Does Sup Forums approve the rights of homosexual people?

Does Sup Forums approve the rights of homosexual people?

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Please be strong brother. It's easy to be seduced, but it comes at a cost.

>comming from experience

Of course.

You should be free in this life to make mistakes, learn what you wish to learn and indulge how you wish to indulge...


That doesn't discount the very real and actually likely possibility that homosexuality leads to the sin of lustfulness, either through the slippery slope of trying riskier and more mischievous acts (even Milo talks about this), or through the tendency of homosexuals to form a culture or a pride based around their sexual orientation thus defining their personality by it, or even due to the haphazard correlation that homosexuals are more promiscuous and more likely to seek polyamory...


Morality shouldn't be legislated. And even if, there's absolutely nothing to suggest chastity, a virtue, is mutually exclusive with homosexuality. If you always knew you were homosexual and you only ever had one partner (your entire life), then I'd argue exactly none of my criticisms apply to you. You are a chaste homosexual and the only thing that could be wrong with that is if you denied your nature and were a closet homosexual, like (have another empty stereotype) most chaste homosexuals. I'd love to see self nature denying, or nihilism, as a greater sin than breaking any virtue. You must find yourself no matter who you are.

fuck off homo

>look mom, i posted it again!

Quit spamming the board with this ugly-ass shit-tier anime picture just to irritate gay men like myself.


this pic is worse than child empress

I honestly don't give a shit about them. I won't bother trying to stop what they're doing, but i won't give them any support for their movement either.

Since there's not really an argument against it that isn't founded in religious fundamentalism, there's no reason why the state or the government can dictate who you can and can't love, live and let live has always treated me right so I guess I'll stick to it

>child empress
What is that?

Gay rights are a meme, I only care for human rights which encompasses any "gay rights", equal treatment and equal opportunity.

We really should be focusing on how to get rid of Islam or something important like that.

Yes. Every gay has the right to a gas chamber

homos already have rights

Probably around 95% of people couldn't care less. I'm personally just sick of it being crammed down everyone's brains.

Fuck who you want. If you don't want to leave any offspring behind, end your line. It's your choice, but don't get all upset when your parents - who probably wanted grandkids - get upset.

Be gay. Just shut the fuck up about it.

Meh. Just leave me the fuck alone and we're on good terms.

Nice story from the guy who used a proxy to treat us to yet another iteration of the horrid anime shitpost pic bait topic

>What is that?

the Sup Forums version of this pic

"Gay rights" are hurting gays, so no.

sure, as long as they're moral, restrained, pure homos like your stupid weeb pic suggestsd

degenerate faggots who suck 10 dicks on the street in front of everyone during their gay pride parade while having hamsters crawl into their asses should be euthanized and exterminated

You got the wrong dude, dude.

>(((1 post by this ID)))
fuck off and die shill

the hamster thing is a myth invention by a hetero dude

that isn't to say that insane people of all stripes don't exist

the reality is that the credible research found no difference in sanity between hetero and homo men

so insane gay men are no more a reflection on gayness than insane hetero men are a reflection on all heteros

I just fucking hate idiots who think with feelings and not logic.

I've only ever met 1 gay girl who was SJW tier fucking insane. The rest were incredibly neutral with left and right ideals.

Faggots are degenerates, but Sup Forums isn't actively murdering them and doesn't wish it.

There is a lot wrong with them, gay pride parades are fucking atrocious shit for example. The law protecting fairies like some kind of race is also absurd and science stating that homosexuality is genetic is completely horseshit too.

On a personal level, I despise people who 'come out' at work. There is no reason to do so if you are not seeking a relationship with someone on the job or something along those lines UNLESS you are actively seeking a lawsuit. I know of multiple occassions where people came out as gay on the job, deliberately did shit to get fired and sued claiming it was because they were gay instead of being a piece of shit worker. They settled for good amount of cash every single time. It has become so common place it almost seems like a way to earn a living.

Get hired as a fag to meet a quota, do well enough to get through a probation period, intentionally do shit wrong to get fired, sue because your employer hates gays. Niggers do this shit all the time too, but fags are fucking notorious for it.

