California is now the world's 6th largest economy.

Is Sup Forums ever right about anything? You call it commiefornia but it's the best at capitalism in the United States which is the best country at capitalism?

Who can stop us?


Other urls found in this thread:


>1 post by this id

>Who can stop us?


is this a funny joke i'm missing out on?


The entire state needs to drop off straight into the abyss along with Jew York right behind it

>he hates capitalism so much that he wants the strongest economy to fall into the ocean

fuck off pinko


Fuk of cunt. We're doing fine

user apparently things IDs are permanent like screen names, which he is used to on his home site, Reddit.


persistent IDs were done away with a few weeks after IDs were introduced to this board. i don't get if this is a trolling attempt to look like plebbitors, or if it's an ironic joke.


Strongest economy bc of Silicon Valley and all the millionaires that move there and pay taxes, additionally thanks to the Chinese for buying up real estate you have even more taxable resources.

What happens when the tech bubble bursts again and people leave the state? Just another Mexican shithole like Arizona I'd expect.

Yep. It's the sunshine tax effect. Conservatives are right to point out that California does not have the best businesses-friendly laws and regulations, but people put up with it because our weather is awesome and our geography is beautiful. So California's strong economy is in many ways in spite of its business climate, not because of it. Shitty states can lower taxes all they want but no one wants to live in corn/tornado country.

Yeah and the place is full of kikes, Communists, hippies and washed up retards.

It's still Commiefornia.

t. SD/OC fag

die, nigger.

Compare total population to prison population. Each prisoner makes money for private prisons.

Compare total population to the amount of homeless.

Compare total population to violent crime. Specifically in cities with the highest gdp.

Remove the tech sector earnings to determine how diversified it's gdp is in case of a tech bubble. (It has happened.)

Do all that and I'll agree with you. Show your work.

who /661/ up in here?

post em up faggets

bakersfield niggas

It's a bubble economy, and unsustainable. I've worked in tech in SF for the past ten years, there are a couple main reasons why this is:

1. Gimmicky tech companies trying to capitalize on trends, who don't follow any sustainable business practices (re: Startup culture). Most fail but inject investor cash from around the U.S. anyway into California. Sometimes, this model works. Then their products are no longer cool. We're now seeing the results of the SF tech scene as a whole becoming undesirable. Look to the Gulf coast for the next wave.

2. State government meanwhile purposefully sets up red tape to maximize tax income and minimize spending (SF and LA both collected over $5b last year, they spent around 800m combined) and encourage these tech companies. Why so many liberals in California? Because they like welfare programs and love putting friends in charge of them who are bad at balancing the books. It's for the personal profit of those involved, at all levels. Size of the economy means nothing if it's largely a racket.

Based on porn, Hollywood, and almonds. California's economy doesn't produce anything. Still negative on H2O because you're too retarded to build reservoirs.
>Live in desert
>No plan to deal with drought

Report and sage shill threads

>calling me a nigger
>go back to xbox live

>le massage the statistics my way man
stay salty, faggot

661 here I'm in Santa Clarita

We remained in the top 8 after the last bubble. It's not that big of a deal.

>California's economy doesn't produce anything.
other than most of the country's produce. all our movies, our tech, a good amount of our alcohol.

909 here, the Inland Empire is for Trump.

I made a fair enough claim for evidence.

Not an argument.

>half a trillion in debt.
>Dude Weed Lmao
>La Raza

Just leave the union and fuck off. We'll be less cucked for it.

No, you asked for a refactoring of the statistics.

>half a trillion in debt
Look, someone actually proved he's an oldfag by spouting a 10 year old meme.

you're right. you have no argument.

california rules!!

California has a fuckton of the U.S. population, it's not like we're going to drop behind West Virginia in terms of GDP anytime soon, or likely ever. But when the ball drops next we'd be lucky to be in the top 15.

He just wants us to not count all the money we can't count and then he'll prove we're actually poorer than Kansas.

>le doomsayer man
If you honestly think that anything coming down the road is worse than 1999+2008 then you should be living in a cabin in the woods in Siberia.


If California is so great, why are so many Californians leaving?

t. Californian preparing to leave

858 master race here.

if you make good money it's paradise

Kansas checking in

No. No you are not

Suck it you faggot- they call us commiefornia because of the shitty gun laws and how our government regulates everything they fucking can until you need a God-Damn lawbook to work in any industry and the taxes are sky fucking high yet our school test scores are some of the lowest in the nation.

The rest of the country doesn't want commiefornians moving to their states because of how retarded the jews running this place are. We are, for all intents and purposes, the Sweden of America.

This describes Commiefornia in one picture

And yet we are state that has the most R&D from the defense companies, sea ports that control the flow of Goods in to the country, a massive farming industry, and the entertainment empire

Tell me again how it's just the Silicon Valley that brings in cash

>moved to other states in the south
why the fuck would anyone here do that

Get hit by a car

Are people constantly bitching about your state?

Do 38 million+ people live there?

Is it one of the largest economies in the world?

Does it contribute more federally than any other state although uneducated retards seem to think it receives federal aid?

Does it influence the world through internet, movies, and other media?

Is it home to half the list of top world Universities?

Unless you live in CA the answer is no, and you live in some flyover cornfield state that you will never get out of.

Your pride is cute though, "go nearby college football team!"

That wall can't come soon enough.

Cheap land? Californians have a penchant for tract housing.

As fucked as this place gets, I probably will stay just because the rest of the country will hate me because of the shit our Marxist overlords did here. They'll never trust me because of those hooknosed bastards.

I did. I'd like to assume you refuse because it would expose inherent flaws in the sustainability of its gdp.

I haven't looked up any of this information. I'm just making assumptions based on what I recall about the state's finances.

>38 million+ people

This is worse than the slave owners adding 3/5ths onto everything.

>One of the biggest states with one of the biggest populations in America has a higher GDP than other states
That's great and all, but you fucks can't even control the cost of living there and are driving everyone out.

The worst part is that a lot of the people who move out keep voting democrat.

Rather, it would be fair to compare it to other states or countries, adjusted for the things I listed.

It's a pretty logical way of looking at it. For "tech sector" you can replace it with the largest industry that has been majorly effected by market volatility in the past, such as the tech sector did and does.

your own cuckoldry will stop you


drought is based on precipitation. It shows how retarded you are if you can't understand a simple natural phenomenon

Moved to Denmark, everything below the redwoods fucking sucks.


How much of its economy is based on federal government spending?

suppose I just enjoy my LA suburb more than most

Why Denmark?

I suppose places that don't get enough rain all have to die of thirst because people can't do anything about how much water they have. Right?