>50% of Americans believe that the Earth is 6000 years old
50% of Americans believe that the Earth is 6000 years old
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it is tho.
i dont think this is true
Well that's 50%
Americans have a fetish for garbage written ages ago. Look at muh Constitution babbys for further evidence.
That number should be higher
We've gone astray from Christianity. All this mass immigration and degeneracy is gods way of punishing the west from abandoning his word
>100% of opening posts are made by faggots
Believes the world is billions of years old and everything appeared by a dot that exploded from nothing and made everything. then it rained for millions of years without water and then a single celled organism procreated.
b-but its possible if you wait for trillions of years. Oh you can't wait that long to find out? too bad I win.
My Father thinks this. He was talking to me earlier on about how giants lived before the flood and dinosaurs used to attack people.
>420% of Americans don't believe in evolution
Wow, are they even trying?
I hope for your sake you are trolling
I know, right. It's pretty crazy how 50% of the US population doesn't believe that the Earth is 6000 years old.
What, do you not?
he's right you should listen to him
The world is only 241 years old, 50% of Americans are retarded
prove it's not sciencefag.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Really makes you think...? Or doesn't it...
This is another shitpost
This id posted 1 post.
Why does Sup Forums aka c c u c ck chan have nothing but shitposts all day long it's a cancer.
>What is the Stanley Milgram experiment
Although chances are you're trolling, I refuse to believe there are that many people who are dumb enough to deny this shit
>they actually believe they're white too
The earth and everything in it was created last Thursday. FACT.
>Americans have a fetish for garbage written ages ago
must be why jap literature is so popular here ;)
You believe that everything came from the big bang? I hope you're trolling
>I believe everything Jewish scientists tell me because #I'mAnAtheist
>Or doesn't it
Whoa...really makes you think
You can't prove the age of the Earth one way or the other, so shut the fuck up. All you do is believe what others tell you.
I dont know a single latino that doesnt accept it
And I have traveled a lot
Not even our menonites for fucks sake
I looked at the experiment it's about some Nazi holocausters? Yeah I believe the world is now 400 trillions years old thanks.
No, I believe that the big bang preceded our universe, and that it is our best guess so far. Nothing comes from nothing. As for what came before, I don't necessarily care. If it's a god, it's pretty fucking silly to presume to know the desires of a supreme being. If it isn't a god, then it is inherently unknowable anyway and
therefore not worth my time.
Enjoy this )you( though, last one you'll be getting from me.
>1 post by this ID
Kill yourself
WTF exploded? So you don't know how old the earth is? That's what I thought.
like literally how does something explode if there's like no gas and a lighter to start the fire
If you had taken Chemistry 101 you would understand what atoms and radioactive decay are and wouldn't be so retarded that you believe in an invisible sky daddy with logically inconsistent properties
its not though. Its like 2016 years old
(((WE))) don't know but its "our" best theory. Don't forget goy. It's the best we got! okay?
yeah... okay haha
>Jewish scientists are enlightening
Neck yourself.
Yeah! Don't question it. :^)
In what way logically inconsistent?
okay what are you trying to say... or is this just a joke i don't know about it.... i'm new
We know that 'a day for God is 1000 years'. Actually for an eternal being, a day for us could be like millions or billions of years.
In Genesis, not only are the creative periods divided into 6 days, but later they are described as being 'the day' of creation. These time periods are indeterminate.
Yes its a joke. I'm saying that science that can't be tested is useless.
fucking retard how dense are you lmao :'>)
Japanese have a fetish for vending machines.
And just like that, Japan was demoted to australia tier bantz.
>60% white
>50% believe dumb shit
Top lol
Where's your proof that humans existed before then? That's right you have none. No recorded history = did not exist. Fossils and shit only exist as a game to satisfy our human curiosity.
Atomic theory was discovered by Englishmen John Dalton (an english quaker) and Ernest Rutherford (also english) no jews, look them up if you want to see them. It's true that some scientists are jews and liars especially about global warming and medicine and shit but something this fundamental, discovered by whites, and proven for this long is not some make believe conspiracy to protect the "truth that the earth is only 6000 years old"
The computer you are using right now could not have been build without understanding atoms, kys.
the christian god is supposedly omnipotent (can he make a stone so heavy that he can't lift it?), omniscient (if he knows everything ahead of time, why does he do what he does to test us, and how can we have free will if he already knows what we are going to do), and benevolent (why does he allow billions of humans to suffer throughout history and never hear about him, let alone give them food or other basic necessities. Why does he torture non worshippers for an eternity? etc.)
Has the theory of evolution even reached Belarus yet? I know you're a couple of hundred years behind
I wish to cream your women though
Your dads drunk
I'm gonna believe this now it sounds cool
I think it has to do more with the inherent failure of polling data.
Unless there is a sample size of a good 100,000 or more spread around evenly between all regions, I just ignore it.
>AKA all of them
>Has the theory of evolution even reached Belarus yet?
>I wish to cream your women though
Fug off Sven
Reported and saged
Time to go SCIENCE on their asses, Reddit
Just joking Vadim, I actually visited your country a few years ago on a student exchange trip
Not gonna lie, It was pretty much a piece of shit
We were told not to ask difficult questions regarding Lukashenko to our host families or the Belarusian Stasi might fuck them up, it was an interesting experience
>he thinks the simulation has been running for more than 6000 years!
Why would (((THEY))) care about simulating anything from before human history?
We are a giant potato farm.
Not Stasi here
Rutherford was actually a New Zealander desu, not that I usually defend sheeple
He can't break the laws he has instituted because he has set limits on himself and his actions. For example the Bible says God cannot lie. This is a self imposed restraint on his unlimited freedom. Also he grants free will. For free will to be real, there has to be the possibility of choosing evil. He doesn't rush in and eliminate all negative consequences of evil doing, even intergenerationally. For example, we are all suffering to a degree as a result of Adamic sin.
Also, I don't believe in eternal hellfire. Eternal destruction in gehenna, but 'hell' as such is merely a place of unconsciousness. It would be unfair to give eternal punishment for a temporally finite act or series of acts.
He has english heritage, and lived in England... just because he was technically born in NZ doesn't really matter and not addressing the argument. He certainly wasn't a jew.
>God is omnipotent
>God sets limits on himself that he can't break
pick 1
>criminals have kidnapped a baby boy and raped him, kept him locked in a dungeon and brainwashed him to be a satanist, raped him daily, etc.
>God defends the satanist rapist slaver's free will to do evil but not the free will of the enslaved victims to be free
what a just, benevolent, powerful sky daddy you have!
>I don't believe in eternal hellfire
> Matthew 25:46 Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
> Mark 9:43 If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.
>"eww an ecky part of the bible, I don't like that part so I'm going to ignore it even though most """christians""" whole heartedly believe it and want their enemies to burn forever!"