Oh, and if you're too lazy or impatient for deepart, I'm taking requests. My computer can do these in 1-3 minutes

Oh, and if you're too lazy or impatient for deepart, I'm taking requests. My computer can do these in 1-3 minutes.


Tried combining my two favorite hip hop albums. Not bad I guess.

this is some tight shit

So this is the power of gahnoo loonix

>kill me


and 2

And the inverse


I also fused DAMN with something

Congratulations + S/T looks fucking sick

Congratulations goes with anything.


Shame Dreamscope isn't working, it usually puts out better results than Deepart.


Exmilitary and First Utterance



Looks like a regular Beatles album

I should have made a bigger version of this.


This one is really neat

You fused it with low end theory

I really like this thing

OK Computer? Can't tell what the content image is.

Flower Boy + Kid A

OK Computer and Loveless?

Correct on both





Pls do


slanted and enchanted and the cure - pornography ?



duster - stratosphere and that tears for fears album


hail to the chief and mbdtf?



first one is right

chose a random 2

is it MSABAF



very fucking cool


This one is easy as fuck, but I had to know what it would look like.


...I care because you do + m b v ?

loveless and bottomless pit?




wew lad




OK Computer obv but not sure about the other



The other is clearly In Rainbows, can't you read?






This turned out better than I expected.

Lift Your Skinny Pablo Honey
Hail to the theif and More songs avbout Buildings and food
New bjork album and new arca (arco?) album

>New bjork album and new arca (arco?) album

You got it right, but the filename gave it away.

Posting some old ones.

this is some dada shit right here





Psychedelic af


Hell yes



what would text-eyes bowie sound like

these are pretty neat

microsoft sam, but more posh


Melodrama and Pop 2



I want electric six orchestra so fucking bad now


Is This The Soft Bulletin


this is cool

+ the non-butt version of "is this it" yes


Buckethead + that vaporwave album with the purple skyline

BMSR + a picture of candy

Odyssey & Oracle + Jesus of Cool


ah if we're make it a game, let's move it up a difficulty level

idk what i thought would happen geez


Candy Clawssssssssssss