We are nearing zero hour - Fast

Very very late last night (early am here in the u.s.) there was a thread with this image running.

The topic was simple, although the content of the thread varied quite a bit. Basically, what the fuck is going on right now in our society? I have a very ominous feeling that something terrible is about to happen, and we are unfortunately in the small minority of people who may have a bit of foresight into what is about to happen.

Let me say this. When have they ever been so bold in our lifetimes? Big names, such as George Soros operating in plain sight now for the past year or so, way fucking different than his usual M.O. of working from the shadows.
As our presidential election draws even nearer, I feel more and more wild things are occurring, but even worse, the reactions of the indoctrinated drones are nonexistent.

Really sit and think to yourself. Why the fuck would Obama tell schools that if they do not allow transgender students access to the bathroom of their choice, he will cut their funding. How in the flying fuck does that even remotely benefit our nation? I don't think any person with a shred of sanity can come up with a logical answer to how this declaration benefits our country.
He also goes on T.V. and openly laughs at us, saying only fools believe in racism or prejudice against whites. This is right out in the open, and I feel like only a few years ago this would be met with deafening criticism. Yet it just isn't there today. Their talons are now fully pierced into every facet of media. Some have seen this happening, caught glimpses of the takeover during previous years, yet were ridiculed as delusional. Even here on Sup Forums, before the shills arrived.

Well now we all know there is no delusion. A complete takeover has taken place. It's 1983 and next year will be 1984. We stand on the prescipice of a terrible event or series of events. Everyone who isn't numbed by their conditioning can feel this.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've felt the same way. Feels like tensions in the world are getting worse every day. I feel something will happen soon.

The quickening
Likely approaching time-wave zero

It's already to late my friend.
Remember this Is all just a ride, try and enjoy it as much as possible while you can.
As for the future, we can only ait back and watch as the cuntil elite and globalist people's take away our freedoms and de-sensitize our culture to perversion and degeneracy, if you resist you will be labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, islamiphobe, Ect. Before it is too late we must all rise up before it is too late.

If you didn't already buy a gun you're beyond fucked

The west has crossed the rubicon. This has all happened before, check out The Fate of Empires by John Glubb. We're well into the age of decadence.

The public isn't as dumb as you think; once they look more deeply into something than its surface level, you will find they are often rational. For every action, a reaction.

In short, jews have been kicked out of nearly every nation they have ever inhabited over the course of 500 years. Even ones like Germany, where they owned and controlled everything. Do you really think it will change this time?

It's already over. Things will continue normally until Russia and China take over. Then we will feel the pain.

I am truly enthralled with their ability to affect the mentality of millions of human beings so rapidly. Only two or three years ago, transgenderism was openly mocked and ridiculed by my peers. Hell, my best friend in high school who used to joke with me about "the damn niggers" currently has his Facebook profile colored in a rainbow for some lgbt shit.

I would be so interested in sitting down with these people who orchestrated this, even for thirty minutes and have them explain to me how they have made perversion the norm, and divided us all against each other.

The blacks, the Muslims, the 2nd amendment far right conservatives, the Mexicans, the lgbt community.... Look at what they've orchestrated.

They have created a perfect storm in such a rapid time. We all stand divided against each other.

Television and the Internet are the most powerful mind manipulation devices ever to grace the planet.

My greatest fear is that their plans will be revealed, and the people simply will be too indoctrinated to care.

Is this OC cause its beautifully written

also does anyone see this thread in the catalog? It isn't appearing there for me

Yes sir

aka total convergence.
And yes.

The fall of the Republic will be met with thunderous applause...

People won't just not care, I think they'll actually welcome their own destruction.

Many people alive today have nothing to live for and when push comes to shove, they'll jump in the fire willingly to end their empty existence.

We are approaching an inevitable horizon, we all know it.

Events are polarizing the world, tensions have been rising for years. All nations know that looming on the horizon is the eventuality of the population cap of the earth driving us all mad, just like in the mouse utopia projects. Nations know that oil has at best a decade or two before it becomes an untenable, rare resource with no clear or immediate replacements, and the world runs on it. We know in the coming years, the troubles with oil will be overshadowed by the need for more basic resources, water most especially. This whole chess game the US is playing is to prepare for the inevitable world shaking events that are to come. But everything is coming to a head much faster.

