would you rather have a trap son or a coal burning daughter ?
Would you rather have a trap son or a coal burning daughter ?
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Latter. The former can only be fixed with fire.
Trap son
>tfw coalburning trap son
You can solve either issue with murder.
trap son
Trap son. The coalburner is good for absolutely nothing and will eventually shit out a half-nigger while on welfare. A convincing trap could at least suck daddy's dick once in a while.
i'm sure their mother wouldn't approve
Well a trap son is at least useful to me, with all the daddy issues I can fuck his retarded brains out when I want to
who is this semen demon
Maybe in Algeria.
Trap son.
>wanting black grandkids
Trap Son. I could just disown him as opposed to being indirectly responsible for a litter of niglets.
Trap Son
I want my wife's son to be a coal burning trap
Coal burning trap daughter
>trap son
This can be fixed.
>a coal burning daughter
This cannot.
Trap son.
No grandkids is better than halfbreed abomination grandkids.
Trap son/ daughter. I'll love my kid no matter what, but I ain't having no niggers in my house.
It appears we're at odds on this one guys
you americans are sick
Coalburning trap wife's son
she's a turbo qt, too bad her songs are all terrible
Trap son. The hormones make them impotent so they cant breed their degeneracy.
Trap son can't give birth to a half nigger baby.
The coal burners will be burned
The traps will be rehabilitated
Shut up you femboy slut, get back to sucking my dick
am a degenerate so i would probably prefer a trap son and help him feel like a "girl"
Trap Son. The coal burning daughter will have to be ALLAUH AKBAR'd!!!!!!!! Contaminated blood is unforgivable.
The son can be beaten by strangers until he mans up.
In sweden, you can have a trap son who coalburns.
I wouldn't mind a coal burning daughter, as long as she's happy. A trapson on the other hand would be too much for me to handle and I would probably run away from him and his mother.
would legit murder my daughter if she burned coal
the cuck meme is real lads
Probably trap son. I can fix/support him at least. He would still care for me too I imagine. A coalburning daughter? No, at least with the trap son my lineage can continue on with another kid and I don't have to worry about him reproducing. A coalburning daughter shits on my genes, betrays her family, her race, and shits out freak son all while the dindu dad continues to ve a worthless nigger. No thank you
A trap son is fine as long as he marries a reverse trap or tomboy.
Trap son
He can at least go to war or something
If my trap son impregnated a negress, I would get him away from the whore and find him a respectable woman.
If my daughter gets knocked up by a black man, then there's a lychin and an abortion coming up if not full ALLAH AKBAR!
>third column
Too bad she ruined her pristine body with tattoos, also.
Slide thread
Neither, I would disown and never again have contact with either.
Trap son
At least he can still continue the bloodline and attempt to salvage his shamefur dispray by spawning a grandson that isn't as faggy
Coal burning daughters are irredeemable dishonoru and should be disowned
Sup Forums is so understanding!
/polgbt/ is real lads
Oh, that's fucking heartbreaking...