The meme is dead, bury it

Can all of you edgelords quit "hating" on TFA?
It's legit not a bad movie. In fact I enjoyed it a lot.
Seeing it on opening night was A RELENTLESS FUCKING EXPERIENCE.

>Rey's cute
>Kylo's cool
>Lightsabers are fucking cool
>CGI is cool
>It's a fucking Star Wars movie how often do you get to see those you fuckwit?
>Hell the OST isn't half bad

Sure it has quips and gimmicks (muh who talks first) but it's expected out of a movie targeted to children.

A solid 7.5/10 purely as a movie - 9/10 seeing it on opening night.

>>Rey's cute
FAS is cute?
>Kylo's cool
only hes voice
>>Lightsabers are fucking cool
>CGI is cool
not i this movie
>It's a fucking Star Wars movie

Its pretty mediocre actually.

Its crap on a stick and rey isnt cute. Not acting isnt cute. You are fucking embarrassing.

TFA is a good movie, but it has black people in it, and several SJWs seem to have enjoyed it. So we hate it, because TFA can take it. It is not the hero we desserve, but a dark jedi knight.


It was shit though

>it's a fucking star wars movie
>it's a fucking 2016

Good, keep pushing it my boy.

Could change the names and could easily defend the prequels the same way.
>>>Padme's cute
>>Obiwan's cool
>>Lightsabers are fucking cool
>>CGI is cool
>>It's a fucking Star Wars movie how often do you get to see those you fuckwit?
>>Hell the OST isn't half bad

Your points are surface level at best and completely unrelated at worst. Shit bait.

/teevee/ in a nutshell
contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
>hurr it was shit durr
>Sup Forums is for hating and shitposting
Why are ypu even here if your'e not able to enjoy flicks anymore, just end this suffering and kill yourself you waste of skin

>rey manface has no personality
>kylo's a fag
>lightsaber design turned gay and sounds fucked with
>cgi is shit and lazy (see: gollum in star wars)
>it's a fucking star wars movie and now we get one every year you fuckwit
>the ost isn't memorable at all for the first time, and is actually poorly implemented throughout the whole film basically
fuck off


Nah bruh, I saw episode 4 at the movies, this is an sjw rehash & a waste of time

>i can't enjoy my life anymore and i want to kill myself: the post
do it faggot

Explain how any of that is "for the sake of it"?


actually no
>padme is legit beautiful
>obiwan is fucking baller, but anakin is the most badass jedi and skilled fighter we've seen despite his childish behavior
>lightsabers are actually fucking cool
>cgi is actually fucking cool (see: every movie that came afterwards)
>for real, we only get a star wars movie every 3 years and george saw each triology as a decade-long commitment
>no shit the ost isn't half bad, they are iconic melodies, and the new ones are masterpieces as well which serve to carry the emotions of the movie

>i'm a pleb

>Lightsabers are fucking cool.

Starwars fanboys in a nutshell.

it's 6/10 movie, nothing offensibly bad

also rogue one is wayyyyyy better. I'm fucking angry that Edwards isn't directing next episodes

It wasn't dreadful, but it was derivative, full of plot holes and poorly characterised. 6/10 at best

I liked it, but Rey's Mary Sue-ness and Death Star 2.0 are a lot harder to ignore after the hype of release.


Imagine being so shit you actually enjoy glib facsimiles haha

Don't you mean Death Star 3.0?



>>Kylo's cool
Yeah, if you're into school shooters.

>>Hell the OST isn't half bad
No, trust me. Its fucking bad. Just listen to Empire or Sith's soundtrack. Even Clones had a more memorable soundtrack than TFA. Rogue One's is on par with TFA though.

>1 disney token has been deposited into your account

It's a cheap and obvious nostalgia baiting movie that only works to remind people of "le good ole days of Star Wars" without doing anything new or actually trying. Cheap rehash

Also the rathtars cgi sucks and harrison ford hasn't cared about acting since the 90s and it shows

You're right OP. It was hella f*cking epic!

A decade from now they're gonna redo/rehash the prequels in some shape or form and you're gonna all praise the TFA for at least being a a movie that kept things going forward.