I think we all feel it. People have harped on global warming for a long time, but that's a distraction to the more immediate problems our generation will surely face.

Dark times are ahead.

Maybe no home.

Maybe no computer.

This. Maybe some of you neets don't talk to many normies but they are not the complete media zombies we sometimes think they are. Nobody even watches tv anymore.

Just today my lefty roommate was begging for redpills on all of this stuff because of the pleddit drama. Most people are still pretty rational (anyone over 25 say.)

Didn't mean to sage. Counter bump.

t. schizophrenia

The conspiracies are all completely 100% real. I use to rationalize them away but they're here now. The sad thing is that transhumanism is at the heart of this and it's an "inevitability" in the sense that the ideas are technologically possible but it's a choice they will force us to accept. Sad thing is I've spent the last years totally miserable and depressed watching this all happen.

Yes, because Orwell was warning us about equality and inclusivity.

God you are a fucking dipshit. Perfect example of our failed educational system.

I feel it too, even in myself.

One name OP: George W. Bush

He swung the pendulum one direction. It stopped. It's been swinging downward in the opposite direction ever since.

There's your bump.

I'm not religious by any means, but I've become a bit interested in end-times scripture of the bible.

During the end times, it is said that God will punish the earth with his wrath in a variety of ways. I have often thought "If God would do,such a thing to good people, that is not a god I would like to have." But honestly I have come to truly think differently.

Honestly we would be deserving of his wrath. For being so fucking ignorant of what is going on in the wonderful earth he provided for us. For allowing truly evil people to enslave us. And we gave up our freedoms and humanity willingly.

Not all of us, but increasingly more and more. And for those of us who "resist"... Do we really? If God is real, and this paradise we call earth was his gift for us, are we really doing our best each and every day to shelter our brother from evil?

>Not Fahrenheit

as we march to our doom any warning are met with cries of racism and misogyny, bigotry, and hate, for today is the day that truth succumbs to feelings, that disagreement becomes hate. The only ones who could enslave us are ourselves, they've managed to turn the average normie into a virtue signaling zombie who does what they are commanded

buying one tomorrow - is it really too late?

>too indoctrinated to care
too well fed to care

..yeah because the west isn't sitting on a huge fiat currency bubble while its people turn to welfare programs and jobs leave for cheaper shores or anything.

Even if the Brexit doesn't happen, the EU will almost certainly dissolve. Ask yourself what happens then, when millions of immigrants who refuse to integrate are suddenly cut off from welfare because their host nations can no longer support it?

Shut up you fucking kike. This is in part about the death of all human action and subjugation under the AI and transhumanism regime that is being funded by the trillions of dollars in black ops. It has NOTHING to do with "equality".

>equality and inclusivity.

see how they doublespeak in tongues.

Honestly. I'm seeing shit ton of antisemitism all over the net in places I couldn't believe.

Just look at how much Reddit has changed recently?

I'm not even personally antisemitic. Buts it's seriously spread like crazy.

i agree. high as fuck and feeling schizo reading this thread so just trolling.


you've done double plus good comrade, have a shekel

Earth is so fucked now, ending us with a nuke ten times the radius of the Tsar Bomba would be a mercy killing

Good men who gave their lives so that we might live life in freedom on gods given earth are now referred to as "racist bigots" by those above us. Even Wikipedia edits their articles, effectively changing history to portray this.

everything will be fine once the wall is built

>too well fed to care

10,000,000 times this

>too well fed to care

Exactly this. I don't understand why it's not talked about more on here.

Fucking child...

Thia shit has been in motion since the Kennedy assassination. Johnson was followed by Nixon, whose cabinet included young Dick Cheney and Donnie Rumsfeld.

All you silly faggots and your left/right, my team vs your team bullshit... It's really fucking pathetic.

Your choices in this game don't matter because they don't exist.

bump, also good OC

forgot the captcha...

i'm being watched :x

Look up the mice experiment called "the beautiful ones"

My theory is that civilizations are the ebb and flow of life for humanity at least. As technology grows civilizations last slightly longer. As society evolves around the technology, human nature changes. Think about it. You have a majority of people acting out against a false malevolence in the form of whites. Though to a pandering soft nature it is mirror opposite. When one group added to the mix doesn't add up to a dominant culture, the culture will whither as a whole.

