What is wrong with her?
What is wrong with her?
drain bamage
shes actually a fucking psychopath, she is crazy. she laughs at every question, not in a sarcastic way. But in a way that she thinks that it was funny, despite being serious. Shes fucking nuts
She's often confused.
She's a cuckqueen illuminati witch bitch shill puppet. A corrupt piece of shit psychopath literal trashbag that wants power and control over us.
A blood clot that I literally, unironically pray every night thickens up.
computer illiterate
she a cute!
>criminally obfuscated emails
>key player in starting the wars in Lybia and Syria
>voted to invade Iraq
>against gay marriage until it was trendy
>pro-surveillance and big government
>wants to instate draconian and unconstitutional gun control
What's right with her? People say she has "experience in Washington", but every position she's held she's completely fucked up with. She has a lot of experience getting people killed and generally being a massive cunt.
This. Complete psycho. And not even good at it. And what's worse SO FUCKING UNCOOL HOLY FUCK.
I would fug that, and I'm a pedo.
Feels weird.
What is wrong with him?
He's a meme candidate
How interesting that the pysche can come out of a person in a simple high five.
Pulls his punches.
>crazy retard grandma versus redpilled awesome granddad
USA politics is so fun
He can't accept critics.
But He's a good meme.
A forced one, but a good one.
better version
She's a cunt.
Cocaine abuse when younger
Mental issues
Doped to her gills on amphetamines for public appearances and tranqs for when she has downtime
Brain damage from a blood clot and stroke.
she had a stroke in 2011
>yfw donald trump is the beast he worships
is she having another stroke?
>will knowingly and willfully fuck over an entire country just to make hillary great again
>probably prefers a dictatorship over a democracy, as long as she's the dictator
>most likely a sociopath
spot on
I have minor brain trama and have to go to rehab.
See that exact type of thing all the time.
Confusion, Aggressiveness, Mood Swings, Compulsive behavior, Memory loss.
It's really sad when it happens to real human beings.
Mines just from a type 2 concussion the same week I lost my sister to suicide, the same week I wrecked my $36k sportscar and lost my girlfriend.
Shit stacks. Imagine the shit she's being going though sense highschool. She used to look normal.
that gif kind of makes me like her more. she seems fun.
Objects are always closer than they appear.
He's in the same kinds of beds that Hillary is, he's just less blatant about it
I thought this was gonna be a good Libertarian year, but that got fucked up
Maybe they'll make a decent showing in 8 years
It's cute but still seems pandery like she's mastered it for a long time. Reminds of the coal miners incident her response was glistening perfection
She's going to be our next president.
To be fair, I'd prefer a dictatorship if I were the dictator
Here's a nice little theory.
This isn't the anime I want made real
>linking to leddit
Go back to your "le ebin colony XD" and stay there, you shitstain.
she has aids.
who cares
wow so what
what difference at this point does it even make
haha #2 is such bullshit
he would have been Maduro 2.0
Have you ever considered that your words are rude?
Erectile Dysfunction
I don't see it. I think Trump in a landslide.
He would have to question Hillary's health in a live debate by asking if she could see his exposed dick to lose.
Remote-controlled bullet vibrator.
post original sauce of the comic
I bet that's what she looks like when she cums. Am I seriously the only one that would fuck the shit out of that gilf?
She is only kept alive by Moloch's Dark Magic
this has to be bait
I'd probably prefer to vote for you over her too.
And yet, you fucking replied to it.
Hehe sorry to be a grammar Nazi (lol i crak myself up) but I think you mean *Brain Damage. NAZI, /POL, NAZI, /POL geddit (reddit) oh man i could get lost in the epic memes.
Well, give me 16 years, I'm not eligible yet
Jesus, learn how to make gifs properly.
I like to imagine this is the host attempting to regain control from the neural parasite
The word you're looking for is sociopath
>against fag marriage
>not a positive
I hate Hillary as much as the next person, but don't ever claim fag marriage was a good thing. It's the start of the slippery slope that's getting perverts in the women's restroom.
fuel on the fire, my friend
>implying slippery slopes are always bad
your mom's slope was pretty slippery when I was done with her if you know what I mean :^)
Actually, only 12, I was under the impression that it had to be 40 for some reason
have some love user
I have bad news for (YOU).
I am jets father.... I wish I was 18... I'm not... I'm Johnny Neptune... My son hates me, and he has no reason to.
I actually invented what is now called trolling a long long time ago, back when we used to call the internet the darknet...
So I'm very familiar with your doubt and uncertainty.... I'm sorry to burst your bubble but...
I'm 100% legit
>Doped to her gills on amphetamines for public appearances and tranqs for when she has downtime.
I want her life.
He doesn't know what the fuck he's doing on a lot of topics which is why he chances his opinion all the time
Hopefully Americans won't care and still vote for him so that we can begin the great un-cuckening of the western world
Don't know where it came from, but here is the original pic
She just saw Trump's numbers in the latest Poll
She's autistic.
you realize that people were cheering in the streets as he was being killed right?
Sorry dad....sometimes the son has to step out of the father's shadows......this is the new age....the memes are fresh off the farm, organic....not made in a factory with no love and passion. You may have been legit in the 2005's but it is 2016.
Dudes eyes are squinty as fuck
He needs like a months worth of sleep
There is nothing more cringey and autistic than the "Sup Forums vs. reddit" thing.
Cute video, op. Thanks for shilling....I mean sharing.
I think he's referring to the fact that liberals like to think of Obama/Hillary etc as oh so progressive despite the fact that they were against gay marriage only a couple of years ago, meanwhile anyone who's opposing same sex marriage now is an evil bigot just because the public opinion pendulum has swayed
What does that have to do with anything? Libya is a worse shithole than it has ever been as a result of the arab spring, Gadaffi died a horrific death and she's laughing about it (Isn't there a video on the internet of him having a sword shoved up his ass?)
Can't we laugh at both candidates? I miss pre-trump Sup Forums
Now it's just an echoe chamber
>cringey and autistic
>"Sup Forums vs. reddit" thing.
Your leddit is showing, user.
XD so randumb Lmao
km #withher now ;^)
Your speech patterns are worrying.
Stress leads to temporary fraying of nervous system. Causes facial ticks, especially in older people.
secret club mentality is cancer
Her microchip malfunctioned.
Don't you have something better to do? Like prep tyrone for the night?
Is she gonna force Bill to wear one of these if they move into the white house to make sure he stays away from all the secretaries and maids?
if you see one post by the op and no others in the thread its a cesspool of shilling doesn't matter the subject, also how many shekels do you make an hour jw
She's filled with bitterness and hatred. She hates having to smile for the cameras and talk to the annoying, nagging, press. When these entitled brats get in her face with their cameras and phones she can't help but have some of that boundless hate burst out in an ironic hyperreaction.
If not for that, she'd say: "And what the FUCK do YOU want from me?"
I'm sure a swedcuck knows a lot about that
She literally look like Star Wars Emperor going through a transition
Brain damage from a stroke. Not even kidding.
She already has rage fits apparently. I'm terrified of her being president. A bad emotional fit is a recipe for disastrous foreign policy.