Was he?
Was he?
no, they should ask his current wife.
there is nothing wrong with a gay killing gays
but a muslim killing gays isnt cool
Damn, she's a qt3.14.
this ex-wife is also milking this shit for money, she wont shut up
>Two wives and a child
Wouldn't that make him at most, bisexual?
If he was it doesn't fit our narrative. Shill against this by saying he was just researching his target
t. Jew
all Muslim men fuck eachother
Anyone asked her why she didn't make nay report of the alleged domestic violence? I'[ve been seeing some toxic maculinity screeds circulating on the zuckerbook.
People keep saying 'he went to the club loads of times so he must be gay' which is stupid logic.
When I'm playing call of duty I have to explore a new map a few times before my kdr increases. He probably did the same too.
What a fag
or he might have, you know, just had a bag of magazine, it could have just been a duffel bag.
Just suggesting here, but he could have been torn between bring a good muslim and his craving for latino cock. He decided that that would be his personal jihad since he was so, you know, knowledgeable about the idolators.
Imam: son, y u go gay bar u no is haram
Omar: no no sheikh, its like this see, I am studying their actions so I can jihad the place and score a major victory for allah and the mujihadeen.
Imam: takbir
Omar: allahu akbar
>When I'm playing call of duty I have to explore a new map a few times before my kdr increases. He probably did the same too.
Exactly. Beautifully said. The media just wants desperately to paint him as a non-ISIS follower, because Omar has fucked over their "immigrants are great!" narrative hard.
Sounds like she's been well briefed by the FBI
3 years? Asking out fellow male students? Having a grindr app? Beating his wife? Crying alone at the bar about his daddy issues? Dancing and selfying like a fag?
He isnt gay its a technique used to discredit evil figures throughout history Osama was growing weed and collecting gay porn, the germans were using gas chambers for WWI and hitler was a meth addict. None of it is true. Just bullshit made up for a narrative.
Right but he still was an ISIS follower, he said so himself and even posted "Allah Ackbar" on Twitter.
>he bent down a wiggled his hallah buttcheeks at me in the name of allah every morning
>"Before I met him I didn't know Muslims prayed with a dick in their mouth."
>this is how liberals will deflect the fact he was a murderous muslim savage
>Exactly. Beautifully said. The media just wants desperately to paint him as a non-ISIS follower, because Omar has fucked over their "immigrants are great!" narrative hard.
fucking this
>3 years? Asking out fellow male students? Having a grindr app? Beating his wife? Crying alone at the bar about his daddy issues? Dancing and selfying like a fag?
it doesnt take a fucking team of people to stage media reports and witnesses
the "wife" has been two different women now
"gay lovers"
"he was gay"
"gay quarrel"
they are in mutherfucking overdrive to silence the fact he was a democratic muslim who was already interviewed by the government many times and he even had legal guns wit ha permit any everything
fuck the msm, we need more little shits like this to stir the pot more
He's a murderous gay Muslim savage?
He also hit her. If she reported him, this wouldn't have happened.
she probably did and they probably did nothing because religion is an islam of peace
He most likely couldnt accept the fact that he was attracted to guys and considering how seriously he took his faith he took his insecurity and frustration into violence
This. No one is deflecting anything. He's a faggot. A cock loving pigheaded muhammad butt fucking dunecoon.
Who fucking cares? Why is this even relevant?
It's a fucking Islamic Terrorist attack, don't even give these people any thought when they tell you it's a Homophobia attack.
>ex-wife claims he is probably gay
wow, that is so shocking, never heard an ex-wife say something like that
No, this is just a meme being rolled out by the left "It wasn't Islam, he was just a bipolar closeted gay who lashed out in self-loathing unfortunately he was able to buy military-style assault rifle...."
The irony is now we all get to photoshop him into gay porn to be immortalized as the faggot he really was for all eternity on the internet.
Gay people claim everyone is gay
If you hate gay people you are gay
>He's a murderous gay Muslim savage?
Not out of the ordinary. Ask any US solider about how big of a faggot Muslims are expect they are down low like nigs. Homosexuality is big over there
Sounds to me like they're trying to force that "If you hate gays then you must be a closet homo!" stereotype into reality.
Wrong, when my wife came from Italy they sat her down and told her if anything happened and if she wanted out of the situation to call a number they gave her. They would come immediately and resolve everything. She would either go to a new residence or go home it was up to her.
>not occasionally fucking dudes for research purposes
what are you, some kinda faggot?
this is true actually. they regularly funnel in fuckbois (actual boys between 7-13) for the native contractors to pump and dump during lunch time.
Are you gay?
Ban assault gays
Fuck no.
The narrative will be pushed that he was insane because he was unable to come to grips with his sexuality so he took out his frustrations on homosexuals
IE: The only reason people hate homosexuals is because they're secretly homosexual themselves.
This just in! Not unlike the San Bernardino mass execution, law enforcement allowed journalists inside the home of the shooting suspect not even 48 hours since the mass shooting.
