up
What do you think about everything that's been happening in Europe lately? Like the crime rate increasing since the refugees started pouring in, how PC everyone's becoming, etc
only Zoroastrians are true Iranians.
do you realize all lebanese diaspora are mixed right?
they are part lebanese
Why aren't you in a Zoroastrian temple right now summoning your Aryan ancestors?
What percentage shitskin are you?
>dyed blonde hair
>black and brown eyes and hair
Are you fucking stupid ?
Why would you want to be a white anyway faggot
I met a real Iranian I'm into who said Iranians were and not white and who says this are just white wanna be
Or storm faga tries to steal Iran's history
i did, he was pure of iranian stock
original azeris were mongoloid, they just invaded and mixed with local population there
No decent arab is proud of what is happening.
the arabs were trying to lead nationalist socialist states. but because they were the threat to israel... they must be destroyed.
they have destroyed the image of all the arabs. Christian arabs, muslim arabs....
>inb4 decent arabs .... blah blah blah
I met a real Iranian on /int **
Sorry auto correct
Why were the towers of silence banned?
the lebs and iranians were white with a mix of tan just like southern italians and greeks
egyptians are close but with a darker tone and more blacks
you are right
here you go and read what i said later --->
every person is mixed in ME
all those ancient people are gone
and white is for germanics only
So do you prefer being called Iranian or Persian?
>I am a (inset self-identification with one of the most HARDLINE religious identifications in the history of humanity here)... but I'm not religious... even tough my family is muslim....
you blew it right off the top.
The moment you self-identify as a muslim before ANYTHING
ELSE... means you are a sleeper enemy of humanity.
Kill yourself before you make anyone else do it for you.
Or... you know, Identify as a HUMAN before a
>I'm an "x" muslim (not practicing though...lol)
If you feel the drive to identify as that... even if you try to pull that "but I don't believe in it tho!"
you are a liar of the highest order... because you lie to YOURSELF 1st and foremost!
eat a 12 gauge for breakfast tomorrow or renounce it and FIGHT ISLAM!
Otherwise... die.
Lol no
white Egyptians are Greek invaders
The tan and brown etc are turks Assyrian Arabs some other races etc
The dark brown who are the original Egyptians lay in the south and they still have the Eursian haplogroup that the pharaohs did
>inb4 max south
Max south are literal niggers
Didn't they find that ancient Carthaginians had European ancestry? Since Carthage was a colony of Phoenicia and Phoenicia is where modern Lebanon is, this would imply that Lebanese have European heritage.
yes pale ghosts are germanics
white people that can acquire a tan are lebanese.
you havent been to lebanon if you think all lebanese whites are gone...
As an American Trump supporter, I think Iran is okay. Every Iranian I've ever met has been a hard working, conservative, tolerant and moral person. I would go so far as to say they are among the most assimilated Arab minorities. I used to hang out with a bunch of Kuati guys who were very westernized too but my experiences with Iranians has always been fine.
not every iranian is persian, only 55-60% of iran is persian, and persian also includes a certain % of other countries
so iranian is the right call
This is Gilberto Kassab, a Brazilian politician of Lebanese heritage. Looks white to me.
Is there a lot of resentment between real Persians and the Arabic overlords who colonized your home country?
I know most middle eastern countries hate each other but what's the situation there?
this doesnt mean much, ive never met a shitty american-iraqi
you dont understand
white is word created based on germanics and their features
people with similar features to germanics can be called white
there are some lebs that have light features such as pale skin, light eyes and hair
>white Egyptians are Greek invaders
greeks werent pale skinned
pic related, greeks and romans looked like that
>The dark brown who are the original Egyptians
if you have flat nose and top of sponge head then they are black
show me a pic of what you mean
Lebanese are aryan as i said before
iran are all mixed and arab
ancient iranians are long gone
that is the story
wtf source of pic please
i doubt that is greek or roman that is indian
What goes on in Mosques? What do the Imams usually preach about?
image search
do you think romans and ancient greeks were pale skinned people with light hair and eyes?
you have been brainwashed
why is anyone entertaining this subhuman's opinion on anything
Iranian people are still, to this day, closely linked to many other groups of people, if we were all mixed, then the evidence would show a large genetic distance between Iranians and other groups.
It seems like islamism is slowly dying in Iran, and that in a couple generations it'll be gone. Is that true? Is the Iranian youth much less religious than the dying revolutionary generation?
Wrong. Haplogroups have Southern Europeans being quite different than the levant. But there were Greeks living there for a few thousand years prior to Oslamic conquest.
no as i have explained i dont think they are pale ghosts
i believe they are "white", and capable of acquiring a tan...
Historically speaking, we only know of a small few groups that have actually gone extinct, or rather breeded out. Phoenicians are one, Kushan are another, can't remember any more.
I've seen Iranians that are whiter than my ass and I'm Scandinavian of heritage. I doubt pure Persians have been bred out, and I doubt whites ever will be. They'll just exist in enclaves in smaller populations. Like the great Persian empire, the last chapter has been written and the book closed, same will happen to the Western empire. Now is the time of Islamic domination. Inshallah brothers...
>Arab minority
Get the fuck out of here, you illiterate retard
u r an aussie and a member of the shit poster alliance.
> Lebanese are aryan as i said before
Lebanese are descended from Phoenicias, Where they a Aryan tribe?
Enlighten me user.
pheonicians weren't really bred out so to speak, they just converted to christianity (and later islam) and began speaking latin, greek, and eventually arabic. they're why much of the levant is distinct from other areas of the middle east, besides obvious latin/greek and to a much lesser extent crusader influence
Its really fucking complicated. Persian is not an ethnicity, its the iranian language that happened to become predominate in the greater iranian plateau. There is no such thing as a "persian" in ethnic terms. The Persians were one particular tribe who formed the second Iranian empire (after the Medians). The other "minorities" in Iran are really linguistic minorities rather than ethnic ones. For example, the Lors speak a very, very pure Iranian dialectic, but are ethnically no different than other Iranians. The Azeris are ethnically Iranian, but speak a dialectic of Turkish (called Azeri), in addition to Persian.
Why don't you stay there when you go back next time? Take your family with you.
Prove it. The Iranians and Arabs hated each other, there was little intermixture going on. Iranians and Arabs are very easy to tell apart.
When you see a kurd you see they are definitely different looking than an Iraqi arab for example. The features are really quite different.
There may be mixing but not by far to the extent you think.
arab in denial
you are all mixed between arabs, some from the caucasus, some punjabs and iranians
but you are mostly arab
how many iran people do you know that look like ismail?
ismail were of pure iranian stock and just look at him
red hair, light to pale skin,etc
when i say aryan i dont mean germanic ...
this bullshit hitler spewd to his people to build a sense of pride was smart because people were dumb...
when i say aryan i mean people who have given something to this world people who can move forward and make philosophies...
this is a very broad description of what i mean by aryan...
also the name of the country iran actually came from the word aryan...
dont let Sup Forums make you think that germanics made the word aryan...
Is kangaroo halal, you fucking Eucalyptus Nigger?
How is Donald Trump viewed in Iran?
wow that was actually funny. but where does the "nigger" come in place ? or is it just banter