
EU referendum poll:
Remain: 44% (+1)
Leave: 49% (+1)
(ICM, online / 10 - 13 Jun)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 39% (-3)
Leave: 46% (+3)
(YouGov, online / 12 - 13 Jun)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 40% (-1)
Leave: 47% (+4)
(via TNS, online)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 45% (+3)
Leave: 50% (+5)
(ICM, phone / 10 - 13 Jun)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 47%
Leave: 53%
(ICM, both online and phone / 10 - 13 June)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 41% (-3)
Leave: 45% (-)
(via BMG, online)

EU referendum poll
Remain: 46% (-6)
Leave: 45% (+4)
(via ComRes, phone)









Other urls found in this thread:

Le reddit here

crashing this union...

>be first worldist "socialist"
>be for an infinite supply of labour from eastern europe
>"no lad you'll lower wages and line the pockets of the fatcats!"
>he says we can just put minimum wage up
Not even greentexting anymore, this is retarded. You can't artificially increase the minimum wage, it's entirely dependent on the supply of labour, if you have a high minimum wage and a high supply of labour you get rampant unemployment, for fucks sakes why are communists so fuxking retarded?


>The left believes in a world that spreads wealth, opportunity and power while reducing risk and exploitation.

Followed up almost immediately with:

>I didn’t want to have this referendum at all. It is reckless and puts our economy at risk.

You see we want to spread power but we also want to make sure you have no democratic say in your destiny and want to make all the decisions for you because we feel we know best.


I bought this paper today.


I know this is ad hominem but what the fuck is the deal with Eddie Izzard? Male, female? Gay, straight? Tranny, not, half? He just does it to confuse people.

Who is ready for the /Right Wing Death Squads/ that will materialise on June 24th?

>A lesbian trapped in a mans body
According to the wiki anyway, I call it an "it".

>tfw have to dye my hair blond
dark brown is aryan r-right guys??

That way if anyone messes up what kind of freak he is, he can instantly call them a -phobe or -ism and doesn't have to answer their argument!

Posted this in the previous thread right before it archived, decided to upload whole article this time.

Make Britain great again


>be first worldist "socialist"
>be for an infinite supply of labour from eastern europe
>"no lad you'll lower wages and line the pockets of the fatcats!"
>he says we can just put minimum wage up
Not even greentexting anymore, this is retarded. You can't artificially increase the minimum wage, it's entirely dependent on the supply of labour, if you have a high minimum wage and a high supply of labour you get rampant unemployment, for fucks sakes why are communists so fucking retarded?

He's a transvestite who is still straight apparently. I.e he switches between wearing men's or women's clothes when he feels in "boy" or "girl" mode, but he's always been attracted to women regardless. Hence the "male lesbian" thing he goes on about.

>Osbourne going full retard

>dark brown is aryan r-right guys??

We're trying, Dad!

>tfw blue eyed and dark brown hair
I am literally mixed race.

You first, blast this from the White House's minarets when you storm it and cut off Obama's head.


Wait isn't it the other way around?
I need to get up to date on my memes.

this tbqh famalam

We became so dementia ridden and feeble as a result of the EU that we now think you, our carer, are our dad.


Excellent reference. You just started off my day better than it was.

Any thread recommendations for comfy watching whilst I grab a cuppa?

Moth genocide tbqh

I just find it retarded since Osbourne is not gonna be chancellor if we leave.

Will this one do?

Rock On you guys. I can't believe people say you will fall apart without the cunty European Union. You already did it once, in a little known battle called World War II. No one's dropping bombs on you this time at least.

Why doesn't South Africa visit anymore? Hong Kong's coming to see us tomorrow.

>a little known battle called World War II

Do you think Cameron will relinquish power?

You think Osbourne will stay as Chancellor? He's pretty much sealed his fate with this statement if we vote leave.

Fucking hell throwback or what.

You've not got this song stuck in my head.

>he used to like wrestling too
see dad it wasnt gay

>tfw autistic kissless virgin
>tfw NEET
>tfw shut in
>tfw leaving the house on June 23 to vote leave
>tfw will watch the happenings from my room

Who /comfy/ here?