If Omar was a faggot, does that mean he posted on Sup Forums ?????
>gay is an insult again
thank G-d
Faggots first defense when you tell them beig gay is wrong I'd that you're just saying that because you're a closeted homo deep down and you're negative twords gays to fight off the urges.
It's 100% bullshit
That's definitely the prepared response.
He was scoping the place out.
Jesus even his wife went with him once. IF he was gay why the fuck would he take her along?
They went to scope out exits, entrances, security, who the customers are etc etc.
But the media wants you to believe he had a hissy fit because he was in the "closet".
forgot image
He had higher capacity magazines didn't he?
No he was Elijah Wood.
If they successfully paint him as a gay, they will then be able to pin this on Christianity for its discrimination against gays.
That's how they are going to play it. Islam shoots up a gay bar and its Christians fault. And it'll work, I know people who have already bought into that.
You don't go there for three fucking years before.
>they regularly funnel in fuckbois (actual boys between 7-13) for the native contractors to pump and dump during lunch time.
pedophilia does not mean gay
7-10 is prepubescent territory exclusively
11-13 can also be, depending on the maturation rate
so, sorry, not an example of homosexuality
No, the left's narrative is his actions are the product of toxic masculinity. They still appropriate Islam and homosexuality for their political gain when they need to, it is men and guns that are at fault in their book.
In a different reality, i'd assume the whole "HE WAS HOMAFOBIC" narrative would go away.
>Jesus even his wife went with him once. IF he was gay why the fuck would he take her along?
She went to a gay bar?
Omar was a closeted brown muslim who was at war with himself.
The amount of people who say Omar was gay were not only his ex-wife, his classmate, Club Pulse patrons, gay dating apps.
A brown muslim slaughtered 50+ brown LGBT. This is the best thing to happen since Zimmerman.
>The only reason people hate homosexuals is because they're secretly homosexual themselves.
It is the most common reason but not the only one. Some people hate people in general but want some group to fixate on.
Most of the most toxic/vocal/violent bigots against gays are repressed bisexuals who repress their gay side. They aren't gay, according to the research. They are turned on by women, too.
But, there are plenty of examples of crass political opportunists, like Anita Bryant, who use anti-gay politics for power.
He was on the down low.
They're reporting today that he went to the bar numerous times alone and one time with his wife.
Also that she was with him when he brought the gun and bullets 2 weeks ago.
The feds have CCTV footage of her with him.
>The narrative will be pushed that he was insane because he was unable to come to grips with his sexuality so he took out his frustrations on homosexuals
Actually, no. The narrative will be Omar was a long-term ISIS plant, so that Federal law enforcement can keep justifying whatever it is that Federal law enforcement do that keeps letting these attacks happen. Being gay will be incidental to whatever narrative the Government intends to give it.
He was studying his prey. He would go and get shit faced all the while knowing he was going to put a bullet into everyone he came in contact with. Sick, twisted, Islamic and patient.
If this took off on social media imagine how muslims disenfranchised towards acting they would be. They are after all doing it as the most advanced and extreme form of attention whoring (martyrdom)
Terrorist's mother recalls son's phone call
>Even their motivations are recognizable. According to ProPublica, a Belgian militant who was training in Syria called his mother to ask what people in Molenbeek were saying about a 20-year-old friend who blew himself up outside the Stade de France in November. “Are they talking about him?” he asked. “Are they praising him? Are they saying he was a lion?”
>Hates gays
>Beats up wife
>Wife gets divorce
>Hates him
>Calls him a faggot
... Kek
The ex wife is a SJW attention seeking cunt.
Look at how emotional she is in front of a camera. Its all an act.
Events like Orlando are interesting because we learn that lefties consider Muslims to be higher up on the oppressed list than gays.
Pretty shocking how they are actually trying to pin this on Christianity. A radical Christian will refuse to serve a gay couple a cake while a radical Muslim (read:standard muslim) kills 50 gays.
Just look after your guns America, you aren´t lost yet like we are.
All humans are degenerate faggots. That means you and me and everyone posting on this forum and everyone you've ever met. That's why God became Man, to show us the truth about ourselves. He said that if we believed in Him, who believes in us, he would show us how to love. And that His sacrifice would save us from death - not the death of the body, but the death of the spirit that comes from knowing this truth and trying to hide it away.
If you're a Muslim, you spend your whole life trying to appease a god for whom nothing is ever good enough. You must struggle but never succeed.
When you come to Jesus, you "come out of the closet" at the BEGINNING. You come to him at your lowest, you expose yourself in front of God and the world, and in doing so, your eyes are opened to the truth - that everyone else is exactly the same as you - weak, sinful, degenerate, and desperately in need of real love. I see you out there shaking your head - rolling your eyes - "I don't need love, I'm doing just fine." Keep telling yourself that, but one day you'll wake up and realize you can't. You cannot do this all alone. YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO BE UNHAPPY. You were not made to live a life of pain and sorrow and isolation - you were made to love, and be a part of a family, and friends. You were made to thrive, not to hide.