All in all though, I couldn't give less of a shit what you do with your junk on your downtime, just know that you are not normal and a lot of people don't want to know or talk about your gay shit so keep it to yourself. It is just as crude and disgusting as the people who talk about all the women they fuck. The only people who care about that are also degenerates.



fags can be like that without all this "gay rights" leftist propaganda bullshit.
source: been doing it

Yeah the toilet thing is pretty funny, isn't it?

sage sage

Sure, I support their rights.

But I also think sodomy is immoral; the behavior of most homosexuals is completely self-destructive; and that practicing homosexuals are massive faggots with no brains.

As long as I'm free to think this and say this without having my rights infringed upon, then go ahead you faggots--keep being fags for all I care.

This desu. What Trudeau Sr. said about it goes both ways.
"The nation has no place in the bedroom of the people". But the bedroom doesn't have a place on the streets

You do realise he fucked many young boys when he spent time in London right?

Guy was a faggy mcfag fag faggot.


It is just a pic.

>As long as I'm free to think this and say this without having my rights infringed upon

So it's freedom for you to bash others without consequences to yourself but the others being bashed are not free to live their lives without the consequences from your bashing.

Nice extreme narcissism there.

Reality is that actions have consequences. You aren't free to do anything. You are, instead, bound by reality. In reality, everything you do had consequences. Cause and effect.

What you're demanding is the special privilege of being able to bash gays without retaliation.

fuck off bolshevik


In an ideal society adults could have intercourse with whoever they please. Though there would be far less homosexuals because there wouldn't be a media blitz constantly encouraging and promoting homosexuality.

Go to gulag faggot.

Buffoon-grade statements worthy of Sup Forums

When I was a kid there were precisely two media examples for gay kids like myself:

Martina Navratilova
gay men in bars dancing during AIDS crisis stories

That's how much I got to see from the media growing up, besides anti-gay jokes in movies and such.

I'm a brosexual.

A Straight man who has sex with other straight men. I'm still attracted to women though. I want to have a wife and kids, but until I do will have sex with other men like myself.

No we're not gay. Most of us don't do anal. Personally I find it disgusting. We stay away from the mainstream gay scene, for many reasons(HIV, AIDS, Getting caught with other men out in public). We're not as promiscuous as gay men. Most of our 'broships' last for years and are mainly monogamous. Most of us stop when we find that special girl we like. We dont fall in love with each other. It's just mutual sexual release. I myself love to 69. Bi-sexuality turns me off.

tepid bait

Yeah nah, you're a cunt.

I don't have a problem with non flaming gays. I believe that the state has no reason to control marriage.

You clearly haven't turned on the t.v. since then. Because just about every show on these days promotes LGBT shit in some form or another.

Faggots belong in graves. Such is the way of the world.

Twink butts belong on my cock.
Stay mad commie.

Enjoy AIDs and execution by muslims, faggot westerner.

>EArfags get btfo on the /snk/ thread on Sup Forums
>come to Sup Forums to shitpost
Sasuga, Arminfags.

Agree 100%


I feel like my cold heart has been warmed

>Enjoy AIDs
unlikely even without condoms, my partners are young and healthy
>execution by muslims
this is Italy, not France or Belgium
here if those goatfuckers step out of line they get their shit wrecked

Since Venetian times, thousands of years ago, we've been the first line of defence against Muslim hordes.
They fear us.

Kek, entire towns are being taken over by Somalis on approval of Italian state. You are a bunch of faggots who will all be slaughtered. Too busy fucking men to defend your country, dirty scum.

>Because just about every show on these days promotes LGBT shit in some form or another.

Even if that's true, so what?

I was completely gay despite never seeing anything positive about gay people (until Navratilova became a bit of a role model).

Shitty television is hardly the fault of the existence of gay people.

Homo idiots are considered "heros" for being degenerates and anti-evolutive.. always the victims.

If it floats your boat, sure. It ain't hurting anybody.

Is that what Pravda says in your commie shithole?
Italy has never fallen. We didn't collapse when the Rashidun caliphate invaded, we won't collapse now.
Our strength is unmatched. We will defend our culture until the last breath.

Your culture is already dead, you killed it faggot.

