Who's mad 9/11 cucked their whole life?
Who's mad 9/11 cucked their whole life?
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At least I had a good 23 years before 9/11 to enjoy. I can live with being cucked for another 30.
>tfw I was too young to remember much of the world before 9/11
>tfw I'll never be able to travel freely without much care because of it
>tfw thinking about all the shit we could have spent that $2,000,000,000,000 on instead of bombing sand niggers for 15 years
>tfw no PATRIOT act
>tfw no Obama because no liberal backlash against Bush-era Republicanism
>tfw the world could have been Mass Effect by now, but instead it's safe space dystopia
I'm 100% certain that one way or another Trump is going to cuck those bastard back
Patriot Act was completed before 9/11. It would have passed eventually. Hell if it weren't passed before Orlando, it would have been passed after.
>yfw you realize the terrorists won
I'm not mad I'm just disapointed. America died that day. After that everyone became bootlicking faggots or virtue signaling retards.
The pre-9/11 world seemed so nice. We were all so hopeful for the future. Technology was booming, the economy was growing, everything looked so bright.
Then the culmination of all of our petrolium fuckery in the middle east comes and bites us in the ass out of nowhere, and for 15 years the modern world has been plunged into this Orwellian nightmare.
The future looks so dark now. I've given up hope at this point and there doesnt seem to be an end to it.
All I can do is pretend its the year 2000 again and be happy.
>tfw you think that all hope is lost
>tfw you realize there may be a glimmer of light...
>tfw god emperor enters presidential race
>tfw crooked hillary gets btfo
>tfw maybe america can be great again
If Trump loses this election I am probably just gonna kill myself. It's darkest before dawn, but I don't think I can handle another decade of darkness. Probably welcoming us with world war 3 or some shit.
I feel similar. I'm pretty young and this world seems fucked. Just want to live the american dream. Not have to deal with all the bullshit to come. Trump save us
>trump wins
>american civil war 2.0
>alpha males slaughter cucks and other degenerates
>new golden age for america
My grandma died recently and her house was full of nonsense she had accumulated over the years, including like every news/politics magazine ever from the 1990s.
I read through some of them and it was fucking incredible how innocent and optimistic the tone of everything.
It's sad to read now. Reading that shit you would think the world was on the brink of utopia. I seriously found several articles advocating the idea that humanity had defeated war, and the future of conflict was limited to peacekeeping operations like those popular in the mid 90s. They saw no reason ever increasing international cooperation would not further squeeze out conflict.
My fucking sides
I don't think it was all 9/11. 9/11 is just the symptom.
The late 80's - early 90's were the golden age of humanity. Cold War ended, everyone cheered, everything was perfect.
i didn't ask for these feels
but now that they are upon me... is there any way of restoring that kind of hope?
RIP Philip Scott Petti part of the 343
You will never be forgotten.
No it wasn't nice. It seemed to you that way because you were a kid.
Give your life to Jesus.
>>tfw I was too young to remember much of the world before 9/11
Watch the Man Show and Magic's Secrets Finally Revealed if you'd like to know what pre-9/11 was like.
==Never forget the dancing Israelis!==
what are you doing on the 4channels, grandpa?
Thanks for bringing it up. In reality, today I realized that the 9/11 attackers were trying to warn us about Islam. In 2001, Americans were blissfully unaware of the reality of religious war, holy war, jihad. The 9/11 attackers sent us a message in a bottle: the lives of unbelievers are worth less than Muslim lives, in the eyes of jihadis. It is a terrible shock that has taken the American people 15 years to accept as reality. The 9/11 attackers were trying to warn us about our future. They were trying to inoculate us, like giving the entire nation a vaccine against the disease of Islam. Having listened to Hossein Nasr, I now feel that Muslim race laws in the USA, although an apparent violation of equal protection laws, are necessary until Muslim Americans are recognized as members of a terrorist organization, namely Islam itself. On 9/11, Americans got a glimpse of how Muslims view American lives. We paid in blood for this image, but it will remind us that Islam is not a religion but rather a bunch of thugs who are not ashamed of acting like thugs in their own countries as well as foreign nations. So 9/11 revealed Islam. The mechanics are not important. What is important is that the Americans learned the truth about Islam. The truth is the only thing that can save western civilization at this point.
no really though
>he thinks Muslims were responsible for 9/11
Piloting a Boeing aircraft and accurately crashing into buildings is so easy that people who lived in caves of Afghanistan can do it
>people who lived in caves of Afghanistan can do it
except they went to florida to get their pilots license
The Jews did 911 to start the "war on terror" (war on Muslim countries needed by the Jews for Greater Israel) to begin the "Greater Israel" project.
Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East, The Oded Yinon Plan
NWO: Communism by the Backdoor Part 11
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Top Illuminati (Jew) Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” (WW3)
Why Are Jews Always Persecuted?
Jews Banished From Countries 109 Times Since 250AD