We are on the paradigm of technology, the one thing that remodels society. But technology (for lack of better words) is being stifled by a select few. Many technologies are not being made because there is no money in something with near perpetual energy. Thus society has stunted itself. When something is stunted, nature dictates that is lives or dies. We are dying as a species. The right people with the reigns have created a malicious maelstrom of Armageddon proportions. One collapse is all it takes now. Humans will only be more violent from here on out. There is no backpedaling in evolution, there is simply building over what already exists. I wish I could tell you all who I am or what I know but I can't. I will tell you to prepare to save your families at any cost, if you had no motivation before for yourself, take a step forward for the people who have yet to need you. In a year's time I suspect this website or maybe even Sup Forums will be gone. You can screencast this for future validation. Either way we are all on borrowed time.

I've also had the same feeling; the feeling that things are coming to a head. In North America we have the rise of politicians like Donald Trump, in Europe we're seeing the rise of nationalist parties and movements, and campaigns like Brexit. However, I thoroughly disagree with the notion that most people are just misguided, ignorant fools who believe whatever their TV tells them. Look at Donald Trump and Brexit; they're making unprecedented headway in spite of massive, well funded, well organized campaigns against them (I'm seriously dumbfounded by Trump; he has both left and right wing media outlets unloading everything they have at him and it barely slows him down). I believe this is because, at the end of the day, people want to do right by their neighbors, families, parishes, communities, etc, above all else, not the citizens of distant, hostile nations, and they see these politicians and campaigns as the best way of doing that. That's something no amount of programming can undo. So yeah, their talons are pierced into every facet of the media, and yes they exert a staggering amount of influence over much of the public, but at the end of the day I still believe all is not lost.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory."


we are the beautiful ones

>social media
>self absorption

mouse utopia day 600 is tomorrow

There's two possibility:
1. It's an end game of a long chess match (though it may look like a poker), and soon NWO will take over the world, making us all slaves.
2. American Empire nearing its end, and they can't do nothing about, just running scared trying to prevent it by any means.
One possibility is likely than the other.

Yup, I feel the same way.

Things always get worse before they can get better. I'm sure the next couple of years are going to be hell, but things will improve someday.

I think about it all the time, but I doubt I get to see the "end" in my life time. There will never be an end, there's always going to be a struggle.

>Thia shit has been in motion since the Kennedy assassination

truth tho

Assuming you aren't a troll. Why not just say fuck it and reveal something of substance to us. There are people in this thread right now. Scared people. Good god fearing people.

We have been kept in the dark for so long, forced to try and draw our own conclusions as to what is happening to our way of life...

You headed down below?

D.I.A.? Los Alamos?

I'm trying for Papago myself.

All aboard the ark.

I think you are right

You know, seventy-six years ago Europe had fallen, and Britain stood alone with no allies nearby, anticipating invasion. For the UK it looked like there was a very real chance that they would fall for real - invasion, massacres, everything - in the near future.

I'm not posting this about whose side you're on, it's about giving up. Things have seemed a lot darker for peoples before this.

There's lots of reasons for hope too. The internet is a wild card - we can talk to each other over top of their garbage. Redpilling is going on everywhere - even as it nears its peak people are rolling their eyes at the SJW nonsense. Sup Forums is just one facet - get out there and talk to people. It's in the Zeitgeist too, but people are still to afraid to speak openly. Encourage them.

Why do you think Trump has been doing so well? He's saying what they're all thinking. Nearly half of the fucking population.


This thread really isn't helping my depression

I think so as well but I don't think it's evidence of a particular conspiracy. It feels like when as a kid you are playing with legos or other building toys and you get tired of what you've built and decide to tear everything down and start over. It feels like that's the emotion that we're collectively feeling. Like whatever everybody's doing now is no longer fun for us.

Maybe part of it is that our current path leads nowhere. The liberal globalist view isn't promising us any exciting or heroic future, just a world of slightly more pleasure and less pain for the average human. At least the old leftists promised a literal utopia. The old sci-fi writers were often leftists and their visions were at least transformative and something worth pursuing. The visionaries of today, not really leftists, but the tech visionaries like Elon Musk or whatever, are promoting some idea that is simply ridiculous and not even desirable to a normal human being. More like a Reddit nerd's dream, is all that futurism can offer.

