Crosstown cup game 2!

Crosstown cup game 2!


Rodon vs Lackey

Sox 1 away from defending the cup

Can the impossible happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lackey is old expired garbage

>yfw dwight's ox win da BPc up

Pretty sure the only people that care about the cup are the local sports radio idiots who still think the Bears n Packers are still a huge rivalry

The BP Cup is a valued tradition in our city ever since it was so aptly introduced by the oil disaster company BP which so fittingly described both teams at the time.

Its holds a special hilarious place in our hearts.

Wow! Mike North is in dis thread

Something to get those neurons firing

>Last game's attendance
Wrigley Field: 40,849
Guaranteed Rape: 23,088

>Average resale Ticket price
Wrigley Field: $150.63
Guaranteed Rape: $26.05

Why can't the White Sux fill up their stadium when their tickets cost 6 times less?

>start time 1:20

>game hasn't even started and the lifelong fan wants to bring up attendance

>refuses to answer the question
What are you scared of sweetie?

670 was fucking hilarious last night. That faggot little jew spiegel had to stop the show because all the callers into the show were white sox shit talkers or Nov 16 Lifelongs complaining about how the cubs aren't as good as the dodgers.

>attendance = baseball

It's a Cubs thread alright.

based soupy throwing first pitch

dont respond


>fanbase doesn't matter!


I stopped listening to 670 yrs ago. Laughed my ass off when I heard that all the on air talent who claimed for years to be lifelong south side sox fans, turned into instant lifelong Cusb fans

time for another shitfest

Compared to Jiggetts he is tiny

Fuck rongey anyways always hated him

Connor McKnight is the man now.

Here's hoping the ump isn't blind and retarded like the ones the Cubs got was yesterday.

Dr. Reinsdorf, I'm CEO

gibs moneys

just a fat disgusting slob both inside and out.

>can barely fit inside a broadcast booth, still continues to drink soda

Your team is only as strong as your fans.

>Sox fags resorting to fat shaming.
>still going on about unfair umping just because your players chimped out about it

The sox had the same ump

we both want roboumps

tfw mummy took you from northwestern to see the cubs win it all

fatass detected

Fat people deserve shame.
t. a fat person

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

go have some buona beef ya fat piece of shit

I thought BAJP was banned

anyways here we go


Is buona beef even any good?

Call me when those shitty strike calls against the Cubs aren't strike 3.

Friccin beaned

I still listen, but only to laugh at the morons who call in. Cubs fans and Sox fans who call in are both equally stupid A typical 670 caller talking about baseball:
Caller: Yeah Bernstein, Love U!!
Bernstein: Love ur suit. Whats up Dan from oak lawn?
Caller: If we trade Bryant, Rizzo, and Contreras or Abreu, Cabrera, and Frazier for Bryce harper and Aaron Judge...Would that garantee us a World series?
Bernstein: Kill me then kill yourself. Next caller

Pls fite

>hitting abroo

>Lackey beans Aboo boo in order to get a double play to end the inning faster
A master tactician.

whens the last time he actually did anything?

Post your teams

Astros Dodger fan here!!!


This has to be bait right?

>No first inning runs in 11 games
It's the little things that add up

Batboy? moar liek FATBOY.


Feels really fucking good.

Rodon pls

Get those control issues under control



no other games on until 7pm, it's fucking tuesday ffs but due to the chicago crime rate the city ordinance only allows so many night games

might as well watch

Rodon fucking pls

>Rodon throwing at Byrant
Absolute scum.

More like throwing out

That was a set up pitch

Umps squeezing Rodon there

or is it just terrible framing?


Go the whole game without replying to Cubs posters.


>moncada is a bust
>rodon is a bust
>anderson is a bust

Aw fuck

Rodanks pls

sasuga rodon

Justice for Willy getting screwed by the ump yesterday.

Willy is smoking HOT

Arguably better than Posey atm?


Goddamn it Rodon youre supposed to be one of the good ones that we still care about instead od cussing out incessantly like holland or shields...

>The Who could have gotten a hitting machine like Schwarber
>They go with this chump of a pitcher instead.


>hitting machine like Schwarber

>hitting machine
Isn't schawrber batting .182

>hitting machine
>hitting .180 (would be lower if not demoted)


I still believe in Rodon

Its the injury ans subsequent missing half a year+ST that fucked him...

damn it this is depressing

I dont give a fuck if pelfrey or holland or shields get shelled

but seeing rodon shelled is just...

too sad

Did you forget that Theo wants to offload him and begged Hahn to take him?

He still struck out the side at least?

>Didn't see him in the Worlds Eries.

>Believing those lies

Come on Moncada

please get us started

We can't get to the world series, someone who can only hit there is worthless

Please do, Theo. There is bound to be one stupid enough AL team that'll take him.


>Someone who only hits during the biggest series you can ever play is worthless

>defending a has-been
Well thats your choice. I could care less what your opinion is of him.

0-2 timmay single

thats surprising

The point is that the sox don't ever play said biggest series so hes worthless to us

Holy shit, Hawk broke

>3 years career
>has been
You boys really are butthurt that the Who went with this bust of a pitcher over Schwarber

>hes worthless to us
That applied to every player on your roster.

Engel pls

Reminder to take the upper road and ignore their classlessness.

Schwarber career WAR: 2.1
Rodon career WAR: 4.5

I still think he would be a great hitter for an AL team as DH. He was already to fat and slow to be an NL starter. Now with a bum knee he's useless and it shows.

Not watching on TV, what happened?

>looking at the 3-1 fastball right down the middle



kek, nice

>rodon hits a 2 run double while a lifelong is calling him a bust
k e k

When they pulled the hit and run on Narvaez's AB, he couldn't form a coherent sentence for like 30+ seconds.



Also need to know

Its an interleague game that looks like an AL game


reminds me of that Fatt Albers double last year

EV of 104mph for Rodon there

He mad

why isnt he retired already?

Make him the DH