Can we get some info and images to remind our fellow liberals what the Government is capable of doing to women and children, especially when they want them disarmed?

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liberals are just like religious fanatics.

even if you give them proof of how they are wrong they will make up some ad hoc bullshit .

Maybe it's because they haven't seen the graphic nature of it?

From what I can gather

>Bill Clinton became president a few months earlier
>Involved a christian group held to siege for 2 months


I hear it was actually hillary that pushed for this seige

is there are term for the type of person who provokes an awful response out of someone that they were explicitly warned of, and then when it happens they play the innocent victim?

We should spam the fuck out of normies who weren't alive yet to remember those who were killed at Ruby Ridge and Waco. These are the results of letting your government be armed to the teeth with full auto rifles and tanks, and you with semi auto bullshit


I remember watching this unfold. Koresh was a nutcase, but it was disgusting how this was handled and how this was portrayed on the news. Was my first redpill.


Their handling was indirectly responsible for the Oklahoma Bombing.

Anyone have the vault door pics they released a year or so ago?

Conservative millennial here, I've never even HEARD of this. What the fuck?

Koresh was convinced he was a prophet of some sort, and that he was fucking young teen girls, but the fucker had people who believed and followed him more than willingly. As nuttty as he was I can't see how they did anything to get gassed and burned alive.

I lived by Ruby Ridge. Weavers were assholes. No one liked them.

>did anything to get gassed and burned alive
Disobeyed the government, which in their view was enough. Had it been a special interest group the use of force would not have been so extreme.

>Clintons get the white house
>Hillary tells Vince Foster to grab guns
>Shall not be infringed.jpg
>During raid, incendiary devices ignite wooden structure
>76 Christians burn to death
>Vince Foster "suicide" 2 months after

Please elaborate.

Sven, the surviving members were tried in court and were not convicted of any crime. They allegedly had full auto rifles. You think that warrants that many dead?

>Claims cult is pedos.
>Burns them all to the ground including alleged victims of said abuse.


I never said that. I'm saying the opposite, actually.

Some people in the FBI were convinced that the Davidians were going to commit mass suicide, Jim Jones style, and there were rumors of child abuse during the siege so they wanted to get it done as soon as possible. Not to mention the fact that the fires that destroyed the complex were started from inside the building. Not trying to absolve the FBI of any wrongdoing here, but I think you guys are being a little unfair

Which is funny considering atf has no jurisdiction to investigate pedos.


No leaf, the fires were started by grenades of various types, many of which were incendiary. Shit tends to burn when you start throwing in explosives

Here are the murdered children.

>incendiary grenades
burgers of all people should know that there is a HUGE difference between smoke canisters with small flames within, and incendiary weaponry

>1995 Timothy McVeigh bombs Oklahoma building in response
>2000 - final months of Clinton presidency, the official report states the Christians started the fire

>Some people say
Look! I found this pamphlet in a Jew's house, it's titled "Making Cookies Out Of Children!"
"Everyone knows" cults do mass suicides. But "everyone knows" isn't an argument.
There is no evidence of shots fired from the compound, there is abundant reason to believe no wrongdoing took place at the compound, the government started the fire, the government drove armored vehicles over the entrance to the underground shelter, the government played recordings of dying animals, the government never justified its siege.

The two kids were walking around strapped all the time and firing off rounds for shits and giggles near livestock. Weaver didn't give a fuck that his kids were terrorizing then neighbors and all his bullshit of "You'll never take me alive" had feds all over the fucking mountain.

More children killed in Waco than Sandy Hook.

His 13 year old son and who else?

You do realize that smoke gremades are still very capable of catching shit near them on fire? *explode is key word here

Waco is more a reminder of what happens when right wing gun nut nitwits try to challenge authority with their AR-15s.

Is it time yet to make these people pay for what they've done?

Don't you have some animals to have non penitretive sex with? No wonder you fags are so fucking cucked with a mentality like this.

need to photoshop a hillary logo on that.

edgy leaf

His daughter. Sarah was her name I think.

I suck at shoop, maybe a based user who has skill can modify these and we can dump them on twitter with a #hillary hashtag

that's cause none were killed at Sandy Hook

Coming for your guns.
The prequel.

That's stupid that he drew attention to himself like that. Still didn't deserve to have his kid and wife shot though.