Whatever it is, things are accelerating. History is full of crises and with speed of events accelerating as they have, the most unlikely thing would be for the world not to be turned upside down or destroyed during our lifetimes.

>I wish I could tell you who I am and what I know, but I can't

Can you give me a hint? I won't tell anyone.

good post leaf

Isn't it great we have the option to turn the tv off? Or close your web browser?

If you can't handle the weight then go skateboard or something.

People don't give a fuck about rights. All they care about is feelings and comfort. The systems have been subverted and held together by (((someone))) only so they can control when it collapses (Order out of Chais). The best thing we can hope for is the PoL to pull us through. Right now we are simply planting the seeds, and they're trying to accelerate the chaos before WE seize back our nations (IE Trump, Brexit). There are forces that we've collectively cultivated none of us can fully understand. Call me crazy but I know some of you will know what I'm talking about.


>Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.

>the 44th President of the United States will be the last US president

>Europe will be transformed into an Islamic caliphate and the transformation will be complete in the year 2043

>Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world in 2076.

>There will be a war on Mars in 3005

I'm legitimately scared senpai.

Maybe it's just because all of this Orlando shit and the anti-gun owner backlash has had me stressed out today.

>Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world in 2076.
>There will be a war on Mars in 3005
Well, at least our civilization will live another 100-100 years.

Ia ia Cthulhu fhtagn

The truth no longer matters.

All that matters is hate, pain, rage, and despair.

>100-1000 years

Who's playing "left vs. right" you stupid faggot? I hated Bush Jr. with a passion. Never did I imagine we'd have a more incompetent president, until Narrack Hussein Obama came to be president.

16 years of reckless, abhorrent presidency does wonders for one's mental instability.

>russian philosophy

lots of sliding going on, much to the surprise of no one. Please bump and contribute

so basically Baba Vanga says Star Trek will really happen

>world war
>communist utopia where everyone is a neet and there's food replicators, endless energy etc
>we all into space

Sounds good to me

>literally the last post in that thread

I'm not as big on Glubb's because of the buzzword of decadence and because a lot of empires lasted long with an air of decadence - Rome's decadence began in the 1st century BC and they fell in the 5th century AD - one could even contend after a rebound away from such ramshackle decadence. And it's such a lazy and vague condemnation. Hesoid was whining about being born in the wrong generation and the generation of decadence back in the 7th century BC. Decadence is a symptom, not a cause.

I'm partial more to the concept of Asabiyya or social/ethnic/national solidarity by Ibn Khaldun. He also goes into the boogeyman of decadence and his whole "barbarian outliers invading and replacing the current dynasty" are not applicable but the core notion of a people decaying rapidly once their solidarity dissolves is very apt.

>As they establish themselves at the center of their empire, they become increasingly lax, less coordinated, disciplined and watchful, and more concerned with maintaining their new power and lifestyle at the centre of the empire—i.e, their internal cohesion and ties to the original peripheral group, the `asabiyya, dissolves into factionalism and individualism, diminishing their capacity as a political unit.

Whereas you can find empires falling without 'decadence', without fail you will find every single state that declined having a crisis of solidarity and factional sectarianism. It doesn't mean they fell into anarchy but does mean they fell into impotency, irrelevance, inaction and disuninited bickering - the Anglo-French after WW2, the Russians after the fall of Communism prior to Putin. One could even contend the EU is witnessing the same with the solidarity post WW2 fracturing and breaking apart. And for the united states?

>They have created a perfect storm in such a rapid time. We all stand divided against each other.

Dark days may still be ahead. Remember the Path of Light you glorious faggots.

"In the fourteenth century, the weakening empire of Byzantium was threatened, and indeed dominated, by the Ottoman Turks. The situation was so serious that one would have expected every subject of Byzantium to abandon his personal interests and to stand with his compatriots in a last desperate attempt to save the country. The reverse occurred. The Byzantines spent the last fifty years of their history in fighting one another in repeated civil wars, until the Ottomans moved in and administered the coup de grâce."

