Anybody else feel slightly empty inside for not serving in the military?
Anybody else feel slightly empty inside for not serving in the military?
iktf bro
But don't worry. As long as you stay in shape you will always be ready for the ultimate happening
I can't speak for Americans, but it's not what it used to be. Pretty much sucks, unless there's a War going on. Don't know about Britian either.
Not really Sup Forums but i happen to agree with you somewhat.
Im not expert on the matter, But what happened to military college? Or treating all schools as if they were because I feel like Western society may not have collapsed if we continued to embrace those traditions.
I feel really empty inside for serving in the military
Don't worry, you'll always feel empty
Yeah I am. Thinking about joining the Reserves just to get it out of my system.
Some ex-mil fag make me feel better for serving my country as a civilian instead of military.
I trained for one mission for three years, got it canked and trained for another one for four months, then that got canked and we did the csar mission we trained for two weeks for
Grass is always greener user. I've never served but know a lot of people in who hate it as well as some who enjoy it. I don't think you ever can know if you'll like it until you've been there a while.
Personally I like being /cozy/ so I'm glad I never enlisted, even though I like shooting guns, lifting, running, and hiking.
Empty isn't the right word. More like the entire thing is strange.
It's fucking weird how for a lot of wars in the 20th century, millions and millions of young guys were sent to fight these wars, in places like Vietnam or Korea. It just seems like a horrible thing, forcing these mean to fight for reasons that basically amount to certain people wanting more money or resources.
When I think of veterans it always gives me a heavy heart. A lot of them have sort of lost their minds, participating in active warfare, having to kill people, seeing your friends die, there is nothing "romantic" about that
My grandfather told me before he died that his years in the navy were "the best damn time of his life". I've talked to guys in the marines and army who begged me not to enlist because "it's not what it used to be". That it's totally different from what it was like even a decade ago.
I feel conflicted.
I really want to, but it's going to be hell getting back in shape to do it.
I have no idea what that means.
oh my fuck does it suck, do not feel bad in any way shape or form unless you're some queer that thinks militaries shouldn't exist or something
>Wanting to go to war
Fucking why?
>tfw too old and too many responsibilities to go off and play soldier
if i were single and childless i would do it in a heartbeat
You used to be able to drink beer at work, and now you can't. There's some pc bullshit slowly creeping in at the fringes, but it's still very much conservative.
Wow, you're such a patriot. What a manly man.
>Chris Kyle RIP
>I played Call of Duty Ghosts and I wanna join the military
>*chugs a monster energy*
Totally extreme guys, extreme to the max.
> mfw autists think serving in the militaryâ„¢ is some sort of manly, romantic and honorable duty.
You go and die for oil, money, or lands. fucking retards kek.
I think it would have better if I had been born earlier and actually had the chance to go overseas. But all my family members that have been in the military have all said the military has been shit since the cold war ended.
>Got to do 8000+ rounds of full auto for free at least
>But got shin splints
I'm not pretending to know what the military is like. I'm just repeating what I've been told by people who served. Of course a guy who quit in 2009 because he couldn't take the direction things were headed will have a bias.
I know those feels user, I even went to try and sign up for army reserves, but they said I lived too far from any of the bases. I told them I didn't mind the driving but they said I was immediately disqualified because they had to reimburse for km traveled and they are cheap as fuck.
Though you mostly just sit around bases miles away from home. I honestly respect troops in the sense that they have a shitty fucking job but that's about it.
Why would I want to serve in the military? Am I not allowed to enjoy the job I have now?
It's not even the case that I'm desperate to experience combat.
I just think military training is valuable and probably something that is extremely beneficial to a man.
It's almost a certificate of masculinity, a pass in the great and ancient art of war.
you make some of the best damn friends and you get to be part of an amazing community when you join the military. of course, there are retards at almost every work place, but you make life long connections with people if you stay in long enough. very good for networking, and it gives you amazing career choices afterwords, with skills that can translate and overlap to the civilian side.
