The wall just got ten feet lower.
> Trump now at weakest point in the polls since last fall.
> 55% of Americans in latest poll say they will NEVER support Trump.
How will you feel when Trump loses to a woman Sup Forums?
The wall just got ten feet lower.
> Trump now at weakest point in the polls since last fall.
> 55% of Americans in latest poll say they will NEVER support Trump.
How will you feel when Trump loses to a woman Sup Forums?
>not adding in jill stein
>not waiting until after fbi indict her
>Mexican Intellectual
>implying this wasn't a push poll
>before Trump's speech
its like choosing between cancer and aids, you just know that whoever wins the result will be awful
>likely voters
There's your problem. Now estimate in the people who gave up on voting a long time ago who Trump is bringing back
>omg gop look at this! Don't nominate him!
>after fbi indict her
>implying she hasn't bought all of them
>Now estimate in the people who gave up on voting a long time ago who Trump is bringing back
The data says those people don't exist.
Trump's popularity in the primary was built off taking GOP VOTERS who don't vote in the primary, but DO vote in the general, and getting them to vote in the primary. That's how he won. But those people would have voted in the general election anyway.
>most anti-gun billionaire in us
>push-poll pushing anti-gun narrative
Yea, na
>750 people polled
>Population: 300+ million
>what is statistics
Double pairs on the truth.
It's not that we love Trump.
It's more that he loves us.
Juan, you're going to go back either way.
>poll of 750 likely voters weighted based on their self-described party membership status
the media has been shilling overtime against trump since Orlando.
they've blown their load and its still early.
wait until trump goes head to head with hillary in the debates and exposes her as a crooked old wingbat
>750 commifornians polled
Also its under bloomberg politics, a democrat site. This poll isn't helping clinton, its the opposite. It should be dominated by Hillary votes
Won't stop Morning Jew from using it
My primary vote for Trump was the first time I've ever voted. No way to know how many people like me are out there until the election, though.
We still have 4 1/2 months. That's a lot of time for illegal aliens and Muslims to kill Americans, boosting Trump's numbers.
But you don't have to worry about that because Mexicans and Muslims are peaceful people, right?
I can't wait until November. I will be here all day. I will skip classes just to see your posts when Trump looses to Hillary. It will be epic
>But those people would have voted in the general election anyway.
Ya blew it.
Mexico in charge of convincing everyone Trump is down & out.
Go back to cooking then carnitas and buchi ambre!
>this selection bias
People out gary as their choice probably didn't even know who he is and probably won't vote
The poll was taken before Orlando so it discounts half the queer population that's now voting to MAGA.
As long as he
drops the shit with the judge, seriously, this is what caused the drop
talks about how he'll fight islamic terror rather than negatively effecting innocent islamic people
talk about jobs and the economy more
Don't make his campaign about "how bad hillary clinton and obama" is but "how good Trump will be for you, your wallet, and your safety", things will be fine!
The number one reason why he is down was the racist comment against the judge. If he stops that crap (he can still think it) then he'll be pres.
>pollsters make millions from politicians by telling them what popular opinions are so they can adopt them
>Trump comes along and says whatever he wants with no regard for the pollsters
>Trump is more successful than anyone that listens to the pollsters
>pollsters on the verge of becoming irrelevant
>pollsters try to fight back with polls that shine a bad light on Trump
>it doesn't work
These slimy and repulsive people are becoming irrelevant, and oh boy is it beautiful. They will go down kicking and screaming, clawing at everything they can use to try and get an upper hand so they can influence peoples opinions. None of it will work, Trump has won and butthurt pollsters can't change that.
(((Bloomberg politics)))
it will be glorious
Man it really is over for trump. He's going to lose so bad the dems are going to sweep the house and senate too.
There is just no other way this is going to go down.
wow guess I am a #hilldildo now
Fode-te filho da puta, ve se ganhas culhoes!
Your source is from a newspaper that has a Jewish name. Despite similar results being shown in Reuters/IPSOS polling, I'm simply going to disregard your thesis altogether because of implied Jewish influence.
Checkmate. Trump 2016!
Kek. I'm loving this fear from liberals. They really are having trouble coming to terms with the fact that they are now expected to view ISIS as the good guys.
Wow faggots thanks for not checking me. Fucking assholes.
lol. Até parece que ganhas alguma coisa se o Trump ganhar
>people who don't vote in the general election don't exist
I hope to god nobody's paying you for such low quality shilling
>750 voters
Ganho ver conas como tu ficarem butthurt.
Se tivesses 2 dedos de testa vias que o trump tem as medidas economicas que fazem mais sentido.
Mas nao votar no kike de merda ou na puta vadia e que é bom.
The shills are outright lying now to gain traction. They will die horribly by the end of it.
>nobody has checked this fucking get
I'm sorry user
Nice margin of error too. Statistic gymnastics.
Sure, blame it on the media. Blame it on the Jews.
Whatever you do don't blame it on you
Poll was conducted by Anne Seltzer, one of the most respected pollsters in the country and a white woman of 100% Germanic descent.
This is what I love about Trumpfags, they will never acknowledge they are losing and so will never correct or change course. And will not donate any money because Trump convinced them he is a billionaire and "self funding."
He should have focused on la Raza if he was going to bash that anchor baby judge
Bloomberg is propaganda. Anytime Jews do anything it's propaganda.
