Well Sup Forums, I hate to admit it. I hate his ugly fucking face and retard-level diction...

Well Sup Forums, I hate to admit it. I hate his ugly fucking face and retard-level diction, but Donald Trump is going to be the next president of the United States.
Let's take some votes: will Donald Trump
improve our international relations or alienate all allies?
improve internal security or cause sectarian warfare?
build the wall and deport all illegals or pussy out?
lead to the new American Renaissance or the Fourth Reich?
die in office?

Other urls found in this thread:


get a job fagget

It's fucking 7:42. I have a 9-5, you know, a really job, faggot.

bump for prophecy fulfillment


Personally, I think he'll alienate our allies, improve internal security, pussy out, establish the Fourth Reich, and be assassinated.

USA can't have a sleepy grandma in the office protecting magical negro legacies and not answering phones

I'm not voting for Clinton either. Everything I hate about Trump she has in spades.

Hillary has a 12 point lead. Bury your guns and your Trump memorabilia, and delete your social media profiles. Make Pro-Hillary posts relentlessly to lower your Echelon rating. The reckoning is coming. and primary election votes are not legally protected. Everyone will know you supported Trump, it will be "leaked".

The fact that you voted for him and every single Sup Forums post you made will be "leaked". Any search of your name will return your sordid history and nobody with a rational mind will hire a confirmed racist such as you.

Dude I wish but Trump has a better basic narrative than Clinton and the American populace will respond more to his fearmongering than they will to her Premium Fearmongering TM.

>$0.02 has been deposited to your account

LOL, not building a costly and hardly beneficial wall is pussying out?

fuck I meant it fori'm not good at this

Wow I must be a pretty shitter shiller then.
When you promise it over and over, yes.

Oh nevermind then.

>improve our international relations or alienate all allies?
Improve relations with literally all of our "enemies" since he is the only one who doesnt want to invade them. Our "allies" will be upset, but they arent a threat anyways.

>improve internal security or cause sectarian warfare?
Leftists will chimp out and get fucked up, then slink back to the internet instead of out on the streets like they are today

>build the wall and deport all illegals or pussy out?
Wall for sure. I doubt he will make a noticeable difference in the amount of illegals currently living here though

>lead to the new American Renaissance or the Fourth Reich?
These are the same thing

>die in office?
His first or second term?

Going to England, fuck Trump

>Improve relations with literally all of our "enemies" since he is the only one who doesnt want to invade them. Our "allies" will be upset, but they arent a threat anyways.
I honestly can't tell if he's going to launch invasions or not. He seems pretty antiwar but I swear I've heard him talk about ground troops when convenient.

>Leftists will chimp out and get fucked up, then slink back to the internet instead of out on the streets like they are today
It won't be the leftists, it will be the Mexican gangs.

>Wall for sure. I doubt he will make a noticeable difference in the amount of illegals currently living here though
Why no deportation?

>These are the same thing
I know you're not kidding but I still read this as hilarious satire.

Uh, first term? It seems like potential assassins will act quickly.

Ahahaha No, faggot.
We neither need or want you here.

Plus, you can't. I highly doubt you meet the requirements to lawfully immigrate here

Which are?


Minimum of 50 grand per annum.

Well I fucking can't shit.