Even with the Internet, there are those who will never listen to reason. This has all happened before.

I just hope I get to go out in some blaze of glory fighting for what is right. I don't want to be beheaded by a Muslim for my parents to watch in an orange tracksuit.

What do we do about it?

I'm pretty sure the crusades actually smelled horrible

God is objective truth, don't get too caught up in words. What is right is right. What is is.

yeah war usually doesn't smell good

She made a lot of predictions in the past few years which fell flat on their face.


That author is advocating on behalf of Baba and tries to apologize for the gross false predictions.

Chem attack by Muslims in 2013
Radioactive showers in the Northern Hemisphere - unless Fukushima had a lot more animal/plant death in the North it's false.
>WW3 starts in 2010 and ends in 2014
>Europe is empty in 2016
>2014 has shitloads of people with skin disease
>WW3 is started with the murder of 4 heads of states prior to 2011.

>timewave zero

>not a combination of the two

Hayzoos Christo

Every voice of reason in this day and age is drowned out by the millions of others, and only the celebrities are essentially paid any sort of attention to. Truth has taken a backseat to noise.

What unsettles me is the complete refusal of liberals to realize that we have an enemy in Islam and it's ideologies, as a western and civilized country. People talk about how we've destabilized their regions, but now we're being destabilized by ourselves, and our unwillingness to recognize a threat. People think forces of evil aren't prominent, anymore. Only guns are.

They're afraid of hell.

no, traps and neets are the beautiful ones.
feminists are the mice

we're the ones that get murdered

Shit man, this is the type of stuff I love to see on Sup Forums. Im not too good at articulating my thoughts, and I dont live in America, but this is still interesting.
God speed burgerbros

I have a very ominous feeling that something terrible is about to happen

100% this - we are absolutely fucked, and now it's simply a matter of survival, because devastating conflict is doubtlessly on the immediate horizon. It will be cataclysmic in ways we haven't seen in several generations. That's awful enough, but what's even more surreal is the reaction of "normies". It's incomprehensible how utterly brainwashed they are. Entirely ignorant, and almost taking delight in their own annihilation. It's like watching a doomsday cult happily walk to their slaughters, like it'll be some kind of cleansing or divine experience. Like the Jonestown massacre on a continental scale. BOTH continents, even!

We are in the midsts of collapse and the war has started, and we're surrounded by people who don't even understand that violence exists - let alone that'll cement their own obliteration. It's so painfully obvious that this is looming. In fact, it's already being initiated.

I don't know what else to say, guys... I strongly believe that we're within 18 months of a major paradigm shift. I'm not one to believe in doomsday predictions. This is not supernatural paranoia. This is merely observed through repetition. Every major conflict throughout the ages had foreshadowing conditions and events. All we need to do is look up "war", and find examples from every century going back indefinitely. It's not esoteric knowledge - it's not paranormal. It's the most basic type of pattern recognition and a rudimentary understanding of the causes of past conflicts.

I'm worried that we've fucked this up so severely, there may be no walking away from this fight. The west has been killing itself for many decades. One could even trace this back to the aftermath of WW1, if you want to dig deep. But at the very least, we've been led down a path to slaughter for the past several decades. In the past fifteen years, it's been picking up steam. Now we've reached a core meltdown stage.

For centuries you had to dig deep into the shadows to find a very real, very secret world whose goings-on had a profound effect on what happened in plain sight. Either that, or you had to be invited. We're entering into a frightening age where both worlds are bleeding together, and you no longer have to look quite as hard to find the things that used to be well-concealed. If you don't believe in "conspiracy theories" or certain other /x/-tier shit, I really don't know how you're going to process some of what we're about to see.

That's not even what's really frightening about all of it. What's really going to scare you is the thought that if all of the things you've mentioned are now common knowledge, is it because a light's been shone on more of what's there, or is it because there's now more, newer horrors concealed in the shadows? I used to genuinely enjoy this. Now I just don't want to play anymore.

