The new push for gun ban has nothing to do with terrorism. And it has nothing to do with guns. It's about disarming white men.

Who do you think owns assault rifles more than any other group? White men. Particularly in suburban and rural areas.

Notice they managed to turn around and ISLAMIC terrorist attack to be about guns? No, they won't ban Islam, but they'll sure ban guns. Why do you think that is? They want us disarmed so they can rape our women and attack us in hordes like they do in Europe. They want us disarmed so they can take over. Think about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Kek says you're onto something here.

I dont think sand niggers have that good forward planning ability

Of course, nice dubs.

You're damned right.
I love how these statist, controlling bastards have flooded social media with anti gun posts immediately after.

Your average shitskin doesn't have to do the thinking. But people like Obama and Hillary know exactly what they're doing.

Nice dubs nigger,

Why cant we just get rid of muslims and this wouldnt have happened


yeah pretty basic math user.kinda first thing i thought after gun wagon started after the shooting.

This is common knowledge mate. They truly are a batch sent from Hell itself.

back to back digits

these people are just anti-white, anti-western civilization, and anti-american

they've tried to pervert our country's foundations to include everyone and that was definitely never the case. they want to enact the same policies that made their 3rd world countries in the first place.

Obama even said in his speech how proud he was of all the "diversity" in our military. these people hate us.

No one has stated it explicitly on Sup Forums that I have seen. We haven't had one thread about it, no mention of who the target demographic is whatsoever.

obviously that's exactly what they want.

they've made their intentions clear, its the most blatantly disgusting propaganda i've ever seen. Jeh Nigger Johnson saying gun control is now a Homeland Security issue, as if that coon can wave a magic wand and take away guns.

How many major media outlets in the last 24 hours have viciously attacked guns and gun owners? It's a highly coordinated attack meant to funnel the public outrage into giving up their rights. the greater the outrage, the greater the media propaganda response.

Libtards are the only ones that cannot see through this garbage. Otherwise they wouldn't be libtards. So a good 1/4 to 1/3 of our population is no longer thinking about Islamic wackjobs but white man's personal security.

It's not about white men as the general narrative.

Libs always use mass shootings to push their anti-gun agenda. The media foams at the mouth though if the perpetrator was white though because then they can push their garbage.

ok let's say white males make up %25 of the population. half of those are probably bernout cucks. so we only have maybe 10% of white men who are right wing and probably only a fraction of that who can even connect the dots.

don't downplay it, we are fucked

>disarming the population
Most of you Americans should already know this. The Left will ally itself with anyone that is against Western Civilisation.

Alex Jones has been saying this for years, but he wasn't exactly sure how it was going to happen. But, year after year it becomes more clear on how they're going to do it.

God damn, even the fuck heads on Fox News are sayin "yeah maybe we gotta"

If a fuckin bill gets introduced, I'm definitely buying guns for my grand children right then. I already have about 20 guns, but, I want to make damn sure I have 2 AKs for each grand kid.

I say this because I think they will ban shit and then have a buyback program or some shit, I don't think a mandatory submission/confiscation tour will happen.

jews trying to slide this

>it's not about white men as the general narrative

Yeah? Who do you think is the target demographic of this ban?

Definitely people that own and use weapons illegally, definitely them



Whatever. Get rolling faggots. Remember to put sage in the option feild.

Ha Ha great meme, Anonymous!

Anyone have that pic of the "Bulldozer," coupled with the Metal Gear jokes?

Inevitable attempt at citizen disarmament inbound:

>"We have to face the fact that meaningful gun control has to be a part of homeland security," Johnson said in an interview on "CBS This Morning."

With that in mind...
Police are not here to protect citizens, according to Washington DC high court.

>that gif
Really makes you think

>1 post by this ID

>hide thread

This one?

Well this thread went off-topic quickly. How many posters here were paid to ensure that would happen?


I wouldn't say they're trying to take away guns.

I would say they're trying to prevent them from being used.


Huh? Are you retarded? Look at my ID and compare it with the OP. I am the OP dumbfuck.

Yeah I know, what the fuck. They even tried to turn it into a roll thread.

delete this