>debates will happen
E eu vou ganhar a ver conas como tu quado a hillary ganhar. Eu nem quero saber quem ganha ou não, mas a azia do pessoal aqui vai ser epica
>Se tivesses 2 dedos de testa vias que o trump tem as medidas economicas que fazem mais sentido.
Mesmo que isso seja verdade, é para os americanos. Eles que se fodam
Deixa de ser azeiteiro ou Lisboeta
>Mexican opinions
scared you won't be able to escape the the US when the wall is built? or don't want the world laughing at you more than they already do?
>German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for an extractor or seller of salt, from an agent derivative of Middle High German salz, German Salz ‘salt’
It's a followup to another Bloomberg poll done in March and the bigger takeaway should be that Trump gained 1 point and Hillary lost 5. Bloomberg's polls are also outliars because, as pointed out there, Bloomberg had him losing in Super Tuesday. This poll is nothing but the media trying to create a false impression that Trump is on a downward spiral. Don't believe it, it's more jewish smoke and mirrors.
Where were you when Trump got stumped?
>1000 people
also give Trump Gary's 9% giving it taking it to 46/49
satan speaks
This. Too bad they will meme out of this with build wall or mexican intelectualls.
No problem, we will all be here in November when Hillary wins by a landslide
This is another thread with 1 post from OP. Ignore it.
In the trash it goes
We will deport you from Europe to go and build that fucking wall.
Fucking kek. So if this poll is to be believed Gary will get 9% of the vote and 1% of people wil not vote
Get ready for the wall Pedro
>Islamic terrorist kills 50 gays
>gays blame Christian Republicans
>Trump condemns Islamic terror
>media condemns Trump as Islamophobic
>Hillary is going to win in November
>ISIS will not be stopped
Look on the bright side:
>Muslims only kill people in super liberal places: New York, Boston, San Bernardino, Paris, Orlando gay club
>Muslims get BTFO in Texas
>don't live in a liberal area
>get to watch liberals reap what they sow
>posting the photoshopped version
shills out in full force today
Iys all ogre for trump. Trump had the potential to capitalize on this and ride a surge of nationalism and homeland defense and instead he kept being racist and retarded. He could have reassured us and created a bulwork against forces that run coubter to american values and all he did was say BAN ALL MUSLIMS. Its over if trump couldn't spin this present that fell in his lap no event can save him
>Muslim terrorist attack basically proving Trump is right
>Suddenly all polls start saying Trump is going down
Don't believe jewish lies.
Media and, what looks to be the independents, are in full gun control mode and blaming it on guns.
Seem America is too cucked to realize threats.
750 is far too low a sample size
the orlando shooting gave him the perfect distraction to get away from the mexican judge stuff
>tfw people in Boston overwhelmingly despise muslims
feels good desu
>what looks to be the independents
no, you mean liberals, it's always the fucking democrats that are gungrabbing, why the fuck would independents be gun grabbers?
Wait until he destroys her in the debates. She might poop herself.
How can you have 1% of 50 voters?
You sound like a Bernie supporter right now. Trump's trailing in the polls, plain and simple.
>Get a bunch of people from a mostly liberal area
Wtf is he talking about. I can't think of a single context where this makes sense at all.
>not waiting until after fbi indict her
Trumpfags at full Berniebro delusion levels already, huh?
Feeling threatened Pedro?
Do you remember the sweet sweet tears when Romney lost? Trump is going to be at least twice as bad as that, maybe more.
Trump is literally /po/ savior, the second coming lmao.
>Whatever you do don't blame it on you
nobody asked us for our opinion, so it literally was not us
build wall you fucking spic
Wow, thank you. You certainly were quick to :^)
Why would he drop something if hes RIGHT?
Don't bother.
We just want the Mexicans to pay for it.
We will hire good, quality contractors to build wall.
Good, quality, white contractors who wish to make America Great Again.
You can send him to Mexico so that he may admire it once it's complete however, if you wish.
I believe it, but I can't find a source
Please link a source, I find a google docs file and nothing else.
I'll be disapointed but not surprised. I don't think it's as much of a sure thing as you think it is though.
>>Muslims get BTFO in Texas
Wait, what happened.
Some fucking Texan I am.
Though I pretty much never really had a reason to worry about mudslimes, nobody in my area would tolerate that shit.
Buddy you probably were shitting bricks a week ago when Trump was ahead and nervously blaming it on the evil republicans
750 voters
You have to go back Pablo
>750 voters in a presidential election
What a joke
>he still believes polling data reflects reality
>Polling data isn't based on reality
>750 likely voters
1000% kek
US was handing out billions of dollars in cash throughout the war
So you can bet that someone pocketed some of it
It's a guess you fucking dimwit. Polls do not reflect reality because it's a snapshot of a tiny segment of the population at a given time.
>recent polls say eating shit is a good way to lose weight
There, go eat some shit, dumb ass.
Trump is actually the chemo
>June 10-13
>polls with undersampled independents
>make some shit up in your post
>post some bull shit "poll" of 750 "registered voters"
you are factually wrong, moron. read this and weep:
stay mad, dumb shit. you *will* pay for The Wall and you will have ZERO say in the matter.
That poll was released on june 3rd, well before the judges shit.