Why do liberals think inanimate objects like guns are violent?
Why do liberals think inanimate objects like guns are violent?
We already outlawed the ownership of blacks, and the problem didn't go away.
holy fuck
Can the next Muslim terrorist just use explosives instead of fucking guns next time please?
What about Assault blacks?
Name one valid reason why you'd need one.
fucking kek
K E K / 10
Animism is the religion of liberals. It assigns human characteristics to inanimate things.
That's why they talk of 'bad neighborhoods' and bad culture being the problem instead of niggers.
Because if they didnt, they would have to acknowledge that their precious dindus and abdulah snackbars are violent savages
My sides...gone
Let me get in the ebin screencap
Simple Freudian psychology. Projection. They don't trust themselves with guns so they don't trust anyone else. You have to realize, leftists are mentally ill. They, just like Communists, are trying to create an "ideal society" aka utopia, and people like that tend to kill people by the millions.
IT WASN'T EVEN THAT FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid frogposter
>t. asspained dindu
Fucking kek
>tfw You will never own a personal militia of N5-assualt niggers
I guess I could always move to Africa
>Jewish shills
Cry more Sup Forumsacks
Start a gang user, it's the closest thing to owning them
Because their ability to reason has been eroded away by public schooling which makes no attempt to hide the fact they're indoctrinating children to be good little toy soldiers for the state.
Then they get into social media and become narcissists, coupled with cognitive dissonance, they believe they're too smart to be brainwashed even though they already have been.
They become adults and reproduce and induct their own children into this mind control apparatus under the guise of normality.
I liked that video by Molyneux.
Nope, just got worse.
Shidd im black and this shit funny