Do we really need the 2nd Amendment?
Ever heard the adage, "don't bring a gun to a drone fight"?
Could we really resist our government in all out civil warfare, or a modern foreign invasion, simply by having MEME-15s?
Do we really need the 2nd Amendment?
Ever heard the adage, "don't bring a gun to a drone fight"?
Could we really resist our government in all out civil warfare, or a modern foreign invasion, simply by having MEME-15s?
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Keep trying. You'll find out.
If sandniggers taked down a drone I'm pretty sure American people can
>not putting guns on your own drones to fight the tyrannical government
do you even FREEDOM?
You don't shoot the soldiers or the cops, you shoot the asshole civilians giving them their orders, and their children, and their neighbors, and their friends, and people that they owe money, and.....
Lord. This meme again.
Guns in the hands of citizens make a police state just about impossible to enforce.
It's a huge deterrent to kick down the political enemy's door when there's a good chance he's an AR-15 with baby killer rounds and assault clips.
hey VC don't you know your ak47 is no match for a cobra attack helicopter
hey VC
Only one way to findout
Wouldn't you just go after the public figures who supported the drone strike in that scenario? I know Bundy types like to think they'd shoot down the drones with rifles, but if there was a real rebellion going on I think people would just go to the door of the people responsible and treat it like street justice rather than a battlefield. That's just my take on it anyways, drones haven't exactly defeated the various Muslims using small arms either.
being able to own guns has nothing to do with tyranny, drones, wars, etc. people just want guns to keep their homes safes from thieves and rapists.
>put some kid at the controls of a drone flying over American soil
>expect him not to crash it into the antenna on "accident"
Remind me how Libya and Afghanistan were permanently and completely pacified by drones? Oh, what's that? Both are still firmly in the grip of the drone targets? The drones, at their most surgical, cause massive collateral damage, and agitate a population that would otherwise stay home and watch "Invitation To Love?"
Everyone read this.
Learn it.
Link it in all anti gun threads.
Police are not here to protect citizens, according to Washington DC high court.
>Drones will kick down a family's door at 3 in the morning and torture the kids in front of the parents.
No, even soldiers have to make a decision, to continue to be loyal to their commander in chief or stab him in the back. The latter being an act of treason.
>modern weaponry is invincible and can't be beaten by normal peop- Oh.
>being able to own guns has nothing to do with tyranny, drones, wars, etc.
But it does, you fucking coward.
If you can't defend your own god damned rights against infringement, you don't fucking have any.
How's Afganistan working out for you? Iraq? If you can't win a war against a foreign nation, halfway through the world then you'll definitely won't win a civil war because many soldiers will go AWOL refusing to kill their own
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If Washington is treasonous, Washington has no authority.
Do we really need the 2nd Amendment?
Ever heard the adage, "don't bring a gun to a nuke fight"?
Could we really resist our government in all out civil warfare, or a modern foreign invasion, simply by having MEME-15s?
Sage the shill threads
what is guerrilla warfare, responsible for the U.S not winning a war since Korea.
drone strikes work so well to combat radical islam, didn't they you silly cunt? Every missile fired simply energized the base. In other words, blowing up americans with american missiles will just piss off other americans.
wars are more than the weapons they are fought with. Your compulsion to view everything in an objectivising fashion is why you are a silly dumb cunt.
When you are on your knees at the edge of a ditch with a pistol pressed against the back of your head, you'll wish you had a way to fight back.
realy makes me think. ...
Yet another one of you retards.
In a civil war scenario in current year, nobody will take the military head on. There's no reason to when you can just cut off their civilian support by causing ruckus.
Ever wonder what would happen if every major city on the East Coast suddenly lost power and water services?
>Could we really resist our government in all out civil warfare
Over 300 million privately owned firearms of various design, caliber, and firing rate, in the hands of over 40% of the population.
less than 2 million total military personnel (if all of them obey orders to subjugate the population)
against 140 million armed civilians.
Simple attrition says the Gov. is fucked.
When was the last time the US military won against an insurgency?
actually kek'd imagining new york losing power and water for 24 hours.
it'd be a WHOLE NEW WORLD!
If drones were such an overwhelming force why haven't we leveled half the middle east yet?
Threat of resistance, is a strong tool.
If we have weapons, we feel we can fight, and die.
It's not beneficial for someone seeking power to cause an uproar.
remove the arms, and people become complacent, as they don't see option.
Because the current administration is headed by a fucking Muslim?
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It is a Republican-funded lie.
No, it's because if you try to use only precision strikes you'll never hit all your targets and if you carpet bomb the areas where you know your targets are you kill a lot of innocent people, which creates a lot more enemies for you. Drones, tanks, jets, they don't make for a good occupation force.
>your government is a tyrannical despot that will brutally murder it's citizenry by firing explosives from outer space without a single care or concern about civilian casualties in dense residential areas
>liberals insist this is an excuse to NOT arm yourself as well as possible against said government
Are liberals even capable understanding the words a Jewish comedian instructs them to keep repeating? Of course not. Golems don't possess the ability to think.
>Knowing shit about history
Fucking pick one, you dumbshit.
The Viet Cong were supplied heavily by China and the Soviet Union. Also, a few farmers? Try 461,000 troops, a quarter of whom were Chinese.
Christ you people are dense.
You mean like how Afghanistan and Iraq are completely pacified thanks to drones?
Gee, you're right. I guess we don't need guns, since drones are bulletproof and can fly forever.
Since drones have been weaponized, the people have to right to keep and bear drones like any other form of arms so we can fight government drones with our own drones.
Just what I fucking need. Cletus flying a weaponized drone over my property and hiding behind the 2nd amendment.
We need to cut this rhetoric right now. Everyone listen, for the love of whatever deity you may or may not worship. This isn't the 40's, when men had honor, soldiers fought for the sake of fighting for their country, and people acted like decent human beings for the sheer sake of being a decent human being. If you think for a second a bunch of retard high school dropouts and welfare queen failures are going to give up the good life to fight against the place giving them their benefits, you're wrong. No soldier will turn down an order to kill civilians, because they're dumb enough to think they'll win.
>implying you would even know until Satan himself tells you that you died from a Hellfire missle
Then they'll die. It's not rocket science. Oh wait, yeah it is...
all you have to do is make a machine that throws guns at the drone