>A decade from now they're gonna redo/rehash the prequels in some shape or form
I am a prequel fan here and I would absolutely love to see Disney's version of the prequels because they are the best stories in Star Wars so bring it on please

My favorite thing about Sup Forums is when people try to tell me girls like Rey are ugly, as if ANY of you will score anything anywhere CLOSE to that. You're literally going to die alone.

God your taste is fucking horrible and this post reeks of reddit. TFA was a 6/10 for a random sci fi film and 4/10 for a starwars one.

>TFA was a 6/10 for a random sci fi film and 4/10 for a starwars one.
Perfectly said. Rogue One was better in every way. Gareth knows how to direct and how to tell a good story (yes his Godzilla was rocky and not that good but he is learning as a director).

JJ is not learning as a director at all. He just makes the same old action flicks over and over. Although MI:3 was decent.

The OST is actually better than Rouge One's, I think.

>The OST is actually better than Rouge One's, I think.
Not at all. TFA only had Rey's theme. Rogue One had a great Jyn theme and a great emotional ending theme.

But both films for sure need better OSTs.

It's not a bad movie, but it is a bad star wars.

It totally fed on a rewritten script and a new Mary Sue 'lead' that apparently knows more about the force than force users, despite her lack of training and understanding.

Only character I think had any substance was the black dude who seemed to be a normal dude thrown into a crazy spot

Rey was disgusting mary sue with one of the most horrendous "I'm acting" faces I've ever seen
Kylo ren was alright
Black dude was alright, and could at least fucking emote
Oscar Isaac was fucking wasted
The story is unironically a beat-for-beat rehash of the first movie
Character designs are fucking atrocious except for a few standout characters that get split-second cameos
No invention whatsoever in terms of space tech or visuals, they're all copy-pasted planets we've already scene
>It's a BIGGER deathstar!
Snoke was kinda neat
Probably John Williams' worst score and the absolute weakest star wars score by far. There is no debating this.
The cinematography is at times bland and at other times horrible, using entirely recycled shots from New Hope.
R2D2 and C3PO have absolutely no purposes in the movie and are shoehorned in to milk nostalgiabucks from manchildren

TFA was as much of a soulless corporate product as the fucking Transformers movies, but at least they have a visual style. But you autist manchildren will go out to see them no matter how bad because "MEMBER STAR WARS?" you're just as bad as Capeshitfags going out to see a new one every few months when they're the same bland shit each time. Because of your money feeding Disney you are going to get one of these uninventive board-approved advertising-produced shitstains every single year for the next five years at least.

>>Rey's cute
What the fuck does this have to do with the movie?

What's Sup Forums consensus on the OSTs, anyway?
For me it's

>and a new Mary Sue 'lead' that apparently knows more about the force than force users, despite her lack of training and understanding.
Never in the whole film does she know anything about the force. No idea where you are getting this from.

FUCK OOPS I was in a Rogue One thread and thought you were referring to Jyn here


No doubt the Luke V Vader song in Episode 6 is a 10/10 but as a whole, Return of the Jedi's score is weak compared to Attack of the Clones which had far more tunes.

nah see it's bad for one very good reason I've found and that is that sometimes characters in the film do and say things that are illogical

to me each character should have to have dialogue and be shown making choices based on the interactions between the characters around them, in a way that makes sense and is natural

often though, characters make strange choices simply because the action needs to happen without a good in universe reason

so yeah it's an okay movie



>why do you have to remind me

Your idea of a 'relentless' experience is watching a childrens movie, something you fully realize


fuck off, it was mediocre at best and totally uninspired. no original ideas at all, it was manufactured by focus groups and corporate executives. after seeing it in theaters I will no longer be paying Disney any money for anything Star Wars


>this is what passes for film criticism on Sup Forums

You should be embarrassed to have written that OP.

It's just Sup Forums edgelords hating on it.

The same kind of people that think SC is a bad movie.


That was so fucking bad I actually gained a little sympathy for Jew Jew. The movie was still trash but if that was the material he had to work with there wasn't much left for him to ruin

If you watch only the Kylo Ren scenes in order on youtube, the movie becomes watchable

Rogue One is for prequelfag plebs

TFA is for true OT patricians

nice incredibly generic comments. you sound like every person that pretended to like something to be accepted.