Im fucking tired of seeing degenerate faggots kissing on pol. Report thread

>degenerate faggots

real men kissing is hot

anime crap isn't

>unlikely even without condoms
Holy fuck you faggots are delusional.
Source on the pic is the Center For Disease Control.

syphilis was a huge problem for US troops because they lined up to fuck women coerced into prostitution in Japan

this means that heterosexual males are highly likely to get syphilis from fucking women

Kill yourself.

their rights arent for us to grant. all people are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. that means rights are not granted by the state, or the majority, but inherent. in other words:
we're queer
we're here
deal with it

>does Sup Forums support degeneracy
Of course not. How new are you?

I might consider it if you give me a compellingly authentic demonstration of how one goes about it first.

Some more reading for anyone who is curious or in denial that gays are walking biohazards.

Whats with the influx of faggots right now?

lesbians have the lowest STD rates, considerably lower than hetero males

so hetero males should be ashamed and kill themselves

and they should support mandatory sex changes for male infants, at least the ones that show tendencies toward liking the opposite sex

these "almost lesbians" will definitely be good in terms of the STD rate reduction effort

at least we have enough taste to not think posting lame anime is cool

Sure, they have the same rights as everyone else. Life, liberty and property.

Sup Forums has always had faggots.
degeneracy this and that but "oh I want to suck that feminine cock"


U gay senpai.

you mean it's always had trolls baiting gays?

mods bad this fag please
>does pol support faggotry


>Cumming from experience

>to the sin of lustfulness
Are you one of those people who think fapping and having sexual thoughts about women who aren't your wife are a sin?

Homosexuals are shit.

Traps, however, are the pinnacle of human sexaulity.

>lesbians have the lowest STD rates, considerably lower than hetero males
Also not true.

I'll entertain that even though you're moving the goalpost.
We were talking about hiv among homosexuals not stds among lesbians. You know you can't refute my source so you're just trying to change the subject.

Traps are for faggots who haven't even admitted their homosexuality to themselves.
At least fags admire men for what they are. You're stuck in degenerate limbo.

Homosexuals disgust me. I dont think the government should criminalize it but I also dont think society should accept them within the status quo.

It's not limbo.

I am 100% heterosexual. But I also love boipucci.

Remember, it's not gay if it has a feminine penis.

The poo was so close to being in the loo.

It is true.

It has been well-known for a long time that lesbians, as a whole group, have the lowest STD rates.

The penis is the best conduit for serious STDs and the penis abrading anal tissue is the ultimate.

Two penises and two anuses is obviously going to be more of a risk for serious STDs, as is the male sexual psyche.

You can keep pretending all you like but two vaginas is a lot safer in many respects, not only in terms of STDs but in terms of violence

If you look down on gay men for being men then you have to deal with maleness in general rather than pretend that having twice as many penises and anuses in a pair makes them somehow bad people


this is white men future

Plenty of gays hate the pride shit. I personally have absolutely nothing to do with the "gay community" and I never plan to. Your sexuality doesn't fucking matter and people who make it the center of their identity piss me off.

a gay man would never find that photo even slightly arousing


The "pride shit" is what enabled gay people to stop being arrested by police for sport and having their lives destroyed by newspapers.

>it's not gay if it has a feminine penis.
I know this is a troll but this level of denial makes me furious.

I support LGB rights.

T's are mentally ill faggots.

Not really.

They shouldn't if they value the singular cornerstone of society: male-female marriage.

Having examples of "alternative lifestyles" gives kids wrong ideas. It should be illegal, if we cared about society, but we don't. *shrug*

it's more of a joke since a male feminized to the point of that pic he posted is pretty much a zero in terms of sexiness to an actual gay man

traps, if taken to an extreme like that, might be hot to a bisexual at most, not a gay man

so, it's not denial. It's reality that a "male" like that isn't male enough to be sexy to me at all

>gives kids wrong ideas

Politicians hide behind three things: The flag, the Bible, and children.

— Carlin

Fuck no OP is a fucking faggot.

Liberals can hide behind one thing: Other liberals.

faggots and trap loving wanna be faggots are horrible.

Just call yourself bisexual already...

>it's not gay if it has a feminine penis

