Was it autism?
Was it autism?
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It was patriotism, check em
Fuck no, Nixon was based
Fail. Check these instead.
Report and sage
Was what autism? Nixon was a decent President. Stop being a faggot.
>its a "1 post by this ID" daily slide thread
He had an enemy list, so probably at least aspergers
>tfw he probably would have been highly revered today had Watergate never happened
I remember President Nixon. Exceptional man.
I think Nixon was just afraid that he was part kike himself, because of his naturally curly hair. Even if he was part Jew, he was BASED af
Fucking report and sage the thread
why does 1 post by OP make a thread bad? I make threads where I don't post again all the time. How is it a "shill" or sage worthy?
Nixon was so redpilled the ZOG members Kissinger and Rumsfeld set him up to get rid of him without going the JFK route.
Probably not. He was pretty god damn unlikeable and impersonnable. There are really only 2 revered post-war presidents: Kennedy and Reagan. I don't see Nixon breaking into that level of popularity when Ike can't even do it.
The left, of course, was out to get him from his first House election, (and especially after the Hiss case), but the American people as a whole were strongly behind him.
This is the electoral map from the 1972 election, 2 years before he resigned.
me nigger, but IQ of 134 so i dont care what you think, I am the dick nigger
It's kind of unfair to use that map without discussing the context of that election. A) McGovern was hilarious incompetent, even beyond that election. B) The country was still reeling from the 1968 shenanigans with the DNC.
Even without watergate, no way the contemporary american public looks at nixon more favorably than Reagan, JFK, Eisenhower. Fuck, you got the public tricked into thinking Carter was anything more than a bumbling peanut farmer from GA, no way leftists let Nixon become popular.
I don't know. Even when he resigned there were a lot of people who still thought he got shafted;
Of course the mystique of reagan didn't start until he was shot.
And don't bring up Carter. I still have flashbacks of those years.