I feel bad for the people in that club, but the person I pity the most is Omar Mateen. He so desperately needed to be loved and he hid that need, buried it under layer upon layer of zealous, fearful, and violent thoughts, until all he could think to do was kill the people who represented the part of himself he hated so much. He could have admitted his weakness at any time and found the light, but he did not, and now he never can. May God have mercy on his soul.
Is there a source for the 1000rds fired figure?
Father: This has no nothing to do with Islam! He was not even very religious!
*5 hours later*
News: But he pledged himself to ISIS before the attack
Wife: This has nothing to do with Islam he was mentally ill, crazy!
*5 hours later*
News: But he held down a steady job and had no history of mental illness.
Wife: This has nothing to do with Islam! He was a homosexual, yes, like you say.
My prediction of what's gonna happen next:
*5 hours later*
News: The reports of him being homosexual were wrong, he was a mistaken for another Middle Eastern man. All the evidence points to Islam being the motivation for this attack.
Wife: This has nothing to do with Islam! He was not even Muslim! He was a gun-loving white Christian from Texas, this is the reason for the attack! He says the words of Donald Trump inspired him to kill!
You do when you've been considering doing a terror attack for multiple years, and are scouting out multiple locations - bars, clubs, concerts, transport hubs, main streets etc.
The guy probably went there three years ago, thought it was a great place to kill westerners, jotted it down on his hit list, checked out other places, went to mecca, ran for a "governing" position of Afghanistan, failed, checked out more places, concluded he wanted to hit Pulse, sold his house to his sister for $10, scoped out Pulse thoroughly, warned the patrons he'd be back to kill them all, bought a gun and made a suicide vest, went in, 50 fags in body bags.
> the "wife" has been two different women now
He had a first wife, divorced her, and then had a second wife
That's some good slash fiction writing skills. Apparently you and many others on this board have this hidden talent.
Forgot who I'm quoting, from NYtimes article on Brussels attack.
Are you actually getting your news from tmz?
>listening to NPR (it's like listening to a train wreck)
>a guy seriously goes for the 'it must be because he was gay' as the reason he shot all the gay people
I can't believe this world. Immediately afterwards a woman jumped in and went 'Don't forget he pledged to ISIS beforehand' which made me feel a bit better.
Maybe he had an infinite ammo cheat on?
No they banned high capacity mags, so that can't be it
SJWs must be confused as fuck right now
>He had a first wife, divorced her, and then had a second wife
how convenient
>Asking them out
And apparently they rejected the handsome bastard? Doubt it. Lying attention seeking faggots want to pretend they were being hit on.
>Grindr app
Serial killers of the past have murdered sluts and hookers because it's easy to get personal and private with them. If this guy wanted to kill gays in particular, he may have pondered killing them one after the other, you know grindr & such are good tools.
>Beating wife
You think that's a faggot thing? lol
>Daddy issues, dancing, selfies
lol again
maybe he was just bi?
If he was gay it only makes it worse.
>know you're gay and must be destroyed
>take other sinners down with you
>praise allah
Dang bro!
>right in the feels
Do you ever feel like the almighty is dropping you a line? He is just patiently waiting for you to answer his requests.
What if he´s not gay and obongo cooked up a fake grindr account and told the ex and the family to call him gay in an attempt to defelct attention away from Islam?
Just another possibility, although not a big one.
Bitch just talking shit and trying to get fame. No wonder he beat the crap out of her. Plus she also looks like a psycho.
>It's because he was a frustrated GAY!!
>As a side note, we know closeted homosexuals don't tend to kill dozens of people and we know he swore allegiance to the Islamic State, who've been linked to thousands of deaths in the name of Islam - but that's just a side note - not that relevant
>They still appropriate Islam and homosexuality for their political gain when they need to, it is men and guns that are at fault in their book.
The political gain is for Islam, and it's orchestrated all by them.
Is the wife going to be charged?
I love that we have to take his whacko father and ex-wifes word for it that he wasn't a devout Muslim and everyone buys it hook line and sinker.
he was obsessed with his prey
he was savoring every bit of anger the gay life showed him
Even if he was gay I don't see how that deflects away from Islam
Then it would show how Islam drove him to such self-hate that he did this
Don't forget the zerohedge report
>worked for one of the biggest private security contractor companies
>also worked for DHS involved with immigration services
>had been investigated by FBI 3 times for extremist speech
A decent way to point the finger back at islam would be to say "how many closet homosexuals do you know pledge allegiance to the Islamic State and kill 50 gays?"
If people keep up the anti-muslim momentum, there is no running away from this.
Wow it's almost like she doesn't want to be nationally known as a violent terrorist. Really makes you think.
Grindr disabled location services because it was being used to hunt and kill gays in Arab countries
The whole gay narrative is certainly fishy. Im not a big tin foil hat kind of fellow but it just seems incredibly contrived.