What about the way they evaided taxes, user?

How much fucking tax do you feel you'd have to duck for it to be worth the feds to come to your house with tanks and burn all your friends and family alive? Further, how much tax have the clintons avoided paying with the illegal shit they've done?

I dindu nuthin

>sharp decline in gun ownership since the 1970s
but thats wrong you fucking nigger

> implying the branch davidians were anything but legitimate gun sellers
> implying the ATF didnt set out to have a showdown from the start
> implying that the ATF didnt start the shooting without warning
> implying the branch davidians challenged shit

youre retarded.

the investigation PROVED beyond a doubt that the ATF set out to start shit, started the shooting without provocation, deliberately prevented any other agency from ending the standoff, and deliberately started the fire to destroy the evidence that all their claims were bullshit

the ATF was INVITED to inspect the "compound" just a week before, and declined, because they were planning "Zee Beeg One" (a media event to justify expanding their funding)

these are the same clowns who thought smuggling guns to mexican drug cartels was a good idea.

if you want to believe the ATF are anything but a goon squad with blood on their hands, then you belong in leaf-land.



Quite honestly, the area was a lot safer with him and his family gone. And it wasn't because of the Feds. They were just a sketchy family. We all lived up there because we wanted to be left alone. Having your neighbor's kids walking around shooting all the time while the father didn't care did not make for peaceful living.



it would have been dank as fuck though

Koresh even notified the feds to remove a meth lab that was found there when he took ownership of the property.


you mean kid-wives

its supposed to say

what a cook out

> implying a single branch davidian survivor was convicted of ANYTHING

they didnt evade taxes
they werent selling illegal guns
they didnt have "machine guns"
they didnt have "grenades"
they werent cooking meth
they werent making child porn
they werent abusing children
they werent a "doomsday cult"

they were a 7th day adventist sect that had been living on that land since the 1930's

they were well known and well liked in the local community, had an excellent relationship with the county sheriff, and were not engaged in ANY criminal activity.

What were they shooting at exactly, targets or what? That alone made you guy s feel unsafe? How close is their property to yours?

i thought they always got fucked because the leader of branch davidians was saying controversial shit about the govt

kind of like the bundy ranch fags



> implying the branch davidian "compound" was a single family residence, not a religious retreat for 7th day adventists

you dont live in Waco, you NEVER lived in Waco and are just pulling shit out of your ass.

No user, we're talking about the guy from Ruby Ridge. He had three kids and a wife. Undercover feds tricked him into buying a shotgun an inch two short. Crooked feds got a warrant, came on his property, shot him and his kid in the back and his wife in the head.

You're right. I've never even been to Waco.

I'm talking about Ruby Ridge dumb ass.

Hello, I'm from Sup Forums and I've never posted on this board before but holy kek who gives a shit about these freaks? Shame the children died but that was their parents fault for joining a cult.

>Hello, I'm from Sup Forums

i post there too but you need to go back

its one of the most cancer boards

They'd just shoot at random shit whenever the mood struck them with no thought of what might be in the distance.

Have you ever been out hunting and have some asshole shoot at the rustling in the bushes because it MIGHT be what they're hunting? Kind of the same thing.

Why have I never heard of this

they funded their religious retreat by selling guns LEGALLY
it was in texas for fuck's sake.

that religious retreat had been in that same spot since the '30s
david koresh was ELECTED to be their religious leader just like any of a number of religious denominations do
he was not a wacky doomsday cultist (any more than any 7th day adventist is) they were not "controversial" (any more than any 7th day adventist is) and they were not criminals.

the ATF rolled in, guns blazing. the davidians called the local sheriff to report they were being shot at, the ATF refused to let the sheriff end the dispute, the ATF refused to let anyone surrender, the ATF never stopped firing on them, keeping them pinned down, the ATF DELIBERATELY started the fire, and DELIBERATELY kept the local fire dept from doing their jobs.

it was mass murder for political aims, to whit, TERRORISM

Weaver sold them a sawed off gun.