>Do you think Cameron will relinquish power?
If he doesn't there'll be a leadership challenge soon anyway.
And no hope for Osbourne either, the tory base fucking hates him for this.

you're a good lad mate
thank you

can we drink tea together?

Having a can of Kronenbourg and then hitting the sack, lads.

We wake up every day, for are nige.

Exact fucking same. Unless you're meming. In which case me too haha

Delete the polls from the OP and replace it with the most recent one where Remain won. People are becoming too triumphant and complacent when we need a big final push. Don't underestimate the importance of brit/pol/ shills trolling left wing sites.

Once we're free from the EU lad

No memes here m8

m-maybe we could go to the p-park user

If we stay, I'm either going to join you on NEETbux, or move to the USA.

I haven't decided. One this is for sure, I refuse to work for a country that hates me. They can pay for me.

when will we get our guns back

how will my italian internet gf move here if we leave the EU????

We never really had guns that much to be honest. We had basic firearms, but nothing on the scale of the USA. I think that shotguns should be legal for home defense and stuff, and perhaps rifles for certain situations. But we are not a culture that has really ever required guns, unlike the USA. But I am open to other arguments for more.

In the USA, though? I think people should be able to buy miniguns in a shop if they want. So long as it isn't considered ordinance.

why is this thread not bumping when posted in?

it is

I bought a vote leave bumper sticker for my car and I'm headed down to town on friday to canvas and put up some signs

I really hope we do this lads

It is?

I dont know where I stand on guns. I want out culture to be like Texas, where you take your kids to shoot cans on the weekend, but I don't want crazies shooting up places.

As a literal autistic I won't bother applying for a licence because #1: most doctors would consider someone with autism as mentally unstable and #2: I literally don't know two non family members to be impartial referees for me.

I registered for UKIP and bet 30 quid. Canvas extra hard for me, I'm too much of a sperg to go out.

It's more for memes than anything. At the end of the day "hate speech" will still be illegal and muslims will still be allowed to rape schoolgirls with impunity.

>bet 30 quid
>too much of a sperg to go out

that would require a family unit, which is destroyed here in britian

i don't think it should be like texas, we are not texas; we're britian

our gun were more been for personal defense and hunting than it as a right to explicitly overthrow the government

What? I did it online. I saved up my NEETbux.

Yeah. The final nail was the fag marriage.

Gays don't even marry, they are wildly promiscuous, the idea of marriage is completely counter to gays. Look at how many sexual partners gays usually have, for example 28% polled said they have had over 1,000. There is no monogamy there, the fag marriage act was for two reasons, the obvious "we are progressive" bollocks and the furthur destruction of the family unit.

We've stopped telling our children, "You're going to grow up and meet a nice man/woman and get married", that's considered abuse by the state now.

>online gambling
>gambling on the side the jews will make lose

>Gambling at all
Enjoy hell you heretics.

>betting against the country

Got 3 of my mates that are literally hooked gambling

Got them to all bet 50 on Leave.

If we stay it'll be for banter purposes. If we leave then drinks on them

>28% polled said they have had over 1,000
That's not true at all. The "source" is a 1970s study with an incredibly bullshit methodology.
t. gay and had one bf ever

It's not a bet, lad. I know remain will win, I know the Jews will rig the postal votes like they did in Austria. I won't bet a single penny I know for a fact I'll lose because that penny will go to the same Jewish rackateers who made it certain we shall lose in the first place.

Nice anecdote you HIV positive scum bag. Your ilk deserves to be dragged through the streets, thank God a crazed muzzie put 50 of them down.

It's basic logic, what stops heterosexual men and women from having 1000 partners? Social convention. The gay is immune to social convention, so he does what suits his evil intention.

Tell me, did your dad spank you when you were little?

I play poker, that's about it and I don't use real cash.

But I enjoy poker.

Jesus Gordon. I mean just damn. How can such a thing exist outside of the world of special effects and animatronics?

Ow the edge.
I'm just saying 1000 partners is not true at all, the figures are far far lower than that.
>The gay is immune to social convention
Well I want a long term relationship and maybe marriage one day but ok :^)
>Tell me, did your dad spank you when you were little?
I don't get how this is relevant but I got spanked when I was a little shit as a young child yes.

>God hates the sinner.

What is the likelihood of rigging of the postal votes?

