Was this shot made to punish Tara's actress for getting pregnant and not losing the weight?

Was this shot made to punish Tara's actress for getting pregnant and not losing the weight?

It seemed unnecessary.

>when your SJW principles take precedence over how a person might actually look in an apocalyptic, dystopian world

2 down....

No it was to get rid of inconsequential non-character.

Question: Did she do the voice acting for Veronica in Fallout NV?

>all those fat shaming negan jokes in such a SJW-supported shitshow
>killing off the fat chick randomly as a cruel joke
>Tara being humiliated by having her own episode - the worst in the series - being about nothing but her running around and getting out of breath just so high test viewers would enjoy her bouncing preggo titties
>also the reveal that rick's is raising shane's daughter, while negan is raising rick's son
is scott gimple secretly /one of us/

i fucking hate fat people

>Josh McDermitt, who plays Eugene on the show, called out these bullies during an interview with Huffington Post. Once the topic of Alanna's handling of the trolls was addressed, McDermitt had some thoughts.

>“People are talking trash about her appearance, and it’s like, screw you. I’m going to bully you into stop bullying. That’s what I feel like we need to do. I don’t know how this is gonna work, but we have to stop bullying each other and calling people out for their appearance. People need to chill the F out with the crap that they’re putting on the internet. It’s very disturbing because we are people, everyone. And I’m not talking about actors. I’m talking about anyone on the internet. I mean, I just read something on CNN the other day where a teenage girl committed suicide who was cyber bullied. This is bullshit. This should never happen.”

I'm talking specifically about the way the shot in the OP was framed to highlight that Tara was just as fat as Olivia, it has nothing to do with story or characters

It seemed like the director did it intentionally

yeah, they shot it like this half a year ago in response to social-media-bullshit from two weeks ago, you fucking moron.

>and it’s like, screw you.
>38 years old

there were different characters? I thought she must have survived or something

>I’m going to bully you into stop bullying. That’s what I feel like we need to do. I don’t know how this is gonna work, but we have to stop bullying each other

literally mentally ill

He was doing an interview. You could argue he was trying to keep his language clean because of it.

golem get ye gone

I'm not talking about the media's response at all. Do you seriously think the people working on the show wouldn't be aware of the structural integrity of the story, it's timeline, and characters?

I don't care that the actress gained weight or got pregnant, but I can see why the people behind the scenes might be miffed. There's a reason pregnancies are often written into television shows.

Just googled it, Felicia Day.

still reads like a 10 year old's rant about mean things in the world


One of my favorite Fallout characters.


all she does is make snarky remarks and complain about the brotherhood


I apologize. She sounds similar.

Last season they tried to hide her weight gain by mostly only showing her from the chest up but I guess this season they realized that she isn't going to lose the weight so they just said fuck it and made her do embarrassing things. The solo episode where her fatass is running through the woods with her fat tits flopping was great comedy.

>Trust nobody, not even yourself

Now now user, do you really hate them or just dislike them and are repulsed by them? You should reserve hatred for peopoe that have personally harmed you.

Blonde was the doctor, brunette was the person in charge of stock and supplies.

Well they made her a massive dyke that has to flaunt it and tell everyone that every episode so her getting preggo in the show would have been hard to explain.


I thought like 20-25lbs was all the weight you were actually suggested to gain during pregnancy?

It's like some crazy small amount of calories added to your TDEE for the first several months.

>fat shaming
>cuck shaming
>strong white male dominance
When did TWD become kino?

No need to apologise I didn't know either and had to google it. My disgust was for Felicia Day, she does sound similar.

>It's an adult's have to say words like fuck and goddamn
I'll be 38 in February and I don't talk like a sailor. Certain words have powers. When you use words like that, you hit something in regular peoples brains that at the least make people lose respect for you. It also makes people mad.
If you use the word fuck in a normal conversation, you're probably dumb as a rock.

Probably bullied into suicide by a bunch of Russian hackers.

>nods head respectfully

Are you Will Smith?

Like nigga close your eyes haha

It depends on the baby, sometimes they suck the life out of you so much that you actually lose weight and need to compensate, but other times (this isn't generally a good sign) the baby may utterly wreck your metabolism and cause you to gain weight at like 20x the rate you're used to.

From what I've heard by the pregnant/formerly pregnant women I know, you want the former option, you want to feel energized and happy and have reactions to food that might make you sick, and the baby is better off being born slightly premature than overcooked.


fugging kek

>Was this shot made to punish Tara's actress for getting pregnant and not losing the weight?
How is it punishment?



studies show that smart people swear more

>not even yourself