>Had the chance to go overseas
Yeah, being in a combat situation seems like such a great time. Jesus Christ, I'm cringing.
>they are cheap as fuck
Nah user. Its not that the individual units are cheap, its just that they have no money and can't afford to pay guys. Our RSM actively encouraged people to stay home on range qualification weekends because they couldn't afford to qualify everyone.
nope. I tried to join US Army in 2000, but they were all like "no way dude, you're not Army material."
then three years later they were all "We'll take you now, still interested?" and I was all "Nope, I smoke crack now and DGAF"
>Being this insecure about your masculinity that you have to take part in some sort of Spartan power fantasy to confirm you have a cock to yourself
That sounds retarded. Just go to the gym and get fit. Earn your 'certificate of masculinity' in your free time
>Yeah, being in a combat situation seems like such a great time.
It does actually. Thats why I joined and I left because that wasn't going to happen.
I'm actually not insecure in my masculinity. It's just one of those things I'd have loved to have experienced and will never know what it's like.
Kind of what it must be like not going to college, but for different reasons.
the way to was described to me was that you basically have to live with your co-workers. So you might have a great friend, or everyone is a cunt that you barely tolerate
You could be sitting at CQ like a fuckhead right now wasting your day away browsing Sup Forums
That's what I'm currently doing
>Dude just like Call of Duty xD
It was fun. Not really any diffrent than being a civilian until you deploy but the deployments kinda blow what with arabs and all.
I guess so, seems like too much of a time sink to actually do it just because. It's probably why you didn't.
Pulling a trigger and dying for the kikes is not manly. Get into farming or something
That's funny I was reading something two days ago that went something like
"A man will always curse himself for not being a soldier or going to sea"
For those who are in the current military, the values are lost, apparently it was a lot more tolerable prior 1992
Bureaucracy and inefficiency are 2 words to describe its current state.
What happened to the armed forces cadets?
Are they still a thing?
>Get into farming or something
Sure I'll go farm my plot of land right now.
Not financially feasible.
Yes, good goy, let your government send you overseas to do Israel's bidding.
War is the last great adventure for white males.
Everything else has either already been discovered, explored or denied to us.
I would like to think if I was alive in the 30s I would "like" to have volunteered for the Spanish Republicans, though obviously it would be hell and would probably fuck me up for the rest of my life.
Yeah but at the same time I see some fucked up veterans.
Dying in battle for my people is one thing but being a limbless burned up crippled victim for the sake of globalist jews is just something I didn't want to chance no matter how Alpha I would be due to the training.
Served 6 years, it was shit
You're far better off getting an education
Nope. I'm really glad I didn't go camp in the desert to play Xbox and masturbate all day.
Yes. =/
>tfw best friend from college will be going into the marines once he graduates this year
I'm scared for him man
Men that have been in combat have a certain aura of respect that people give them because of what you don't know what they experienced. It's something that I wish I had.
It's something that starkly separates you from other men. It's a "mysterious" kind of personality trait. Women like it.
a little bit. i was so close to signing up. but then colorblindness. i went from having nearly every option of MOS open to me to about....6 shitty ones. so i opted out.
why would you volunteer to fight for a soviet puppet government
>volunteering for commies
No, I don't care to die for Jews. Get a gun and be ready to take up arms for your country when it really matters.
War being a "romantic" concept is just propaganda by world leaders/business magnates who have profitable reasons for war.
Nope. But I do feel conflicted about youngsters not being disciplined enough, but I'm not sure if it's military discipline they lack.
Not unless there's a reason to fight, and there hasn't been for 70 years.
I think this all the time.
I'm a cook and I do weight training. Can bench 2pl8. I feel like I should be serving my country as a military cook on a boat somewhere, or be in the shit making edible food out of trash for my brothers.