All the recent polls have Leave up but all the betting sites still have remain as favourite. Do they know that the vote will be rigged?

I just chucked a tenner on Remain to be between 45-49.99% at 4.00
What are my chances? Are the polls accurate?

Put your proxy away, Tel Aviv, your best shilling hours are over. There is no such thing as a monogamous gay, they are inhuman animals, no better than schizophreniacs or other people suffering from a mental illness.

The urge to reproduce is present in all healthy animals, it is how every species survives without it the species would quickly die. You are an abhomination to God, man, beast, nature and your family.

9 days to go.

Ignore the polls, ignore the bookies. Listen to the Sun.

I'm a gay British UKIP voter who wants a monogamous relationship.
>The urge to reproduce is present in all healthy animals, it is how every species survives without it the species would quickly die
I still want kids though

>Not stabbed/raped by niggers/muslims

How bigoted, this isn't a true representation of our diverse and vibrant society!

Also why the fuck is "Alexis Jordan - Happiness" stuck in my head now? Anyone else get songs stuck in their heads randomly?

>I'm a gay British UKIP voter who wants a monogamous relationship.
Who doesn't?

What do you look like and where do you live?

Gays can't raise kids

Now that would make me doxxable.


>I still want kids though
Then you'd better abandon your perversion, find a woman and impregnate her as you should. You accuse me of being "edgy" but the true contrarianism is within you, the only reason you have declared you don't find women attractive is either for attention or because you were spurned and are too effeminate to try again. Stop disgracing yourself and your ancestors and stop this sickening nonsense at once.

>Now that would make me doxxable.
I have no interest in posting your "dox" here, I just want to know what you look like.

If you're good looking or not? If I can get my dick up over you or not.


Quiet cunt lips, I'm sure he'd do a better job of raising a kid than most hetero Jeremy Kyle cunts that walk out at the first sign of having to hand over a shekel to raise their brat.

Now cunt off.

>the only reason you have declared you don't find women attractive is either for attention or because you were spurned and are too effeminate to try again.
Right, this is why at age 13 I was getting crushes on guys and I've never felt attraction to any woman ever. I also greatly dislike attention too, prefer to keep out of the spotlight. Ok.

>If you're good looking or not?
Not really unfortunately :^(
Not a mong either though, just average and also short.

If this was the BBC everybody would be black from 1066 onwards and it would never be adressed on screen or off.

push your island down here bros we make good neighbours

I ordered pic related from the local printer for a bit of a laugh and it just arrived. Here's hoping the meme magic will win us brexit.

Then you're not one of the attention whore gays, you're one of the mentally ill ones.

Perhaps you should go the whole way and get castrated?

Will people even know what it means in Australia?

I always wondered how they see the union jack there, seen as it's a part of the flag but not the full flag.

>thread about Brexit
>gay man sees this as the perfect opportunity to start begging for (You)s while telling his life story to everyone

>medieval queens wuz warrior negresses

Fucking kill me.

we wuz kweens n shieeeeet.

Fuck sakes BBC.

>Not a mong either though, just average and also short.
I prefer guys shorter than me.

I know Ramadan is hard for you Abdullah but pls try not to pull a Pulse on the UK please. If you want to go fuck a man, go fuck a man, we don't care here.

Sure you might your head chopped off by your local imam but no one will miss you. Now like I said before.

Fuck off, go die or pray or something. Paki.

No thanks, I'm not a cuck, now I'm off to bed.


>Osborne thinking he will have a job after June 24th

tip top kek

>Are Nige has been campaigning for independence since I was two years old

What a great man

Faggots like that deserve a beating.


Get the fuck out, go pose in the mirror with your glock and pretend how you're gonna take durn du gubmint and tyranny! Whilst you get butchered by durkas that have more balls than you do.


Nah most won't know but really its just as a in-joke amongst my more politically aware mates.

People here love the union jack.

We must all fight for what's right.

>tfw to be good one must be hated

Remember your family is ashamed of you, whether they show it to your face in current year is another matter.

>the only people who hate the societal acceptance of men sodomising other men are muslims
Just glad that the facts have triggered you this much. Remember you will always be wrong.

>reading the sun

disdain for plebs.jpeg

Is that 3XL m8?