Bow down to your King Sup Forums

Seriously, how can one man be so based?

K reddit

>Supported Bernie Sanders
Kill yourself.

Please don't post the atheismdance gif ever again

Banana king

>1 post by this ID

>bowing down to a 12 year old in a grown man's body.
His reasoning and conclusions are underage.

An obese closet homosexual atheist Bernie-supporting liberal with a superiority complex who makes long pointless rant videos and also films himself sticking bananas up his ass and pouring hot oil all over his baby dick?

I don't exactly see how this would be based by anyone's standards, let alone Sup Forums's.

Is he on the MAGA ride now too?

Never cared for him, but he's welcome senpai.

>Is he on the MAGA ride?

No you dolt, he isn't. He is cucked by Islam like every other atheist in this country

Holy shit, is this fat faggot still around? I used to watch him like 8 years ago during my early teenage anti-theist phase until he started defending trannies

>Maybe if I read through my thesaurus then the little kiddies that watch my fat ass on youtube will think I'm smart.
>Maybe if I fill my shitty wikia site full of edgy 12 year old shit like putting 420 next to Bernie's face the little kiddies will think I'm cool!!

Why can't this pretentious mongoloid just die of a heart attack already.

banana man

>fat, edgy SJW

Even Pedro gets it.

Not a dolt, just curious.

The only time I've ever paid attention to him was years ago, and he never impressed me intellectually. A lot of people are making the turn to becoming fucking reasonable again.

This isn't surprising thought.

A loser idiot. Don't give one crap if he is atheist like me.

The man shoves bananas in his ass son. There's no coming back from that.

Ah, alright. Just been dealing with. "Maed u fink" types lately made me paraniod

You fear the large girth of his manhood don't you.

Why is this guy a thing? I remember watching him back in the VenomFangX days (before him and thunderf00t were cool) but im kind of surprised he became so popular.