I'm kind of stuck in the civilian life though. Got a decent job, a nice house, a girlfriend that loves me. Leaving it all behind is just too rash a decision no matter how good of a soldier I think I'd be.
why is it too late? i'm finishing uni this year and joining the navy next year, keen as fuck man i already got accepted and that. i'll be 22 when i join.
oh wow. people actually live in greenland?
Yes. You guys have military bases here, too. Up in Thule and at some point further down south. The only military related are the Royal Danish Navy
how's the scenery up there in not so greenland?
Earn enough to pay more in tax than your per capita share of the government budget (and specifically the part that is the military budget) and help grow the GDP so they can increase the military budget. This is part of the way most should fulfill their mutual defense responsibilities. Money pays for their gear and training and to keep them alive to pass on what they learned in combat.
Tell your buddies to shoot you in the head if you lose your balls.
Sup Forums never learns. Soldiers are the biggest cucks. They go overseas and Tyrone cucks their girlfriends and i laugh. They get cucked by zionists, banks, oil companies, and their own commanders.
>all these replies because they watched Saving Private Ryan once
Why not do something that actually matters? Why be part of a machine that continuously disposes and replaces itself?
>but muh patriotism
>muh nation
>muh prestige
Good luck falling back to these ideals once you realise that you've sold yourself to be a part of a political chess game.
Midnight sun's irritating, but beautiful. You appreciate it knowing from oktober-november on you won't see the sun for a long time and have very short daylight's.
Personally, I prefer scenery from Iceland and Norway tho.
signed for 6 year enlistment
served 2 years in the field, then 10 months in hospital fighting for my life.
This. Soldiers are stupid as fuck
i just wanted to go and kill shitskins.
A part of me wants to be a navy photographer sailing t he seas and taking pics that make the navy look like bamfs
Soldiers are fucking dumb
the majority of soldiers are as bright as a sack of bricks, yes.
No, our military is corrupt as fuck, shit tier and more backwards than the North Korean army. At least they have cool shit like tanks and submarines.
Why the fuck would you want to go give your life for a country that sold out your future? Are you fucking retarded?
If there was a war that endangered home soil and my family? Yeah absolutely take up arms. To invade someone elses home for a vested interest? Not on your life sunshine
This, it depends entirely on the type of war. Here's hoping we get to save Europe from Germany one last time.
Joining the military would have been cool as a hoplite in Ancient Greece, or as an aristocratic officer during the 18th century. Becoming one of a gorillion faceless grunts getting BTFO a dozen at a time by artillery that you never see coming isn't glorious or honorable.
Yes. I don't belong in society. I often think about taking a French course and joining the FFL.
Good thing I have no discipline and that'll never happen.
>A fucking leaf
I know that feel every fucking day tbqh.
It's almost like I missed a vital part of becoming a man that today's drone operation simulator couldn't give.
>You'll never be on a camping trip to vietnam, slaughtering gooks for the glory of capitalism
Hahaha I don't miss the military
Yea submarines welded by Guzman's farmers. no gracia
I did 4 years, I enlisted because I felt how you do. You're better off just to ignore the feeling. It's not about glory, honor and country like in the old days or even how the military likes to still portray itself to this very day. It's more about being a political tool and not always in the sense you'd think of a soldier traditionally being. We actually had tolerance classes and bullshit some days instead of PT in my last 9 months of service. Military is a joke now.
>wanting to serve jewish bankers
>being this much of a slave to the parasite
I'd feel a lot more empty if my military wasn't filled with women and homosexuals these days.
>Leaf McNowars
>Not wanting to assassinate brown people and get paid to do so
Rest in sour grapes, Jakar
I served as an 11b from 05-10 and I am still here shitposting with you faggots and feel the same
You do know those wars are literally fighting off from invading Israel right? Without the US they would have overrun the kikes long ago.
first front line unit reporting in, i guess it depends on the country
If it wasn't me, someone else would do it.
Again, you get to literally cuck a man out of being alive and breathing air, something men haven't been able to freely do for a good 400 years now.
Not only this, but you get PAID to do so.