Playing an a chord by barring 2,3,4 stings?

Alrighty, so, i've been playing guitar for a year.

The way i've always done my A chord is

middle finger on D string, Ring on G string, and pinky on B string

And it's worked fine, but i've recently discovered that i can just barre the three strings with my index and save my self a lot of trouble, especially when switching between barre chords and open chords

My question is: Is this good technique? Or is it frowned upon?

Is 6'3" a gay height or something

It's frowned upon and completely unergonomic, barre the chord

i barre with my middle finger. Works quite well once you get the hang of it. Eventually your fingers will get too big to fit on all 3 strings so most people switch to barreing or barre from the beginning

Oh yes, being over 6’0” is quite gay, but any shorter and you’re a manlet

>playing guitar for a year
>only figured this out now
i call bs

I mean you can but then you run into issues with possibly barring the E string on accident

Which i would normally, but the song i'm learning atm kind of demands the Open A

The chords are: B, A, D, E

1. The open D chord sounds much nicer than the D bar chord on the 5th fret

1.2 Going from the A barre on the 5th fret chord to the D open chord would then be more of a hassle than just going A open to D open

Unless i drop the open D altogether and go for the D barre chord on the 5th fret, in which case, i'm still coming back to the first fret for the Open E

So, prety much, my logic being that there's no reason to venture beyond the second fret for these four chords, both for quality of sound, and simplicity and playing

However, i am open to counter arguments

Never really needed it earlier, but now that i'm getting the hang of barre chords, it makes going from barre chords to open chords makes this kinda easier.

There is literally no reason to do this. Sloppy practice makes for sloppy performance. Not to mention if you can barely play barre chords you probably don't have strumming technique to NOT play the F#.

Best way to do it desu, cuz then you can use your other fingers to form other chords on the fly

It's completely dependent on if you're moving certain fingers to doodle during your chord.

If you're just strumming, bar that shit.

If you're slamming some bass notes and sus chords then finger it like a ho.

This is the dumbest image I've ever seen

It's like some retarded autist took ONE example he knows in real life then made a meme of it thinking it represented some type of common archetype

This stuff reminds me that all that time spent practicing wasnt totally wasted
B, A, D, E dont sound good?
keep playing B, A, D, E
problem solve

Lol that's exactly what happened

>This thread is full of the people that I "discuss" music with on this board

D bar chord at the fifth fret? Do you mean D minor?

They mean if you played a major bar chord on the fifth fret of the A string

If I were to play this I'd play the B bar chord with my pointer and ring fingers only, play the open A with my ring finger barring the three strings above the a string, and mute E with my middle finger. Then I'd easily switch to a fingered out open D and E.

But your not me so idk

t. offended

Less than 6'0'' with a beard makes you a dwarf

We ALL know this specific type of specifically closet gay guy!

They're all TRAITS of a gay guy who girls crush on. You'd understand if you went outside user

Yeah, really specific traits that are probably based on someone who cucked the origninal creator of this meme

What if I'm exactly 6'0"?

if you put a finger on the B string you're gay

Lassos are gay AF

But taller than 6'0" with a beard makes you a fool

Being 6'2"+ is the only way to turn being a twink attractive to girls.

Otherwise just a skinnyfag manlet.

Justin Bieber, Zach Efron, Lil Peep, Zachary Cole, Kurt Kobain, etc. etc. disagree