Why are all "edgy" celebrities always liberal mouthpieces?
Why are all "edgy" celebrities always liberal mouthpieces?
thats some 5-star shitposting, right there
I leled
I don't know why they're all such status-signaling cocksucking pawns.
I hope someone sticks a can of spraypaint up his ass and sprays until he gets lead poisoning. At least he won't damage other peoples' property anymore.
It's like I'm back in 2012.
Because otherwise (((certain people in powerful positions))) will SHUT DOWN their career.
Assault rifles have no place in civilian hands.
I'm starting not to care anymore. I've got my guns, if the liberals want to ban them then so be it. I'll soak my guns in cosmoline and bury them. When crime skyrockets and murders are at an all time high I'll sell my guns to criminals for hundreds of dollar ROI. Then I'll move to Japan and live in peace while the US burns.
Fuck it, who cares anymore. Liberals seem so intent to completely destroy the US that I barely see the point in defending it. This election is going to be do or die. If Trump loses it'll be because we're too non-white to win ever again.
It's not defeat if you simply recognize a losing battle when you see it and abandon ship.
Because they want to stat relevant with the teenage neo liberal memes
it's too bad you feel that way, personally i love mine
>The hero we need.
But don't deserve
>move to Japan
Why would they let you in?
Define an assault rifle
To eat sushi, every fucking meal of the day
>chimp 'scientist' mouthpiece
A rifle that's painted black and looks intimidating to normal people.
>why would THEY let you in
you dont even speak english, stay home white pig
Define normal person
Get out of this country, cuck.
Good thing my AR-15 isn't an assault rifle, then.
Doesn't browse Sup Forums
I'm not the same faggot as , lad
tell him his disney land thing was bullshit and that spouting the most hot button topic in a pithy way does not an artist make
Because they're still coasting on their edgy cred from when a Republican was in office, and being liberal was still anti-establishment.
Fair enough. So ban all semi-auto then?
t. Schlomo Goldbergcohenstein
Eh, they probably wouldn't. What are some other countries not going crazy with this kind of shit? Maybe Russia or China? What about South Korea?
>supports the government instituting gun control
That was the greatest thread that ever was, just because of that fucking savagery.
>he doesn't know about based James Woods