I dunno man, I feel like this thread and those which preceded it last night actually managed to put into words a lot of the fears I have about the state of affairs we're in today, especially the term 'precariat', which I had never heard of since the last thread

It is less a conspiracy and more of a reactionary push from either side of the political spectrum. The world needs to go slightly right to avoid a period of chaos. The pendulum must swing or the whole clock will break.

right wing nutjob the post.
Sorry that you didn't get your version of events. Love how you bitch about soros, but won't bat an eye towards the koch bros.
Or any other lobbyist group that supports your "side".
Here's what happened, no conspiracy theorist bullshit required.
This country took a long, hard look at your worldview, and said no. In response, you and yours collectively lowered the bar on everything you could. You infiltrated school boards across the country, you made it impossible for non christians to serve openly in our government, you taxed us to near poverty, and you still want more.
Realize that you are most of the shit heads who are making your life harder. It's not the fucking trannys going to the bathroom, or the gays getting married. Get the fuck over yourself.

2016 is the prep, 2017 is the overt start. Knew a guy in Bergen once that I quite liked.

Shit has been getting weird since 2007, exponentially so after 2012. I have no idea what's causing it, but I also think something will happen soon. The frightening thing is that I have no idea which direction it will come from. Everything everywhere is upside down.

Why does it have to be like this? Why does everyone have to get so agitated? Why can't we calm down?

I cant but believe that Europe will receive the worst of the shockwave.

High population densities, all-powerful 1984-like governments, 10% of population muslim, no free speech, no gun rights, taxes high as fuck, social indoctrination (if you criticize islam you are racist).

The people here are so soft and spoiled, they wont know what hit them. And those who react will be total psychos.

Muslims are become bolder, leftist antifas are becoming bolder, everyone is getting more extreme and the middle ground is no more

What is a man to do?

It's the Jew going in for the kill. They're slowly replacing us with Africans and Arabs. They're also rewriting our history. Battlefield 1 and We Wuz Kangz is only the beginning.

In 100 years nobody will know a white race has ever existed on this planet.

>acting like Soros and the Koch brothers don't have more in common with eachother than the common peasants like ourselves
>blathering on about right red team / left blue team shit

jidf shill pls go

"We" are deserving of his wrath?
We were just born. A moment ago, as far as history is concerned. Why should millions of ignorant lives, who had an absurd life imposed upon them without a choice (so far as I know) bear the brunt of a punishment from a Creator supposedly earned and guided by their predecessors?
Doesn't add up. Something even fishier is going on.
I wonder if human emotion is being harvested as energy, and all this fuckery is a change in standard operating procedure by the managers..

I think the problem is the West has gotten soft from not having wars on their soil. When was the last time the U.S had a REAL full out war on U.S soil? Civil War? All these problems are just rumblings from far off lands to most Americans that they hear about on their commute to work. Most Western Europeans aside from a few crusts old enough to remember WWII have also grown up thinking "Being shot at? Here? Haha that will never happen, I'm safe"

People will refuse to change our current course until the enemy has the knife to their throat and it's too late.

>Why can't we calm down?
Our country is under attack from the inside. We're fighting a cultural war where the other side has masses of braindead lemmings that follow whatever they want. Think whatever they want. They have moved up the timescale, and are pushing things forward at a faster rate -- so the lemmings follow.

I think this is very true. Especially of us here in the US, we don't mind starting wars because they don't directly affect us. It's been long enough since WW2 that most of europe is equally complacent now as well.


Even Trump is a plant

I agree 100%, and here's my further take on things.

Do do any action while "hidden" requires a substantial amount of additional energy. For example, board a train. (Dumb example I know).

To openly board the train, all I need to do is buy my ticket and climb aboard. Hell I can even converse with a stranger or two if I wanted to.

>Now try this: board a train, but you cannot be seen by anyone while doing this.

Well this is a great deal more difficult. You would need to thoroughly plan this out. Map out the surrounding areas, take note of what time of day is most conveinent, scout for cameras or other abnormalities..... Etc. this option is much more difficult.

The people pulling our strings have been doing everything "secretly" until now. It must have become very tiresome and troublesome. I'm sure they have thought amongst themselves. "We could sure as shit get much more work done if we didn't have to conceal our every action".

Well recently, they aren't even concealing their actions any longer. That's why things are happening at a quicker pace. They have estimated that their grip over us is now tight enough that the need for secrecy is over.

I am terrified that this estimation is correct.