Reminder that Lana Del Rey is a dumb cunt who like to steal people's material

Reminder that Lana Del Rey is a dumb cunt who like to steal people's material.

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Reminder that Radiohead are capitalist pigs who want to make money out of a Lana del Rey song

Seems like a clever cunt thing to do, desu. Especially stealing from established thieves, kinda robin hood like.

>stealing from thieves

tfw Radiohead becomes the new Rolling Stones

This lawsuit is just fucking weird. If Lana ripped off Creep, there's a 100% chance that it was a producer that ripped the chord progression, not Lana. Radiohead refuses to play Creep because they hate the song so I don't understand why they suddenly care. I think Lana Del Rey is a talentless hack and I think it's funny that she's being sued, but Radiohead are being dicks heads on this one. They need to back down.

Thom is a cunt

then what makes these cunts.

Radiohead is fucking trash.

oops wrong pic

Do you people live in a fucking fantasy world?

Definitely Thom Yorke was listening to Lana Del Rey one day (as if a man with this would just be casually listening to a Lana Del Rey album one day, and decide to sue her for a song that sounds like the song he's tried to get away from for about 20 years.

There are some seriously warped logical filters going on here.

Except they do play Creep live now. You can find a lot of recent live videos of them playing it.


Why don't you explain what happened then, smarty boyo?

Why don't you work it out for yourself?

Beggars Group label, distributed and campaigned for by ADA, PIAS, Hostess, etc etc.

massive legal divisions, would jump at the chance to catch a fish like this, Martin Mills (founder of Beggars Group) even testified against the Universal Music Group/EMI merger that Polydor are on, and Polydor just so happens to be Lana's label

who used to be Radiohead's label? Parlophone, subdivision of EMI

plagiarist stealing plagiarists

Radiohead have like 5 songs (including Creep), at least, that sound like those from other artists. they more than anyone should know how things work - that pop music doesn't exist in a vacuum and that certain sounds and patterns will eventually overlap

the fact that they can't even have a slight bit of empathy and feel the need of doing such a petty thing is just pathetic for a band like them, that is both financially and critically succesful

these are the guys that the media and their delusional fans love to declare anti-capitalists, saviors of music, and whatever else.

>implying radiohead has any original ideas

now you must give us her name, lad

>Capitalist pigs
lmao @ ur life

explain how they aren't

>I have no idea what record companies are
>Surely the band that hates music industry media and prefers to stay low-key is trying to persecute this poor mainstream pop artist

>i-it's not radiohead i swear!
then they are very stupid for not denying it. if that's the case, why would they willingy take the blame for something they haven't done?

what is the lana del rey song in question?

Reminder that the jewish lawmakers are pitting us against eachother and that you can't trademark chord progressions.

its just a bunch of lawyers bickering, i bet radiohead themselves do not have a big part in this

>thieves stealing from thieves

Reminder that I made a bunch of threads about this when the album first dropped and none of you cared.

sauce lad

why would anyone care it's not like it mattered, unlike now


Reminder I don't care and BOUGHT all of her albums and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>my lana a plagiarist? never!

>my radiohead a bunch of money grubbing cunts? absurd!

>gabidalism badd D;;

you can't just drop a plate of fries in our faces without some sauce my friend


most accurate thing ive read on this

By rights shouldn't it be the Hollies that are suing Lana Del Rey since Radiohead already admitted they stole it from them to begin with?

lmao i'm laffin, fag. now you're short $100 and she's 0.0000001% richer and still doesn't know you exist

that's not the point. the point is the hypocrisy in that the band championed as anti-capitalism are the kind of group that get into petty lawsuit drama

serious question tho, will Radiohead win the lawsuit and how much will the fine be

Grandpa Hollies get sloppy 2nds


>Copyright laws

>Intellectual property
>Not capitalist

Not only is it capitalist, it's a uniquely capitalist innovation that didn't really exist before capitalism emerged as an economic system.

this. it's just a bunch if ameritards who's understanding of politics and economics is wrapped up into a one dimensional dicatomy

Go and hug a tree

>Superiority complex yuropoors
>Understanding politics and economics

Go read a book.

Intellectiual property can not exist without government intervention in the market. If I were too write a song that sounds like Creep in a free market there would be nothing stopping me, since the government can not use force to intervene in the market.

Why read when you can listen? Keep up.

Capitalism and markets cannot exist without a government. Property itself necessitates the use of force in order to be asserted and maintained as a concept, it's not a magic god given right, it's made possible by threatening and inflicting violence on anyone who may "infringe" on it.

If there was no government there would be no market at all.

Get Free, the prechorus (i think) shares the melody to Creep's chorus

I'm not an Ancap you retard. I'm simply staing that "intellectual property" isn't capitalist since if the government left the market alone then it couldn't enforce copyright laws.

And I'm saying your analysis is retarded and completely unfounded in reality. It completely falls apart with the observation that markets are only made possible by government force to begin with so it makes zero sense to imagine political economy as a dichotomy between "government" and "free market".

>we're the good english boys who wrote about how life is alienating!