What is was is this:
Government looked for an excuse to overreach, to launch a new paradigm of intrusion and expansion.
They had an FBI contact who didn't want to turn informant and screw over friends.
They murdered his wife and children, more or less before an audience.
Fallout was bad.
They needed a follow-up that would make them look good.
Cult leader? Stockpiling guns (so that he could be an FFL and sell them as Clinton unintentionally drove their value up)? Legally blind guy claims to have seen molestation? Count us in! What could go wrong?
And then OKC to make people forget Waco.
It's like a slapstick comedy of getting into more and more trouble, to make people forget about the last bit of trouble.

>resist the government with force
>get killed
I fail to see the injustice here and I am a paleocon.

>religious group living in a compound
>fed finds 'parts' for automatic weapons
>sieges them
>'accidentally' sets fire to the place

because youre an ignorant beige savage living in southern mexico

brazil didnt join the 20th century until the late 90's so naturally you never heard shit.

because you're underage

Ok since there's a thread on this and I'm currently on Sup Forums, can some user redpill me on the Waco stuff? I know it's a big deal because it led to some of the largest mass murders in US history by guys who were down the rabbit hole (McVeigh, DC Snipers, etc).

But I don't know much about what REALLY happened. Can some user help a seeker of truth out?

except they never found ANY parts for ANY automatic weapons, no explosives, no meth labs, not CP, NOTHING

it was murder by federal govt bureaucrats, the clintons and janet reno

and nobody was ever brought to justice for it.

ok i just read about it some

the government did indeed fuck up and try to cover their ass

>oy vey no grenades
>building burns
>first thing they find is gas grenade

>Not American and probably too young

This is why Oklahoma City went boom.

Did the Feds go into Texas and kill them all basically?

on clintons orders

They tried to kill government agents and refused to surrender. The feds had basically every right to do whatever it is they did.

>DC Snipers
Waco had nothing to do with those jihadis.

This was huge news when it happened amd for years after it was controversial. It's a big part of what fueled Timothy McVeigh's rage. Are they really just not even mentioning this in schools?

These events led to the murder of Vince Foster by the Clintons when he was going to spill the beans.

>every right to do whatever
>specially kill those innocent kids

>the ATF tried to get warrants to search the compound because there were "reports of sounds of automatic weapons"
>start to survey the place under the guise of 30 year old college students with new cars that never go to class and never registered
>try to get warrants by claiming a meth lab and automatic weapons parts are in the compound, despite the meth lab being given to the local police for disposal by the leader a while ago and the compound having tons of papers for gun stuff and no illegal things
>ATF breaches the compound on a barely legal premise, kill 6 of them and get 4 agents killed (who were former Clinton bodyguards)
>retreat, but pull the FBI in
>FBI sieges building for a while
>the FBI has enough and breaches the building, the cultists set fire to the compound (read: the feds set fire to it out of negligence/to kill 'em all)
>all of the cultists fucking die

> implying the DC snipers were motivated by waco/ruby ridge/the freemen

the DC sbnnipers were mohammedan terrorists.
they were motivated by the koran

the OKC bombing was a direct result of the clinton admin's draconian repression of all dissent at the birth of the age of political correctness

the lefties were constantly harping on "militias" and US service veterans as "potential domestic terrorists" when in fact if they hadnt started shit, none of these groups would have done shit except vote and lobby against the left.

the clintons created the current atmosphere of conspiracy theory, distrust, isolation, resentment, fear and rage

the world watched on as 76 people burnt to death on live tv..

then in Clintons last days in office, the blame was placed on the deceased

and because none were alive to refute these claims, history was written by the victors

Waco Bro!!!! Dude we should hang, I have a nice house on the non-ghetto side of town!

> they found a gas grenade
fired into the building by the ATF

according to the congressional investigation, the ONLY "destructive devices" on the scene were brought by the feds.

the davidians didnt have SHIT

Holy shit boomerang, hitting me with those feels

When the FBI comes to your house you are required to surrender. I'm sorry but this is just like the niggers crying over the fact that cops shot 23 year old "boy" who was violently resisting arrest.


>required to surrender
The ATF came in under shitty pretenses and killed 6 of them. They had no evidence that anything at all was happening.

Few people recall that every actor in Waco seemed to be "out of town" during that part of April.


I see. I've heard rumors of John Allan Muhammad being motivated by the Waco Siege

tfw the more you read about it the more bullshit the "official" story gets

>It's a Horsey has replaced facts with his own opinion and is trying to pass it off as fact episode